module CurationConcerns module CollectionsControllerBehavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Hydra::CollectionsControllerBehavior include Blacklight::AccessControls::Catalog included do before_action :filter_docs_with_read_access!, except: :show layout 'curation_concerns/1_column' skip_load_and_authorize_resource only: :show end def new super form end def edit super form end def show presenter super end def after_create_error form super end def after_update_error form query_collection_members super end # overriding the method in Hydra::Collections so the search builder can find the collection def collection action_name == 'show' ? @presenter : @collection end protected def filter_docs_with_read_access! super flash.delete(:notice) if flash.notice == 'Select something first' end def presenter @presenter ||= begin # Query Solr for the collection. # run the solr query to find the collection members response = curation_concern = response.documents.first raise CanCan::AccessDenied unless curation_concern, current_ability) end end def collection_search_builder do |builder| builder.current_ability = current_ability end end def presenter_class CurationConcerns::CollectionPresenter end def collection_search_builder_class CurationConcerns::WorkSearchBuilder end def collection_member_search_builder_class CurationConcerns::CollectionMemberSearchBuilder end def collection_params form_class.model_attributes(params[:collection]) end def query_collection_members params[:q] = params[:cq] super end def after_destroy(id) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to collections_path, notice: 'Collection was successfully deleted.' } format.json { render json: { id: id }, status: :destroyed, location: @collection } end end def form @form ||= end def form_class CurationConcerns::Forms::CollectionEditForm end # Include 'catalog' and 'curation_concerns/base' in the search path for views def _prefixes @_prefixes ||= super + ['catalog', 'curation_concerns/base'] end end end