#!/usr/bin/env ruby module Xampl def Xampl.make(klass, pid=nil) xampl = klass.new xampl.set_the_index(pid) if nil != pid yield(xampl) if block_given? return xampl end module XamplWithoutContent def has_mixed_content false end def children return [] end def before_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.before_visit_without_content(self) end def visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.visit_without_content(self) end def after_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.after_visit_without_content(self) end def test_to_xml(out="", rules=nil) accessed rules = XMLPrinter.new(out) if nil == rules rules.attribute(self) rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, true) return rules.done end def test_to_xml_internal(rules) if rules.persisting && self.persist_required then rules.persist_attribute(self) rules.persisted_element(tag, ns) return end rules.attribute(self) rules.start_element(tag, ns, true) end def <<(other) if (other.respond_to?("append_to")) other.append_to(self) else raise XamplException.new("no content allowed") end return self end def stitch_yaml(depth=0) initialize if 0 < depth && self.persist_required then self.force_load end end end module XamplWithSimpleContent attr_reader :_content def initialize super @_content = nil unless defined? @_content end def has_mixed_content false end def before_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.before_visit_simple_content(self) end def visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.visit_simple_content(self) end def after_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.after_visit_simple_content(self) end def _content=(v) accessed v = v.to_s if (v.kind_of? Symbol) and !Xampl.xampl_extends_symbols v.extend(XamplExtensionsToRubyObjects) unless v.kind_of? Symbol @_content = v changed end alias content _content alias content= _content= def add_content(new_content, tokenise=false) return if nil == new_content accessed if (nil == @_content) then @_content = new_content.to_s @_content.extend(XamplExtensionsToRubyObjects) else @_content << new_content.to_s end FromXML.tokenise_string(@_content, false) if tokenise @_content = nil if 0 == @_content.size changed end def children return [] end def test_to_xml(out="", rules=nil) accessed rules = XMLPrinter.new(out) if nil == rules rules.attribute(self) if (nil == self._content) rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, true) rules.end_root_element(tag, ns, true) else rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, false) rules._content(content) rules.end_root_element(tag, ns, false) end return rules.done end def test_to_xml_internal(rules) if rules.persisting && self.persist_required then rules.persist_attribute(self) rules.persisted_element(tag, ns) return end rules.attribute(self) if (nil == self._content) rules.start_element(tag, ns, true) rules._content(content) rules.end_element(tag, ns, true) else rules.start_element(tag, ns, false) rules._content(content) rules.end_element(tag, ns, false) end end def <<(other) if (other.respond_to?("append_to")) raise XamplException.new("simple content only") else add_content(other) end return self end def stitch_yaml(depth=0) initialize if 0 < depth && self.persist_required then self.force_load end end end module XamplWithDataContent attr_reader :_content def initialize super init_data_content end def has_mixed_content false end def before_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.before_visit_data_content(self) end def visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.visit_data_content(self) end def after_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.after_visit_data_content(self) end def init_data_content @_content = nil if not defined? @_content @children = [] if not defined? @children end def children accessed return @children end def _content=(v) accessed v = v.to_s if (v.kind_of? Symbol) and !Xampl.xampl_extends_symbols v.extend(XamplExtensionsToRubyObjects) unless v.kind_of? Symbol @_content = v changed end alias content _content alias content= _content= def add_content(new_content, tokenise=false) return if nil == new_content accessed if (nil == @_content) then @_content = new_content.to_s @_content.extend(XamplExtensionsToRubyObjects) else @_content << new_content.to_s end FromXML.tokenise_string(@_content, false) if tokenise @_content = nil if 0 == @_content.size changed end def test_to_xml(out="", rules=nil) accessed rules = XMLPrinter.new(out) if nil == rules rules.attribute(self) if (0 == children.length) && (nil == content) rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, true) rules.end_root_element(tag, ns, true) else rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, false) rules._content(content) children.each{ | child | child.test_to_xml_internal(rules) } rules.end_root_element(tag, ns, false) end return rules.done end def test_to_xml_internal(rules) if rules.persisting && self.persist_required then rules.persist_attribute(self) rules.persisted_element(tag, ns) return end rules.attribute(self) if (self.persist_required && self.load_needed) || ((0 == children.length) && (nil == content)) rules.start_element(tag, ns, true) rules.end_element(tag, ns, true) else rules.start_element(tag, ns, false) rules._content(content) children.each{ | child | child.test_to_xml_internal(rules) } rules.end_element(tag, ns, false) end end def <<(other) if (other.respond_to?("append_to")) other.append_to(self) else add_content(other) end return self end def stitch_yaml(depth=0) children_array = @children if defined? @children initialize if 0 < depth && self.persist_required then self.force_load return end @children = [] if children_array then children_array.each{ | child | child.stitch_yaml(1 + depth) if (child.kind_of? XamplObject) self << child } end end end module XamplWithMixedContent def initialize super init_mixed_content end def init_mixed_content @children = [] if not defined? @children end def has_mixed_content true end def before_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.before_visit_mixed_content(self) end def visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.visit_mixed_content(self) end def after_visit_by_element_kind(visitor) visitor.after_visit_mixed_content(self) end def children accessed return @children end def add_content(new_content, tokenise=false) return if nil == new_content accessed new_content = new_content.to_s last_child = @children.last if last_child and (last_child.kind_of? String) then last_child << new_content FromXML.tokenise_string(last_child, false) if tokenise else FromXML.tokenise_string(new_content, false) if tokenise new_content.extend(XamplExtensionsToRubyObjects) @children << new_content unless 0 == new_content.size end changed end def test_to_xml(out="", rules=nil) accessed rules = XMLPrinter.new(out) if nil == rules rules.attribute(self) if (0 == children.length) rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, true) rules.end_root_element(tag, ns, true) else rules.start_root_element(tag, ns, false) rules.now_as_mixed children.each{ | child | if (child.respond_to? "test_to_xml_internal") child.test_to_xml_internal(rules) else rules._content(child) end } rules.now_as_before rules.end_root_element(tag, ns, false) end return rules.done end def test_to_xml_internal(rules) if rules.persisting && self.persist_required then rules.persist_attribute(self) rules.persisted_element(tag, ns) return end rules.attribute(self) if (self.persist_required && self.load_needed) || (0 == children.length) rules.start_element(tag, ns, true) rules.end_element(tag, ns, true) else rules.start_element(tag, ns, false) rules.now_as_mixed children.each{ | child | if (child.respond_to? "test_to_xml_internal") child.test_to_xml_internal(rules) else rules._content(child) end } rules.now_as_before rules.end_element(tag, ns, false) end end def <<(other) if (other.respond_to?("append_to")) other.append_to(self) else add_content(other) end return self end def stitch_yaml(depth=0) children_array = @children initialize if 0 < depth && self.persist_required then self.force_load return end @children = [] children_array.each{ | child | child.stitch_yaml(1 + depth) if (child.kind_of? XamplObject) self << child } end end end