=begin Code Explanation: There are 3 types of things to auto-complete: 1. command: the command itself 2. parameters: command parameters. 3. options: command options Here's an example: mycli hello name --from me * command: hello * parameters: name * option: --from When command parameters are done processing, the remaining completion words will be options. We can tell that the command params are completed based on the method arity. ## Arity For example, say you had a method for a CLI command with the following form: ufo scale service count --cluster development It's equivalent ruby method: scale(service, count) = has an arity of 2 So typing: ufo scale service count [TAB] # there are 3 parameters including the "scale" command according to Thor's CLI processing. So the completion should only show options, something like this: --noop --verbose --cluster ## Splat Arguments When the ruby method has a splat argument, it's arity is negative. Here are some example methods and their arities. ship(service) = 1 scale(service, count) = 2 ships(*services) = -1 foo(example, *rest) = -2 Fortunately, negative and positive arity values are processed the same way. So we take simply take the absolute value of the arity and process it the same. Here are some test cases, hit TAB after typing the command: cody completion cody completion hello cody completion hello name cody completion hello name -- cody completion hello name --noop cody completion cody completion sub:goodbye cody completion sub:goodbye name ## Subcommands and Thor::Group Registered Commands Sometimes the commands are not simple thor commands but are subcommands or Thor::Group commands. A good specific example is the ufo tool. * regular command: ufo ship * subcommand: ufo docker * Thor::Group command: ufo init Auto-completion accounts for each of these type of commands. =end module Cody class Completer def initialize(command_class, *params) @params = params @current_command = @params[0] @command_class = command_class # CLI initiall end def run if subcommand?(@current_command) subcommand_class = @command_class.subcommand_classes[@current_command] @params.shift # destructive Completer.new(subcommand_class, *@params).run # recursively use subcommand return end # full command has been found! unless found?(@current_command) puts all_commands return end # will only get to here if command aws found (above) arity = @command_class.instance_method(@current_command).arity.abs if @params.size > arity or thor_group_command? puts options_completion else puts params_completion end end def subcommand?(command) @command_class.subcommands.include?(command) end # hacky way to detect that command is a registered Thor::Group command def thor_group_command? command_params(raw=true) == [[:rest, :args]] end def found?(command) public_methods = @command_class.public_instance_methods(false) command && public_methods.include?(command.to_sym) end # all top-level commands def all_commands commands = @command_class.all_commands.reject do |k,v| v.is_a?(Thor::HiddenCommand) end commands.keys end def command_params(raw=false) params = @command_class.instance_method(@current_command).parameters # Example: # >> Sub.instance_method(:goodbye).parameters # => [[:req, :name]] # >> raw ? params : params.map!(&:last) end def params_completion offset = @params.size - 1 offset_params = command_params[offset..-1] command_params[offset..-1].first end def options_completion used = ARGV.select { |a| a.include?('--') } # so we can remove used options method_options = @command_class.all_commands[@current_command].options.keys class_options = @command_class.class_options.keys all_options = method_options + class_options + ['help'] all_options.map! { |o| "--#{o.to_s.gsub('_','-')}" } filtered_options = all_options - used filtered_options.uniq end # Useful for debugging. Using puts messes up completion. def log(msg) File.open("/tmp/complete.log", "a") do |file| file.puts(msg) end end end end