require 'thor'
require 'webrick/https'
require 'rack/handler/webrick'
require 'fileutils'
require 'pact/mock_service/server/wait_for_server_up'
require 'pact/mock_service/cli/pidfile'
require 'socket'

module Pact
  module MockService
    class CLI < Thor

      desc 'service', "Start a mock service. If the consumer, provider and pact-dir options are provided, the pact will be written automatically on shutdown."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port on which to run the service"
      method_option :host, aliases: "-h", desc: "Host on which to bind the service", default: 'localhost'
      method_option :log, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output"
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"
      method_option :pact_dir, aliases: "-d", desc: "Directory to which the pacts will be written"
      method_option :pact_specification_version, aliases: "-i", desc: "The pact specification version to use when writing the pact", default: '1'
      method_option :consumer, desc: "Consumer name"
      method_option :provider, desc: "Provider name"

      def service
        require 'pact/mock_service/run'

      desc 'control', "Run a Pact mock service control server."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port on which to run the service"
      method_option :host, aliases: "-h", desc: "Host on which to bind the service", default: 'localhost'
      method_option :log_dir, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output"
      method_option :pact_dir, aliases: "-d", desc: "Directory to which the pacts will be written"
      method_option :pact_specification_version, aliases: "-i", desc: "The pact specification version to use when writing the pact", default: '1'
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"

      def control
        require 'pact/mock_service/control_server/run'

      desc 'start', "Start a mock service. If the consumer, provider and pact-dir options are provided, the pact will be written automatically on shutdown."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", default: '1234', desc: "Port on which to run the service"
      method_option :host, aliases: "-h", desc: "Host on which to bind the service", default: 'localhost'
      method_option :log, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output"
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"
      method_option :pact_dir, aliases: "-d", desc: "Directory to which the pacts will be written"
      method_option :pact_specification_version, aliases: "-i", desc: "The pact specification version to use when writing the pact", default: '1'
      method_option :consumer, desc: "Consumer name"
      method_option :provider, desc: "Provider name"
      method_option :pid_dir, desc: "PID dir", default: 'tmp/pids'

      def start
        start_server(mock_service_pidfile) do

      desc 'stop', "Stop a Pact mock service"
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port of the service to stop", default: '1234', required: true
      method_option :pid_dir, desc: "PID dir, defaults to tmp/pids", default: "tmp/pids"

      def stop

      desc 'restart', "Start or restart a mock service. If the consumer, provider and pact-dir options are provided, the pact will be written automatically on shutdown."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", default: '1234', desc: "Port on which to run the service"
      method_option :host, aliases: "-h", desc: "Host on which to bind the service", default: 'localhost'
      method_option :log, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output"
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"
      method_option :pact_dir, aliases: "-d", desc: "Directory to which the pacts will be written"
      method_option :pact_specification_version, aliases: "-i", desc: "The pact specification version to use when writing the pact", default: '1'
      method_option :consumer, desc: "Consumer name"
      method_option :provider, desc: "Provider name"
      method_option :pid_dir, desc: "PID dir", default: 'tmp/pids'

      def restart
        restart_server(mock_service_pidfile) do

      desc 'control-start', "Start a Pact mock service control server."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port on which to run the service", default: '1234'
      method_option :log_dir, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output", default: "log"
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"
      method_option :pact_dir, aliases: "-d", desc: "Directory to which the pacts will be written", default: "."
      method_option :pact_specification_version, aliases: "-i", desc: "The pact specification version to use when writing the pact", default: '1'
      method_option :pid_dir, desc: "PID dir", default: "tmp/pids"

      def control_start
        start_server(control_server_pidfile) do

      desc 'control-stop', "Stop a Pact mock service control server."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port of control server to stop", default: "1234"
      method_option :pid_dir, desc: "PID dir, defaults to tmp/pids", default: "tmp/pids"

      def control_stop

      desc 'control-restart', "Start a Pact mock service control server."
      method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Port on which to run the service", default: '1234'
      method_option :log_dir, aliases: "-l", desc: "File to which to log output", default: "log"
      method_option :ssl, desc: "Use a self-signed SSL cert to run the service over HTTPS"
      method_option :cors, aliases: "-o", desc: "Support browser security in tests by responding to OPTIONS requests and adding CORS headers to mocked responses"
      method_option :pact_dir, aliases: "-d", desc: "Directory to which the pacts will be written", default: "."
      method_option :pact_specification_version, aliases: "-i", desc: "The pact specification version to use when writing the pact", default: '1'
      method_option :pid_dir, desc: "PID dir", default: "tmp/pids"

      def control_restart
        restart_server(control_server_pidfile) do

      default_task :service

      no_commands do

        def control_server_pidfile
 options[:pid_dir], name: control_pidfile_name)

        def mock_service_pidfile
 options[:pid_dir], name: mock_service_pidfile_name)

        def mock_service_pidfile_name

        def control_pidfile_name

        def start_server pidfile
          require 'pact/mock_service/server/spawn'
          Pact::MockService::Server::Spawn.(pidfile, options[:port]) do

        def restart_server pidfile
          require 'pact/mock_service/server/respawn'
          Pact::MockService::Server::Respawn.(pidfile, options[:port]) do