## 2.1.0 (2013-09-20) * Locking to resque < 1.25.0 (for now) * Ensuring `Resque.schedule=` sets rather than appends * Process daemonization fixes including stdio redirection and redis client reconnection * Add `#scheduled_at` which returns an array of timestamps at which the specified job is scheduled * Syncing stdout/stderr * Add `#enqueue_delayed` for enqueueing specific delayed jobs immediately * Show server local time in resque-web * Enqueue immediately if job is being enqueued in the past * Using a logger instead of `#puts`, configurable via `LOGFILE`, `VERBOSE`, and `MUTE` environmental variables, as well as being settable via `Resque::Scheduler#logger` * Fixing scheduler template when arrays are passed to rufus-scheduler * Add support for configuring `Resque::Scheduler.poll_sleep_amount` via the `INTERVAL` environmental variable. * Fixed shutdown in ruby 2.0.0 * Removed dependency on `Resque::Helpers` ## 2.0.1 (2013-03-20) * Adding locking to support master failover * Allow custom job classes to be used in `Resque.enqueue_at` * More efficient `#remove_delayed` implementation * Allowing `#enqueue_at` to call `#scheduled` when `Resque.inline` is `true` ## 2.0.0 (2012-05-04) * Add support for Resque.inline configuration (carlosantoniodasilva) * Fixing possible job loss race condition around deleting delayed queues and enqueuing a job 0 seconds in the future. ### 2.0.0.h (2012-03-19) * Adding plugin support with hooks (andreas) ### 2.0.0.f (2011-11-03) * TODO: address race condition with delayed jobs (using redis transactions) * Support `ENV['BACKGROUND']` flag for daemonizing (bernerdschaefer) * Added support for `before_schedule` and `after_schedule` hooks (yaauie) * Added `remove_delayed_job_from_timestamp` to remove delayed jobs from a given timestamp. ### 2.0.0.e (2011-09-16) * Adding `enqueue_at_with_queue`/`enqueue_in_with_queue` support (niralisse) * Adding `Resque::Scheduler.poll_sleep_amount` to allow for configuring the sleep time b/w delayed queue polls. * Add a "Clear Delayed Jobs" button to the Delayed Jobs page (john-griffin) * Fixed pagination issue on the Delayed tab ### 2.0.0.d (2011-04-04) * porting bug fixes from v1.9-stable ### 2.0.0.c * Rake task drop a pid file (sreeix) ### 2.0.0.b * Bug fixes ### 2.0.0.a * Dynamic schedule support (brianjlandau, davidyang) * Now depends on redis >=1.3 ## 1.9.10 (2013-09-19) * Backported `#enqueue_at_with_queue` * Locking to resque < 1.25.0 * Mocha setup compatibility * Ruby 1.8 compatibility in scheduler tab when schedule keys are symbols ## 1.9.9 (2011-03-29) * Compatibility with resque 1.15.0 ## 1.9.8 (???) * Validates delayed jobs prior to insertion into the delayed queue (bogdan) * Rescue exceptions that occur during queuing and log them (dgrijalva) ## 1.9.7 (2010-11-09) * Support for rufus-scheduler "every" syntax (fallwith) * Ability to pass a Time to `handle_delayed_items` for testing/staging (rcarver) ## 1.9.6 (2010-10-08) * Support for custom job classes (like resque-status) (mattetti) ## 1.9.5 (2010-09-09) * Updated scheduler rake task to allow for an alternate setup task to avoid loading the entire stack. (chewbranca) * Fixed sig issue on win32 (#25) ## 1.9.4 (2010-07-29) * Adding ability to remove jobs from delayed queue (joshsz) * Fixing issue #23 (removing .present? reference) ## 1.9.3 (2010-07-07) * Bug fix (#19) ## 1.9.2 (2010-06-16) * Fixing issue with redis gem 2.0.1 and redis server 1.2.6 (dbackeus) ## 1.9.1 (2010-06-04) * Fixing issue with redis server 1.2.6 and redis gem 2.0.1 ## 1.9.0 (2010-06-04) * Adding redis 2.0 support (bpo) ## 1.8.2 (2010-06-04) * Adding queue now functionality to delayed timestamps (daviddoan) ## 1.8.1 (2010-05-19) * Adding rails_env for scheduled jobs to support scoping jobs by RAILS_ENV (gravis). * Fixing ruby 1.8.6 compatibility issue. * Adding gemspec for bundler support. ## 1.8.0 (2010-04-14) * Moving version to match corresponding resque version * Sorting schedule on Scheduler tab * Adding tests for resque-web (gravis) ## 1.0.5 (2010-03-01) * Fixed support for overriding queue from schedule config. * Removed resque-web dependency on loading the job classes for "Queue Now", provided "queue" is specified in the schedule. * The queue is now stored with the job and arguments in the delayed queue so there is no longer a need for the scheduler to load job classes to introspect the queue. ## 1.0.4 (2010-02-26) * Added support for specifying the queue to put the job onto. This allows for you to have one job that can go onto multiple queues and be able to schedule jobs without having to load the job classes. ## 1.0.3 (2010-02-11) * Added support for scheduled jobs with empty crons. This is helpful to have jobs that you don't want on a schedule, but do want to be able to queue by clicking a button. ## 1.0.2 (2010-02-?) * Change Delayed Job tab to display job details if only 1 job exists for a given timestamp ## 1.0.1 (2010-01-?) * Bugfix: delayed jobs close together resulted in a 5 second sleep