= Documentation for Select Account The +select_account+ feature allows for maintaining and switching across multiple accounts in the same session. == Auth Value Methods selected_account_key :: session key where the selected account state is stored. accounts_key :: session key where the logged-in accounts state is stored. add_account_redirect_session_key :: session key where the url to redirect to after adding an account is stored. select_account_redirect_session_key :: session key where the url to redirect to after selecting an account is stored. require_selected_account_cookie_key :: cookie key storing whether a selected account is required. require_selected_account_cookie_interval :: duration for the require selected account cookie (5 minutes by default); can be set to nil in order not to set cookie "Expires". accounts_cookie_key :: cookie key where the selected accounts are stored. accounts_cookie_options :: cookie options for the selected accounts cookie accounts_cookie_interval :: duration for the selected accounts cookie (14 days by default); can be set to nil in order not to set cookie "Expires". no_account_error_status :: http status code for the response when the account to switch to does not exist anymore. select_account_required_error_status :: http status code for the response when a selected account is required. add_account_required_error_status :: http status code for the response when addig an account is required. no_account_message :: error description when no account was found, "could not select account" by default. add_account_button :: Label of add account button. add_account_error_flash :: The flash error message to display when there was an error adding an account. add_account_notice_flash :: The flash success message to display after adding an account. require_add_account_error_flash :: he flash error message to display when adding an account is required. add_account_page_title :: Title for the Add Account form. add_account_redirect :: URL to redirect to after adding an account. add_account_route :: the route for adding an account, +add-account+ by default. select_account_error_flash :: The flash error message to display when there was an error selecting an account. select_account_notice_flash :: The flash success message to display after selecting an account. require_select_account_error_flash :: he flash error message to display when selecting an account is required. select_account_page_title :: Title for the Select Account form. select_account_redirect :: URL to redirect to after selecting an account. select_account_route :: the route for selecting an account, +select-account+ by default. == Auth Methods add_account_view :: The HTML template of the Add Account form. before_add_account_route :: Run arbitrary code before the add account route. before_add_account :: Run arbitrary code before adding an account. after_add_account :: Run arbitrary code after adding an account. select_account_view :: The HTML template of the Select Account form. before_select_account_route :: Run arbitrary code before the add account route. before_select_account :: Run arbitrary code before selecting an account. after_select_account :: Run arbitrary code after selecting an account.