# frozen_string_literal: true require 'capybara/selector/selector' Capybara::Selector::FilterSet.add(:_field) do node_filter(:checked, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.checked?) } node_filter(:unchecked, :boolean) { |node, value| (value ^ node.checked?) } node_filter(:disabled, :boolean, default: false, skip_if: :all) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.disabled?) } node_filter(:multiple, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.multiple?) } expression_filter(:name) { |xpath, val| xpath[XPath.attr(:name) == val] } expression_filter(:placeholder) { |xpath, val| xpath[XPath.attr(:placeholder) == val] } describe(:node_filters) do |checked: nil, unchecked: nil, disabled: nil, multiple: nil, **| desc, states = +'', [] states << 'checked' if checked || (unchecked == false) states << 'not checked' if unchecked || (checked == false) states << 'disabled' if disabled == true states << 'not disabled' if disabled == false desc << " that is #{states.join(' and ')}" unless states.empty? desc << ' with the multiple attribute' if multiple == true desc << ' without the multiple attribute' if multiple == false desc end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength Capybara.add_selector(:xpath, locator_type: [:to_xpath, String], raw_locator: true) do xpath { |xpath| xpath } end Capybara.add_selector(:css, locator_type: [String, Symbol], raw_locator: true) do css { |css| css } end Capybara.add_selector(:id, locator_type: [String, Symbol, Regexp]) do xpath { |id| builder(XPath.descendant).add_attribute_conditions(id: id) } locator_filter { |node, id| id.is_a?(Regexp) ? node[:id] =~ id : true } end Capybara.add_selector(:field, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do visible { |options| :hidden if options[:type].to_s == 'hidden' } xpath do |locator, **options| invalid_types = %w[submit image] invalid_types << 'hidden' unless options[:type].to_s == 'hidden' xpath = XPath.descendant(:input, :textarea, :select)[!XPath.attr(:type).one_of(*invalid_types)] locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end expression_filter(:type) do |expr, type| type = type.to_s if %w[textarea select].include?(type) expr.self(type.to_sym) else expr[XPath.attr(:type) == type] end end filter_set(:_field) # checked/unchecked/disabled/multiple/name/placeholder node_filter(:readonly, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.readonly?) } node_filter(:with) do |node, with| val = node.value (with.is_a?(Regexp) ? val =~ with : val == with.to_s).tap do |res| add_error("Expected value to be #{with.inspect} but was #{val.inspect}") unless res end end describe_expression_filters do |type: nil, **options| desc = +'' (expression_filters.keys & options.keys).each { |ef| desc << " with #{ef} #{options[ef]}" } desc << " of type #{type.inspect}" if type desc end describe_node_filters do |**options| " with value #{options[:with].to_s.inspect}" if options.key?(:with) end end Capybara.add_selector(:fieldset, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator, legend: nil, **| locator_matchers = (XPath.attr(:id) == locator.to_s) | XPath.child(:legend)[XPath.string.n.is(locator.to_s)] locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator.to_s if test_id xpath = XPath.descendant(:fieldset)[locator && locator_matchers] xpath = xpath[XPath.child(:legend)[XPath.string.n.is(legend)]] if legend xpath end node_filter(:disabled, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.disabled?) } end Capybara.add_selector(:link, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator, href: true, alt: nil, title: nil, **| xpath = builder(XPath.descendant(:a)).add_attribute_conditions(href: href) unless locator.nil? locator = locator.to_s matchers = [XPath.attr(:id) == locator, XPath.string.n.is(locator), XPath.attr(:title).is(locator), XPath.descendant(:img)[XPath.attr(:alt).is(locator)]] matchers << XPath.attr(:'aria-label').is(locator) if enable_aria_label matchers << XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id xpath = xpath[matchers.reduce(:|)] end xpath = xpath[find_by_attr(:title, title)] xpath = xpath[XPath.descendant(:img)[XPath.attr(:alt) == alt]] if alt xpath end node_filter(:href) do |node, href| # If not a Regexp it's been handled in the main XPath (href.is_a?(Regexp) ? node[:href].match(href) : true).tap do |res| add_error "Expected href to match #{href.inspect} but it was #{node[:href].inspect}" unless res end end expression_filter(:download, valid_values: [true, false, String]) do |expr, download| builder(expr).add_attribute_conditions(download: download) end describe_expression_filters do |**options| desc = +'' if (href = options[:href]) desc << " with href #{'matching ' if href.is_a? Regexp}#{href.inspect}" elsif options.key?(:href) # is nil/false specified? desc << ' with no href attribute' end desc end end Capybara.add_selector(:button, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath(:value, :title, :type) do |locator, **options| input_btn_xpath = XPath.descendant(:input)[XPath.attr(:type).one_of('submit', 'reset', 'image', 'button')] btn_xpath = XPath.descendant(:button) image_btn_xpath = XPath.descendant(:input)[XPath.attr(:type) == 'image'] unless locator.nil? locator = locator.to_s locator_matchers = XPath.attr(:id).equals(locator) | XPath.attr(:value).is(locator) | XPath.attr(:title).is(locator) locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(:'aria-label').is(locator) if enable_aria_label locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id input_btn_xpath = input_btn_xpath[locator_matchers] btn_xpath = btn_xpath[locator_matchers | XPath.string.n.is(locator) | XPath.descendant(:img)[XPath.attr(:alt).is(locator)]] alt_matches = XPath.attr(:alt).is(locator) alt_matches |= XPath.attr(:'aria-label').is(locator) if enable_aria_label image_btn_xpath = image_btn_xpath[alt_matches] end %i[value title type].inject(input_btn_xpath.union(btn_xpath).union(image_btn_xpath)) do |memo, ef| memo[find_by_attr(ef, options[ef])] end end node_filter(:disabled, :boolean, default: false, skip_if: :all) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.disabled?) } describe_expression_filters describe_node_filters do |disabled: nil, **| ' that is disabled' if disabled == true end end Capybara.add_selector(:link_or_button, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'link or button' xpath do |locator, **options| self.class.all.values_at(:link, :button).map do |selector| instance_exec(locator, options, &selector.xpath) end.reduce(:union) end node_filter(:disabled, :boolean, default: false, skip_if: :all) { |node, value| node.tag_name == 'a' || !(value ^ node.disabled?) } describe_node_filters do |disabled: nil, **| ' that is disabled' if disabled == true end end Capybara.add_selector(:fillable_field, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'field' xpath do |locator, allow_self: nil, **options| xpath = XPath.axis(allow_self ? :"descendant-or-self" : :descendant, :input, :textarea)[ !XPath.attr(:type).one_of('submit', 'image', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'hidden', 'file') ] locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end expression_filter(:type) do |expr, type| type = type.to_s if type == 'textarea' expr.self(type.to_sym) else expr[XPath.attr(:type) == type] end end filter_set(:_field, %i[disabled multiple name placeholder]) node_filter(:with) do |node, with| val = node.value (with.is_a?(Regexp) ? val =~ with : val == with.to_s).tap do |res| add_error("Expected value to be #{with.inspect} but was #{val.inspect}") unless res end end describe_expression_filters describe_node_filters do |**options| " with value #{options[:with].to_s.inspect}" if options.key?(:with) end end Capybara.add_selector(:radio_button, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'radio button' xpath do |locator, allow_self: nil, **options| xpath = XPath.axis(allow_self ? :"descendant-or-self" : :descendant, :input)[ XPath.attr(:type) == 'radio' ] locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end filter_set(:_field, %i[checked unchecked disabled name]) node_filter(:option) do |node, value| val = node.value (val == value.to_s).tap do |res| add_error("Expected option value to be #{value.inspect} but it was #{val.inspect}") unless res end end describe_expression_filters describe_node_filters do |option: nil, **| " with value #{option.inspect}" if option end end Capybara.add_selector(:checkbox, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator, allow_self: nil, **options| xpath = XPath.axis(allow_self ? :"descendant-or-self" : :descendant, :input)[ XPath.attr(:type) == 'checkbox' ] locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end filter_set(:_field, %i[checked unchecked disabled name]) node_filter(:option) do |node, value| val = node.value (val == value.to_s).tap do |res| add_error("Expected option value to be #{value.inspect} but it was #{val.inspect}") unless res end end describe_expression_filters describe_node_filters do |option: nil, **| " with value #{option.inspect}" if option end end Capybara.add_selector(:select, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'select box' xpath do |locator, **options| xpath = XPath.descendant(:select) locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end filter_set(:_field, %i[disabled multiple name placeholder]) node_filter(:options) do |node, options| actual = if node.visible? node.all(:xpath, './/option', wait: false).map(&:text) else node.all(:xpath, './/option', visible: false, wait: false).map { |option| option.text(:all) } end (options.sort == actual.sort).tap do |res| add_error("Expected options #{options.inspect} found #{actual.inspect}") unless res end end expression_filter(:with_options) do |expr, options| options.inject(expr) do |xpath, option| xpath[self.class.all[:option].call(option)] end end node_filter(:selected) do |node, selected| actual = node.all(:xpath, './/option', visible: false, wait: false).select(&:selected?).map { |option| option.text(:all) } (Array(selected).sort == actual.sort).tap do |res| add_error("Expected #{selected.inspect} to be selected found #{actual.inspect}") unless res end end node_filter(:with_selected) do |node, selected| actual = node.all(:xpath, './/option', visible: false, wait: false).select(&:selected?).map { |option| option.text(:all) } (Array(selected) - actual).empty?.tap do |res| add_error("Expected at least #{selected.inspect} to be selected found #{actual.inspect}") unless res end end describe_expression_filters do |with_options: nil, **opts| desc = +'' desc << " with at least options #{with_options.inspect}" if with_options desc << describe_all_expression_filters(opts) desc end describe_node_filters do |options: nil, selected: nil, with_selected: nil, **| desc = +'' desc << " with options #{options.inspect}" if options desc << " with #{selected.inspect} selected" if selected desc << " with at least #{with_selected.inspect} selected" if with_selected desc end end Capybara.add_selector(:datalist_input, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'input box with datalist completion' xpath do |locator, **options| xpath = XPath.descendant(:input)[XPath.attr(:list)] locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end filter_set(:_field, %i[disabled name placeholder]) node_filter(:options) do |node, options| actual = node.find("//datalist[@id=#{node[:list]}]", visible: :all).all(:datalist_option, wait: false).map(&:value) (options.sort == actual.sort).tap do |res| add_error("Expected #{options.inspect} options found #{actual.inspect}") unless res end end expression_filter(:with_options) do |expr, options| options.inject(expr) do |xpath, option| xpath[XPath.attr(:list) == XPath.anywhere(:datalist)[self.class.all[:datalist_option].call(option)].attr(:id)] end end describe_expression_filters do |with_options: nil, **opts| desc = +'' desc << " with at least options #{with_options.inspect}" if with_options desc << describe_all_expression_filters(opts) desc end describe_node_filters do |options: nil, **| " with options #{options.inspect}" if options end end Capybara.add_selector(:option, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator| xpath = XPath.descendant(:option) xpath = xpath[XPath.string.n.is(locator.to_s)] unless locator.nil? xpath end node_filter(:disabled, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.disabled?) } node_filter(:selected, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.selected?) } describe_node_filters do |**options| desc = +'' desc << " that is#{' not' unless options[:disabled]} disabled" if options.key?(:disabled) desc << " that is#{' not' unless options[:selected]} selected" if options.key?(:selected) desc end end Capybara.add_selector(:datalist_option, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'datalist option' visible(:all) xpath do |locator| xpath = XPath.descendant(:option) xpath = xpath[XPath.string.n.is(locator.to_s) | (XPath.attr(:value) == locator.to_s)] unless locator.nil? xpath end node_filter(:disabled, :boolean) { |node, value| !(value ^ node.disabled?) } describe_node_filters do |**options| " that is#{' not' unless options[:disabled]} disabled" if options.key?(:disabled) end end Capybara.add_selector(:file_field, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'file field' xpath do |locator, allow_self: nil, **options| xpath = XPath.axis(allow_self ? :"descendant-or-self" : :descendant, :input)[ XPath.attr(:type) == 'file' ] locate_field(xpath, locator, options) end filter_set(:_field, %i[disabled multiple name]) describe_expression_filters end Capybara.add_selector(:label, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do label 'label' xpath(:for) do |locator, options| xpath = XPath.descendant(:label) unless locator.nil? locator_matchers = XPath.string.n.is(locator.to_s) | (XPath.attr(:id) == locator.to_s) locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id xpath = xpath[locator_matchers] end if options.key?(:for) if (for_option = options[:for].is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) ? options[:for][:id] : options[:for]) with_attr = XPath.attr(:for) == for_option.to_s labelable_elements = %i[button input keygen meter output progress select textarea] wrapped = !XPath.attr(:for) & XPath.descendant(*labelable_elements)[XPath.attr(:id) == for_option.to_s] xpath = xpath[with_attr | wrapped] end end xpath end node_filter(:for) do |node, field_or_value| # Non element values were handled through the expression filter next true unless field_or_value.is_a? Capybara::Node::Element if (for_val = node[:for]) field_or_value[:id] == for_val else field_or_value.find_xpath('./ancestor::label[1]').include? node.base end end describe_expression_filters do |**options| " for element with id of \"#{options[:for]}\"" if options.key?(:for) && !options[:for].is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) end describe_node_filters do |**options| " for element #{options[:for]}" if options[:for]&.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) end end Capybara.add_selector(:table, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator, caption: nil, **| xpath = XPath.descendant(:table) unless locator.nil? locator_matchers = (XPath.attr(:id) == locator.to_s) | XPath.descendant(:caption).is(locator.to_s) locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id xpath = xpath[locator_matchers] end xpath = xpath[XPath.descendant(:caption) == caption] if caption xpath end describe_expression_filters do |caption: nil, **| " with caption \"#{caption}\"" if caption end end Capybara.add_selector(:frame, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator, name: nil, **| xpath = XPath.descendant(:iframe).union(XPath.descendant(:frame)) unless locator.nil? locator_matchers = (XPath.attr(:id) == locator.to_s) | (XPath.attr(:name) == locator.to_s) locator_matchers |= XPath.attr(test_id) == locator if test_id xpath = xpath[locator_matchers] end xpath[find_by_attr(:name, name)] end describe_expression_filters do |name: nil, **| " with name #{name}" if name end end Capybara.add_selector(:element, locator_type: [String, Symbol]) do xpath do |locator, **| XPath.descendant.where(locator ? XPath.local_name == locator.to_s : nil) end expression_filter(:attributes, matcher: /.+/) do |xpath, name, val| builder(xpath).add_attribute_conditions(name => val) end node_filter(:attributes, matcher: /.+/) do |node, name, val| next true unless val.is_a?(Regexp) (node[name] =~ val).tap do |res| add_error("Expected #{name} to match #{val.inspect} but it was #{node[name]}") unless res end end describe_expression_filters do |**options| booleans, values = options.partition { |_k, v| [true, false].include? v }.map(&:to_h) desc = describe_all_expression_filters(values) desc + booleans.map do |k, v| v ? " with #{k} attribute" : "without #{k} attribute" end.join end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength