# Rack::Scaffold **Automatically generate RESTful CRUD services** > This project generalizes the webservice auto-generation functionality of [Rack::CoreData](https://github.com/mattt/rack-core-data) with a plugin architecture that can adapt to any data model format. It is currently being actively developed for inclusion in the next release of [Helios](https://github.com/helios-framework/helios) ### Supported Data Models - [Core Data Model](https://github.com/mattt/core_data/) (`.xcdatamodeld`) - [Sequel](https://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel) - [ActiveRecord](https://github.com/rails/rails) ## Usage ### Gemfile ```Ruby source :rubygems gem 'rack-scaffold', require: 'rack/scaffold' gem 'sequel' gem 'core_data' gem 'unicorn' gem 'pg' ``` ### config.ru ```ruby require 'sequel' require 'core_data' require 'rack/scaffold' DB = Sequel.connect(ENV['DATABASE_URL']) run Rack::Scaffold model: './Example.xcdatamodeld', only: [:create, :read] ``` ## Examples An example web API using a Core Data model can be found the `/example` directory. ## Contact Mattt Thompson - http://github.com/mattt - http://twitter.com/mattt - m@mattt.me ## License Rack::Scaffold is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.