# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true # This file generated automatically using rdf vocabulary format from http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap# require 'rdf' module RDF::Vocab # @!parse # # Vocabulary for <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> # # # # Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary # # # # The Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language. # class DOAP < RDF::StrictVocabulary # # GNU Arch source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :ArchRepository # # # BitKeeper source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :BKRepository # # # Bazaar source code branch. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :BazaarBranch # # # CVS source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :CVSRepository # # # darcs source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :DarcsRepository # # # Git source code branch. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :GitBranch # # # Git source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :GitRepository # # # Mercurial source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :HgRepository # # # A project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :Project # # # Source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :Repository # # # Subversion source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :SVNRepository # # # A specification of a system's aspects, technical or otherwise. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :Specification # # # Version information of a project release. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :Version # # # Description of target user base # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :audience # # # URI of a blog related to a project # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :blog # # # Web browser interface to repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :browse # # # A category of project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :category # # # Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05 # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :created # # # Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :description # # # Developer of software for the project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :developer # # # Contributor of documentation to the project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :documenter # # # Project contributor. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :helper # # # URL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :homepage # # # A specification that a project implements. Could be a standard, API or legally defined level of conformance. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :implements # # # ISO language code a project has been translated into # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :language # # # The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed under. E.g. a SPDX reference # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :license # # # Location of a repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :location # # # Maintainer of a project, a project leader. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :maintainer # # # Module name of a Subversion, CVS, BitKeeper or Arch repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :module # # # A name of something. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :name # # # Operating system that a project is limited to. Omit this property if the project is not OS-specific. # # # # Sistema operativo a que o projeto está limitado. Omita esta propriedade se o projeto não é condicionado pelo SO usado. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :os # # # Indicator of software platform (non-OS specific), e.g. Java, Firefox, ECMA CLR # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :platform # # # A project release. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :release # # # Source code repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :repository # # # The project that uses a repository. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :repositoryOf # # # Revision identifier of a software release. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :revision # # # Web page with screenshots of project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :screenshots # # # Short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :shortdesc # # # A tester or other quality control contributor. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :tester # # # Contributor of translations to the project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :translator # # # Vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :vendor # # # URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project. # # @return [RDF::Vocabulary::Term] # attr_reader :wiki # # end DOAP = Class.new(RDF::StrictVocabulary("http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#")) do # Ontology definition ontology :"http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#", "dc11:creator": "Edd Wilder-James".freeze, "dc11:description": "The Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language.".freeze, "dc11:format": "application/rdf+xml".freeze, "dc11:rights": "Copyright © 2004-2018 Edd Dumbill, Edd Wilder-James".freeze, "dc11:title": "Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary".freeze, "foaf:maker": term( "foaf:mbox": "mailto:edd@usefulinc.com".freeze, "foaf:name": "Edd Wilder-James".freeze, type: "foaf:Person".freeze ), "owl:imports": "foaf:".freeze, type: "owl:Ontology".freeze # Class definitions term :ArchRepository, comment: %(GNU Arch source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "GNU Arch repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: ["owl:Class".freeze, "rdfs:Class".freeze] term :BKRepository, comment: %(BitKeeper source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "BitKeeper Repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: ["owl:Class".freeze, "rdfs:Class".freeze] term :BazaarBranch, comment: %(Bazaar source code branch.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Bazaar Branch".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :CVSRepository, comment: %(CVS source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "CVS Repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: ["owl:Class".freeze, "rdfs:Class".freeze] term :DarcsRepository, comment: %(darcs source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "darcs Repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :GitBranch, comment: %(Git source code branch.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Git Branch".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :GitRepository, comment: %(Git source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Git Repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :HgRepository, comment: %(Mercurial source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Mercurial Repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Project, comment: %(A project.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Project".freeze, subClassOf: ["foaf:Project".freeze, "http://xmlns.com/wordnet/1.6/Project".freeze], type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Repository, comment: %(Source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :SVNRepository, comment: %(Subversion source code repository.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Subversion Repository".freeze, subClassOf: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Specification, comment: %(A specification of a system's aspects, technical or otherwise.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Specification".freeze, subClassOf: "rdfs:Resource".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze term :Version, comment: %(Version information of a project release.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Version".freeze, type: "rdfs:Class".freeze # Property definitions property :"anon-root", comment: %(Repository for anonymous access.).freeze, domain: "doap:Repository".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "anonymous root".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :audience, comment: %(Description of target user base).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "audience".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :blog, comment: %(URI of a blog related to a project).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "blog".freeze, range: ["rdfs:Resource".freeze, "sioctypes:Weblog".freeze], type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :browse, comment: %(Web browser interface to repository.).freeze, domain: "doap:Repository".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "browse".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"bug-database", comment: %(Bug tracker for a project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "bug database".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :category, comment: %(A category of project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "category".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :created, comment: %(Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "created".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :description, comment: %(Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "description".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :developer, comment: %(Developer of software for the project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "developer".freeze, range: "foaf:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"developer-forum", comment: %(A forum or community for developers of this project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "developer forum".freeze, range: "sioc:Container".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :documenter, comment: %(Contributor of documentation to the project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "documenter".freeze, range: "foaf:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"download-mirror", comment: %(Mirror of software download web page.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "download mirror".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"download-page", comment: %(Web page from which the project software can be downloaded.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "download page".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"file-release", comment: %(URI of download associated with this release.).freeze, domain: "doap:Version".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "file-release".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :helper, comment: %(Project contributor.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "helper".freeze, range: "foaf:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :homepage, comment: %(URL of a project's homepage, associated with exactly one project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "homepage".freeze, subPropertyOf: "foaf:homepage".freeze, type: ["owl:InverseFunctionalProperty".freeze, "rdf:Property".freeze] property :implements, comment: %(A specification that a project implements. Could be a standard, API or legally defined level of conformance.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "Implements specification".freeze, range: "doap:Specification".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :language, comment: %(ISO language code a project has been translated into).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "language".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :license, comment: %(The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed under. E.g. a SPDX reference).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "license".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :location, comment: %(Location of a repository.).freeze, domain: "doap:Repository".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "repository location".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"mailing-list", comment: %(Mailing list home page or email address.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "mailing list".freeze, range: "sioctypes:MailingList".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :maintainer, comment: %(Maintainer of a project, a project leader.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "maintainer".freeze, range: "foaf:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :module, comment: %(Module name of a Subversion, CVS, BitKeeper or Arch repository.).freeze, domain: term( type: "owl:Class".freeze, unionOf: list("doap:CVSRepository".freeze, "doap:ArchRepository".freeze, "doap:BKRepository".freeze) ), isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "module".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :name, comment: %(A name of something.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "name".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, subPropertyOf: "rdfs:label".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"old-homepage", comment: %(URL of a project's past homepage, associated with exactly one project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "old homepage".freeze, subPropertyOf: "foaf:homepage".freeze, type: ["owl:InverseFunctionalProperty".freeze, "rdf:Property".freeze] property :os, comment: [%(Operating system that a project is limited to. Omit this property if the project is not OS-specific.).freeze, %(Sistema operativo a que o projeto está limitado. Omita esta propriedade se o projeto não é condicionado pelo SO usado.).freeze], domain: ["doap:Project".freeze, "doap:Version".freeze], isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "operating system".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :platform, comment: %(Indicator of software platform \(non-OS specific\), e.g. Java, Firefox, ECMA CLR).freeze, domain: ["doap:Project".freeze, "doap:Version".freeze], isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "platform".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"programming-language", comment: %(Programming language a project is implemented in or intended for use with.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "programming language".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :release, comment: %(A project release.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "release".freeze, range: "doap:Version".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :repository, comment: %(Source code repository.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, inverseOf: "doap:repositoryOf".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "repository".freeze, range: "doap:Repository".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :repositoryOf, comment: %(The project that uses a repository.).freeze, domain: "doap:Repository".freeze, inverseOf: "doap:repository".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "repository of".freeze, range: "doap:Project".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :revision, comment: %(Revision identifier of a software release.).freeze, domain: "doap:Version".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "revision".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :screenshots, comment: %(Web page with screenshots of project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "screenshots".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"service-endpoint", comment: %(The URI of a web service endpoint where software as a service may be accessed).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "service endpoint".freeze, range: "rdfs:Resource".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :shortdesc, comment: %(Short \(8 or 9 words\) plain text description of a project.).freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "short description".freeze, range: "rdfs:Literal".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :"support-forum", comment: %(A forum or community that supports this project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "supporting forum".freeze, range: "sioc:Container".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :tester, comment: %(A tester or other quality control contributor.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "tester".freeze, range: "foaf:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :translator, comment: %(Contributor of translations to the project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "translator".freeze, range: "foaf:Person".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :vendor, comment: %(Vendor organization: commercial, free or otherwise).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "vendor".freeze, range: "foaf:Organization".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze property :wiki, comment: %(URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project.).freeze, domain: "doap:Project".freeze, isDefinedBy: "doap:".freeze, label: "wiki".freeze, range: "sioctypes:Wiki".freeze, type: "rdf:Property".freeze end end