# We use this example for running real tests on top of unit tests. # This is not meant to be an example to learn how PopulateMe would work. # Real examples will come later and this file will be removed. $:.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) # Models ########## require 'populate_me/document' # MONGO = Mongo::Client.new([ '' ], :database => 'blog-populate-me-test') # DB = MONGO.database # PopulateMe::Mongo.set :db, DB require 'populate_me/attachment' PopulateMe::Document.set :default_attachment_class, PopulateMe::Attachment # require 'populate_me/file_system_attachment' # PopulateMe::Document.set :default_attachment_class, PopulateMe::FileSystemAttachment # # require 'populate_me/grid_fs_attachment' # PopulateMe::Mongo.set :default_attachment_class, PopulateMe::GridFS # PopulateMe::GridFS.set :db, DB # require 'populate_me/s3_attachment' # s3_resource = Aws::S3::Resource.new # s3_bucket = s3_resource.bucket(ENV['BUCKET']) # PopulateMe::Document.set :default_attachment_class, PopulateMe::S3Attachment # PopulateMe::S3Attachment.set :bucket, s3_bucket class BlogPost < PopulateMe::Document field :title, required: true field :thumbnail, type: :attachment, max_size: 600000, variations: [ PopulateMe::Variation.new_image_magick_job(:populate_me_thumb, :jpg, "-resize '400x225^' -gravity center -extent 400x225") ] field :content, type: :text field :authors, type: :list field :published, type: :boolean relationship :comments def validate error_on(:content,'Cannot be blank') if WebUtils.blank?(self.content) end end class BlogPost::Author < PopulateMe::Document # nested field :name def validate error_on(:name, 'Cannot be shit') if self.name=='shit' end end class BlogPost::Comment < PopulateMe::Document # not nested field :author, default: 'Anonymous' field :content, type: :text field :blog_post_id, type: :hidden position_field scope: :blog_post_id end class Article < PopulateMe::Document field :title field :content, type: :text field :yes_or_no, type: :select, select_options: [:yes,:no] field :tags, type: :select, multiple: true, select_options: ['art','sport','science'] field :price, type: :price position_field after :save do puts self.inspect end end # Admin ########## require "populate_me/admin" class Admin < PopulateMe::Admin set :menu, [ ['Blog Posts', '/list/blog-post'], ['Articles', '/list/article'], ] end use PopulateMe::Attachment::Middleware # use PopulateMe::FileSystemAttachment::Middleware # use PopulateMe::GridFS::Middleware run Admin