# encoding: UTF-8 # # = net/ntlm.rb # # An NTLM Authentication Library for Ruby # # This code is a derivative of "dbf2.rb" written by yrock # and Minero Aoki. You can find original code here: # http://jp.rubyist.net/magazine/?0013-CodeReview # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2005,2006 yrock # # This program is free software. # You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of the # Ruby License. # # 2006-02-11 refactored by Minero Aoki # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # All protocol information used to write this code stems from # "The NTLM Authentication Protocol" by Eric Glass. The author # would thank to him for this tremendous work and making it # available on the net. # http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2003 Eric Glass # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this document # for any purpose and without any fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice and this list of # conditions appear in all copies. # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # The author also looked Mozilla-Firefox-1.0.7 source code, # namely, security/manager/ssl/src/nsNTLMAuthModule.cpp and # Jonathan Bastien-Filiatrault's libntlm-ruby. # "http://x2a.org/websvn/filedetails.php? # repname=libntlm-ruby&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fntlm.rb&sc=1" # The latter has a minor bug in its separate_keys function. # The third key has to begin from the 14th character of the # input string instead of 13th:) #-- # $Id: ntlm.rb,v 1.1 2006/10/05 01:36:52 koheik Exp $ #++ require 'base64' require 'openssl' require 'openssl/digest' require 'socket' module Net module NTLM # @private module VERSION MAJOR = 0 MINOR = 3 TINY = 4 STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY].join('.') end SSP_SIGN = "NTLMSSP\0" BLOB_SIGN = 0x00000101 LM_MAGIC = "KGS!@\#$%" TIME_OFFSET = 11644473600 MAX64 = 0xffffffffffffffff FLAGS = { :UNICODE => 0x00000001, :OEM => 0x00000002, :REQUEST_TARGET => 0x00000004, :MBZ9 => 0x00000008, :SIGN => 0x00000010, :SEAL => 0x00000020, :NEG_DATAGRAM => 0x00000040, :NETWARE => 0x00000100, :NTLM => 0x00000200, :NEG_NT_ONLY => 0x00000400, :MBZ7 => 0x00000800, :DOMAIN_SUPPLIED => 0x00001000, :WORKSTATION_SUPPLIED => 0x00002000, :LOCAL_CALL => 0x00004000, :ALWAYS_SIGN => 0x00008000, :TARGET_TYPE_DOMAIN => 0x00010000, :TARGET_INFO => 0x00800000, :NTLM2_KEY => 0x00080000, :KEY128 => 0x20000000, :KEY56 => 0x80000000 }.freeze FLAG_KEYS = FLAGS.keys.sort{|a, b| FLAGS[a] <=> FLAGS[b] } DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :TYPE1 => FLAGS[:UNICODE] | FLAGS[:OEM] | FLAGS[:REQUEST_TARGET] | FLAGS[:NTLM] | FLAGS[:ALWAYS_SIGN] | FLAGS[:NTLM2_KEY], :TYPE2 => FLAGS[:UNICODE], :TYPE3 => FLAGS[:UNICODE] | FLAGS[:REQUEST_TARGET] | FLAGS[:NTLM] | FLAGS[:ALWAYS_SIGN] | FLAGS[:NTLM2_KEY] } class EncodeUtil if RUBY_VERSION == "1.8.7" require "kconv" # Decode a UTF16 string to a ASCII string # @param [String] str The string to convert def self.decode_utf16le(str) Kconv.kconv(swap16(str), Kconv::ASCII, Kconv::UTF16) end # Encodes a ASCII string to a UTF16 string # @param [String] str The string to convert def self.encode_utf16le(str) swap16(Kconv.kconv(str, Kconv::UTF16, Kconv::ASCII)) end # Taggle the strings endianness between big/little and little/big # @param [String] str The string to swap the endianness on def self.swap16(str) str.unpack("v*").pack("n*") end else # Use native 1.9 string encoding functions # Decode a UTF16 string to a ASCII string # @param [String] str The string to convert def self.decode_utf16le(str) str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::UTF_16LE).force_encoding('UTF-8') end # Encodes a ASCII string to a UTF16 string # @param [String] str The string to convert # @note This implementation may seem stupid but the problem is that UTF16-LE and UTF-8 are incompatiable # encodings. This library uses string contatination to build the packet bytes. The end result is that # you can either marshal the encodings elsewhere of simply know that each time you call encode_utf16le # the function will convert the string bytes to UTF-16LE and note the encoding as UTF-8 so that byte # concatination works seamlessly. def self.encode_utf16le(str) str = str.force_encoding('UTF-8') if [::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT,::Encoding::US_ASCII].include?(str.encoding) str.dup.force_encoding('UTF-8').encode(Encoding::UTF_16LE, Encoding::UTF_8).force_encoding('UTF-8') end end end class << self # Conver the value to a 64-Bit Little Endian Int # @param [String] val The string to convert def pack_int64le(val) [val & 0x00000000ffffffff, val >> 32].pack("V2") end # Builds an array of strings that are 7 characters long # @param [String] str The string to split # @api private def split7(str) s = str.dup until s.empty? (ret ||= []).push s.slice!(0, 7) end ret end # Not sure what this is doing # @param [String] str String to generate keys for # @api private def gen_keys(str) split7(str).map{ |str7| bits = split7(str7.unpack("B*")[0]).inject('')\ {|ret, tkn| ret += tkn + (tkn.gsub('1', '').size % 2).to_s } [bits].pack("B*") } end def apply_des(plain, keys) dec = OpenSSL::Cipher::DES.new keys.map {|k| dec.key = k dec.encrypt.update(plain) } end # Generates a Lan Manager Hash # @param [String] password The password to base the hash on def lm_hash(password) keys = gen_keys password.upcase.ljust(14, "\0") apply_des(LM_MAGIC, keys).join end # Generate a NTLM Hash # @param [String] password The password to base the hash on # @option opt :unicode (false) Unicode encode the password def ntlm_hash(password, opt = {}) pwd = password.dup unless opt[:unicode] pwd = EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(pwd) end OpenSSL::Digest::MD4.digest pwd end # Generate a NTLMv2 Hash # @param [String] user The username # @param [String] password The password # @param [String] target The domain or workstaiton to authenticate to # @option opt :unicode (false) Unicode encode the domain def ntlmv2_hash(user, password, target, opt={}) ntlmhash = ntlm_hash(password, opt) userdomain = (user + target).upcase unless opt[:unicode] userdomain = EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(userdomain) end OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new, ntlmhash, userdomain) end def lm_response(arg) begin hash = arg[:lm_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] rescue raise ArgumentError end chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) keys = gen_keys hash.ljust(21, "\0") apply_des(chal, keys).join end def ntlm_response(arg) hash = arg[:ntlm_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) keys = gen_keys hash.ljust(21, "\0") apply_des(chal, keys).join end def ntlmv2_response(arg, opt = {}) begin key = arg[:ntlmv2_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] ti = arg[:target_info] rescue raise ArgumentError end chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:timestamp] ts = opt[:timestamp] else ts = Time.now.to_i end # epoch -> milsec from Jan 1, 1601 ts = 10000000 * (ts + TIME_OFFSET) blob = Blob.new blob.timestamp = ts blob.challenge = cc blob.target_info = ti bb = blob.serialize OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new, key, chal + bb) + bb end def lmv2_response(arg, opt = {}) key = arg[:ntlmv2_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] chal = NTLM::pack_int64le(chal) if chal.is_a?(Integer) if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new, key, chal + cc) + cc end def ntlm2_session(arg, opt = {}) begin passwd_hash = arg[:ntlm_hash] chal = arg[:challenge] rescue raise ArgumentError end if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) keys = gen_keys passwd_hash.ljust(21, "\0") session_hash = OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.digest(chal + cc).slice(0, 8) response = apply_des(session_hash, keys).join [cc.ljust(24, "\0"), response] end end # base classes for primitives # @private class Field attr_accessor :active, :value def initialize(opts) @value = opts[:value] @active = opts[:active].nil? ? true : opts[:active] end def size @active ? @size : 0 end end class String < Field def initialize(opts) super(opts) @size = opts[:size] end def parse(str, offset=0) if @active and str.size >= offset + @size @value = str[offset, @size] @size else 0 end end def serialize if @active @value else "" end end def value=(val) @value = val @size = @value.nil? ? 0 : @value.size @active = (@size > 0) end end class Int16LE < Field def initialize(opt) super(opt) @size = 2 end def parse(str, offset=0) if @active and str.size >= offset + @size @value = str[offset, @size].unpack("v")[0] @size else 0 end end def serialize [@value].pack("v") end end class Int32LE < Field def initialize(opt) super(opt) @size = 4 end def parse(str, offset=0) if @active and str.size >= offset + @size @value = str.slice(offset, @size).unpack("V")[0] @size else 0 end end def serialize [@value].pack("V") if @active end end class Int64LE < Field def initialize(opt) super(opt) @size = 8 end def parse(str, offset=0) if @active and str.size >= offset + @size d, u = str.slice(offset, @size).unpack("V2") @value = (u * 0x100000000 + d) @size else 0 end end def serialize [@value & 0x00000000ffffffff, @value >> 32].pack("V2") if @active end end # base class of data structure class FieldSet class << FieldSet # @macro string_security_buffer # @method $1 # @method $1= # @return [String] def string(name, opts) add_field(name, String, opts) end # @macro int16le_security_buffer # @method $1 # @method $1= # @return [Int16LE] def int16LE(name, opts) add_field(name, Int16LE, opts) end # @macro int32le_security_buffer # @method $1 # @method $1= # @return [Int32LE] def int32LE(name, opts) add_field(name, Int32LE, opts) end # @macro int64le_security_buffer # @method $1 # @method $1= # @return [Int64] def int64LE(name, opts) add_field(name, Int64LE, opts) end # @macro security_buffer # @method $1 # @method $1= # @return [SecurityBuffer] def security_buffer(name, opts) add_field(name, SecurityBuffer, opts) end def prototypes @proto end def names @proto.map{|n, t, o| n} end def types @proto.map{|n, t, o| t} end def opts @proto.map{|n, t, o| o} end private def add_field(name, type, opts) (@proto ||= []).push [name, type, opts] define_accessor name end def define_accessor(name) module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{name} self['#{name}'].value end def #{name}=(val) self['#{name}'].value = val end End end end def initialize @alist = self.class.prototypes.map{ |n, t, o| [n, t.new(o)] } end def serialize @alist.map{|n, f| f.serialize }.join end def parse(str, offset=0) @alist.inject(offset){|cur, a| cur += a[1].parse(str, cur)} end def size @alist.inject(0){|sum, a| sum += a[1].size} end def [](name) a = @alist.assoc(name.to_s.intern) raise ArgumentError, "no such field: #{name}" unless a a[1] end def []=(name, val) a = @alist.assoc(name.to_s.intern) raise ArgumentError, "no such field: #{name}" unless a a[1] = val end def enable(name) self[name].active = true end def disable(name) self[name].active = false end end class Blob < FieldSet int32LE :blob_signature, {:value => BLOB_SIGN} int32LE :reserved, {:value => 0} int64LE :timestamp, {:value => 0} string :challenge, {:value => "", :size => 8} int32LE :unknown1, {:value => 0} string :target_info, {:value => "", :size => 0} int32LE :unknown2, {:value => 0} end class SecurityBuffer < FieldSet int16LE :length, {:value => 0} int16LE :allocated, {:value => 0} int32LE :offset, {:value => 0} attr_accessor :active def initialize(opts) super() @value = opts[:value] @active = opts[:active].nil? ? true : opts[:active] @size = 8 end def parse(str, offset=0) if @active and str.size >= offset + @size super(str, offset) @value = str[self.offset, self.length] @size else 0 end end def serialize super if @active end def value @value end def value=(val) @value = val self.length = self.allocated = val.size end def data_size @active ? @value.size : 0 end end # @private false class Message < FieldSet class << Message def parse(str) m = Type0.new m.parse(str) case m.type when 1 t = Type1.parse(str) when 2 t = Type2.parse(str) when 3 t = Type3.parse(str) else raise ArgumentError, "unknown type: #{m.type}" end t end def decode64(str) parse(Base64.decode64(str)) end end def has_flag?(flag) (self[:flag].value & FLAGS[flag]) == FLAGS[flag] end def set_flag(flag) self[:flag].value |= FLAGS[flag] end def dump_flags FLAG_KEYS.each{ |k| print(k, "=", flag?(k), "\n") } end def serialize deflag super + security_buffers.map{|n, f| f.value}.join end def encode64 Base64.encode64(serialize).gsub(/\n/, '') end def decode64(str) parse(Base64.decode64(str)) end alias head_size size def data_size security_buffers.inject(0){|sum, a| sum += a[1].data_size} end def size head_size + data_size end def security_buffers @alist.find_all{|n, f| f.instance_of?(SecurityBuffer)} end def deflag security_buffers.inject(head_size){|cur, a| a[1].offset = cur cur += a[1].data_size } end def data_edge security_buffers.map{ |n, f| f.active ? f.offset : size}.min end # sub class definitions class Type0 < Message string :sign, {:size => 8, :value => SSP_SIGN} int32LE :type, {:value => 0} end # @private false class Type1 < Message string :sign, {:size => 8, :value => SSP_SIGN} int32LE :type, {:value => 1} int32LE :flag, {:value => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:TYPE1] } security_buffer :domain, {:value => ""} security_buffer :workstation, {:value => Socket.gethostname } string :padding, {:size => 0, :value => "", :active => false } class << Type1 # Parses a Type 1 Message # @param [String] str A string containing Type 1 data # @return [Type1] The parsed Type 1 message def parse(str) t = new t.parse(str) t end end # @!visibility private def parse(str) super(str) enable(:domain) if has_flag?(:DOMAIN_SUPPLIED) enable(:workstation) if has_flag?(:WORKSTATION_SUPPLIED) super(str) if ( (len = data_edge - head_size) > 0) self.padding = "\0" * len super(str) end end end # @private false class Type2 < Message string :sign, {:size => 8, :value => SSP_SIGN} int32LE :type, {:value => 2} security_buffer :target_name, {:size => 0, :value => ""} int32LE :flag, {:value => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:TYPE2]} int64LE :challenge, {:value => 0} int64LE :context, {:value => 0, :active => false} security_buffer :target_info, {:value => "", :active => false} string :padding, {:size => 0, :value => "", :active => false } class << Type2 # Parse a Type 2 packet # @param [String] str A string containing Type 2 data # @return [Type2] def parse(str) t = new t.parse(str) t end end # @!visibility private def parse(str) super(str) if has_flag?(:TARGET_INFO) enable(:context) enable(:target_info) super(str) end if ( (len = data_edge - head_size) > 0) self.padding = "\0" * len super(str) end end # Generates a Type 3 response based on the Type 2 Information # @return [Type3] # @option arg [String] :username The username to authenticate with # @option arg [String] :password The user's password # @option arg [String] :domain ('') The domain to authenticate to # @option opt [String] :workstation (Socket.gethostname) The name of the calling workstation # @option opt [Boolean] :use_default_target (False) Use the domain supplied by the server in the Type 2 packet # @note An empty :domain option authenticates to the local machine. # @note The :use_default_target has presidence over the :domain option def response(arg, opt = {}) usr = arg[:user] pwd = arg[:password] domain = arg[:domain] ? arg[:domain] : "" if usr.nil? or pwd.nil? raise ArgumentError, "user and password have to be supplied" end if opt[:workstation] ws = opt[:workstation] else ws = Socket.gethostname end if opt[:client_challenge] cc = opt[:client_challenge] else cc = rand(MAX64) end cc = NTLM::pack_int64le(cc) if cc.is_a?(Integer) opt[:client_challenge] = cc if has_flag?(:OEM) and opt[:unicode] usr = NTLM::EncodeUtil.decode_utf16le(usr) pwd = NTLM::EncodeUtil.decode_utf16le(pwd) ws = NTLM::EncodeUtil.decode_utf16le(ws) domain = NTLM::EncodeUtil.decode_utf16le(domain) opt[:unicode] = false end if has_flag?(:UNICODE) and !opt[:unicode] usr = NTLM::EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(usr) pwd = NTLM::EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(pwd) ws = NTLM::EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(ws) domain = NTLM::EncodeUtil.encode_utf16le(domain) opt[:unicode] = true end if opt[:use_default_target] domain = self.target_name end ti = self.target_info chal = self[:challenge].serialize if opt[:ntlmv2] ar = {:ntlmv2_hash => NTLM::ntlmv2_hash(usr, pwd, domain, opt), :challenge => chal, :target_info => ti} lm_res = NTLM::lmv2_response(ar, opt) ntlm_res = NTLM::ntlmv2_response(ar, opt) elsif has_flag?(:NTLM2_KEY) ar = {:ntlm_hash => NTLM::ntlm_hash(pwd, opt), :challenge => chal} lm_res, ntlm_res = NTLM::ntlm2_session(ar, opt) else lm_res = NTLM::lm_response(pwd, chal) ntlm_res = NTLM::ntlm_response(pwd, chal) end Type3.create({ :lm_response => lm_res, :ntlm_response => ntlm_res, :domain => domain, :user => usr, :workstation => ws, :flag => self.flag }) end end # @private false class Type3 < Message string :sign, {:size => 8, :value => SSP_SIGN} int32LE :type, {:value => 3} security_buffer :lm_response, {:value => ""} security_buffer :ntlm_response, {:value => ""} security_buffer :domain, {:value => ""} security_buffer :user, {:value => ""} security_buffer :workstation, {:value => ""} security_buffer :session_key, {:value => "", :active => false } int64LE :flag, {:value => 0, :active => false } class << Type3 # Parse a Type 3 packet # @param [String] str A string containing Type 3 data # @return [Type2] def parse(str) t = new t.parse(str) t end # Builds a Type 3 packet # @note All options must be properly encoded with either unicode or oem encoding # @return [Type3] # @option arg [String] :lm_response The LM hash # @option arg [String] :ntlm_response The NTLM hash # @option arg [String] :domain The domain to authenticate to # @option arg [String] :workstation The name of the calling workstation # @option arg [String] :session_key The session key # @option arg [Integer] :flag Flags for the packet def create(arg, opt ={}) t = new t.lm_response = arg[:lm_response] t.ntlm_response = arg[:ntlm_response] t.domain = arg[:domain] t.user = arg[:user] if arg[:workstation] t.workstation = arg[:workstation] end if arg[:session_key] t.enable(:session_key) t.session_key = arg[session_key] end if arg[:flag] t.enable(:session_key) t.enable(:flag) t.flag = arg[:flag] end t end end end end end end