## # SexpProcessor provides a uniform interface to process Sexps. # # In order to create your own SexpProcessor subclass you'll need # to call super in the initialize method, then set any of the # Sexp flags you want to be different from the defaults. # # SexpProcessor uses a Sexp's type to determine which process method # to call in the subclass. For Sexp s(:lit, 1) # SexpProcessor will call #process_lit, if it is defined. # class Railroader::SexpProcessor VERSION = 'CUSTOM' ## # Return a stack of contexts. Most recent node is first. attr_reader :context ## # Expected result class attr_accessor :expected ## # A scoped environment to make you happy. attr_reader :env # Cache process methods per class def self.processors @processors ||= {} end ## # Creates a new SexpProcessor. Use super to invoke this # initializer from SexpProcessor subclasses, then use the # attributes above to customize the functionality of the # SexpProcessor def initialize @expected = Sexp @processors = self.class.processors @context = [] if @processors.empty? public_methods.each do |name| if name.to_s.start_with? "process_" then @processors[name[8..-1].to_sym] = name.to_sym end end end end ## # Default Sexp processor. Invokes process_ methods matching # the Sexp type given. Performs additional checks as specified by # the initializer. def process(exp) return nil if exp.nil? result = nil type = exp.first raise "Type should be a Symbol, not: #{exp.first.inspect} in #{exp.inspect}" unless Symbol === type in_context type do # now do a pass with the real processor (or generic) meth = @processors[type] if meth then result = self.send(meth, exp) else result = self.process_default(exp) end end raise SexpTypeError, "Result must be a #{@expected}, was #{result.class}:#{result.inspect}" unless @expected === result result end ## # Add a scope level to the current env. Eg: # # def process_defn exp # name = exp.shift # args = process(exp.shift) # scope do # body = process(exp.shift) # # ... # end # end # # env[:x] = 42 # scope do # env[:x] # => 42 # env[:y] = 24 # end # env[:y] # => nil def scope &block env.scope(&block) end def in_context type self.context.unshift type yield self.context.shift end end