* ClojureScript Day #2 * Welcome Thortech! ** Eric, Frank and Tom *** Long time cohorts * Tips ** Don't define things in terms of undefined things *** someone else will just trip over later ** Test *** nil ** Encapsulate use of -methods in a single place ** Where's the global namespace? * Where are we at * Where are we going ** [[file:corelib.org][Core lib punchlist]] ** [[file:~/dev/clojurescript/todo.org][To do]] ** [[https://github.com/relevance/clojurescript/issues][Tickets]] * Release 1 ** Make goog-compatible libs work ** Data structures *** work but are not optimal for large instances *** persistent guarantees ** seq library ** associative library ** indexed library ** atoms ** binding ** great tooling *** push button ** reader? *** print-read ** regex * Release 2 ** DOM manipulation ** Can I use jQuery? ** bitops ** multimethods ** hierarchy ** reader + record support ** unchecked ** bitops ** print ** eventing value add ** DOM value add ** UI value add