require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_helper") # spec sketch is here: # #TODO: split this into separate files, testing the xml parsing, the xml generation, etc. class TestEnvironment < Test::Unit::TestCase include LibXMLTestHelper #TODO: this is mostly testing eeml V005 parser, not environment generally test "creating Env obj from unparseable XML" do assert_raises BadXML do environment = Environment.new_from_eeml("this is bad xml") end assert_raises BadXML do environment = Environment.new_from_eeml("12, 14, 99, a csv!, 99") end end # Create an object from an eeml document test 'creating Env obj - attrs' do env = create_env_from_xml_file_one # simple text-nodes available as attributes assert_equal('title here', env.title) assert_equal('description here', env.description) assert_equal('', env.feed_url) assert_equal('', assert_equal('frozen', env.status) assert_equal('', assert_equal('', env.icon) #env attrs assert_equal('1247', env.identifier) assert_equal('2009-02-11T10:56:56Z', env.updated.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")) assert_equal('', env.creator) end test 'location parses ok' do env = create_env_from_xml_file_one # # Up on the roof (somewhere) # 50.1 # 48.7 # 1.34 # assert_not_nil env.location location = env.location assert_equal "Up on the roof (somewhere)", assert_equal "50.1", location.latitude assert_equal "48.7", location.longitude assert_equal "1.34", location.elevation assert_equal "physical", location.domain assert_equal "outdoor", location.exposure assert_equal "mobile", location.disposition end test "datastreams parse ok" do env = create_env_from_xml_file_one assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size #the expected values for the datastreams in the test doc expectations_list = [ #id, tag array, min, max, value, unit_symbol, unit_type, unit_value ['0', ['tagD0'], '-9999.0', '1022.0', '0', 'C', 'basicSI', 'Celsius'], ['1', [], '0.0', '1023.0', '33', nil, nil, nil], ['2', ['tagD2a', 'tagD2b', 'tagD2c'], '23.4', '1021.0', '42.1', nil, nil, nil] ] env.datastreams.each_with_index do |ds, i| e_identifier, e_tags, e_min_value, e_max_value, e_value, e_unit_symbol, e_unit_type, e_unit_value = expectations_list[i] assert_equal e_identifier, ds.identifier assert_equal e_tags.size, ds.tags.size, "should have right num of tags" e_tags.each do |expected_tag| ds.tags.member? expected_tag end assert_equal e_min_value, ds.min_value assert_equal e_max_value, ds.max_value assert_equal e_value, ds.value assert_equal e_unit_symbol, ds.unit_symbol assert_equal e_unit_type, ds.unit_type assert_equal e_unit_value, ds.unit_value end end implement "should not try to parse huge xml string" do #TODO: arguably, fetcher should also have rejected huge string end test "passes if no datastreams" do original_xml ='test/data/doc_1.xml') test_xml = remove_nodes_called('data', original_xml) environment = Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) assert_equal('title here', environment.title) assert_equal([], environment.datastreams) end test "fail if any datastream has no value" do test_xml = remove_first_node_called('value', read_xml_file_one) assert_raises(DataMissingValue) do Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) end end test "fail if any datastream has two values" do new_value_snippet=<<-END 10 14 END original_xml = read_xml_file_one test_xml = replace_first_node_called('value', original_xml, new_value_snippet) assert_raises(DataHasMultipleValues) { Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) } end test "fail if any datastream has two units" do new_unit_snippet =<<-END Celsius Celsius END original_xml = read_xml_file_one test_xml = replace_first_node_called('unit', original_xml, new_unit_snippet) assert_raises(DataHasMultipleUnits) { Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) } end test "ok if no location" do original_xml = read_xml_file_one test_xml = remove_first_node_called('location', original_xml) env = Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) # all other attributes still accessible assert_equal('title here', env.title) assert_equal('description here', env.description) assert_equal('', env.feed_url) assert_equal('', assert_equal('frozen', env.status) assert_equal('', assert_equal('', env.icon) #env attrs assert_equal('1247', env.identifier) assert_equal('2009-02-11T10:56:56Z', env.updated.utc.iso8601) assert_equal('', env.creator) end test "ok parsing most minimal eeml file" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('minimal.xml') assert_equal 1, env.datastreams.size datastream = env.datastreams[0] assert_equal "0", datastream.identifier # this value.value is a bit ugly assert_equal "36.2", datastream.value end test "ok parsing fully namespaced eeml file" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('complete_namespaced.xml') assert_equal 2, env.datastreams.size datastream = env.datastreams[0] assert_equal "36.2", datastream.value end test "fails if no default namespace provided" do assert_raise(MissingNamespace) {env = create_env_from_xml_file('no_namespace.xml')} end test "captures the `private` attribute if present" do env = create_env_from_xml_file("doc_1_private.xml") assert_equal true, env.private end test "captures the `private` attribute as false if present and false" do env = create_env_from_xml_file("doc_1_non_private.xml") assert_equal false, env.private end test "ok parsing oddly tagged eeml file" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('difficult_tag.xml') assert_equal 2, env.datastreams.size d = env.datastreams[0] assert_equal 2, d.tags.size assert_equal '10.F59894010800', d.tags[0] assert_equal 'Living Room, S wall', d.tags[1] d2 = env.datastreams[1] assert_equal 2, d2.tags.size assert_equal '28.3616F1010000', d2.tags[0] assert_equal 'Living Room, .7m above wood stove', d2.tags[1] assert_equal '24.1875', d.value assert_equal '24.4375', d2.value assert_equal 'celsius', d.unit_value end test "parses environment with stub datastreams v051 xml" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('environment_minimal_051.xml') assert_equal 2, env.datastreams.size end test "parses environment level tags from v051 xml" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('environment_tags.xml') assert_equal 2, env.tags.size assert_equal 'Cambodia', env.tags[0] assert_equal 'House', env.tags[1] assert_equal 1, env.datastreams.size assert_equal true, env.has_tag_element end test "creates multiple environments from list xml" do xml ='test/data/list.xml') list = Environment.new_list_from_eeml(xml) assert 3, list.size list.each do |obj| assert obj.is_a? Environment end titles = {|e| e.title}.sort expected_titles = ["Badgerpower", "CurrentCost for house", "Power and Temperature"] assert_equal expected_titles, titles #TODO: check the environments fully (that no aliasing or other confusion has occurred in their parsing) end test "creates zero environments from list xml when has none" do original_xml ='test/data/list.xml') xml = remove_nodes_called('environment', original_xml) list = Environment.new_list_from_eeml(xml) assert list.empty?, "should be empty list" end def read_xml_file_one return'test/data/doc_1.xml') end test "parses_all_previously_acceptable_feeds" do passed_filenames = [] dir_name = 'test/data/real_xmls/v005/oks/' #check dir exists: filenames = Dir.entries(dir_name).select{|name| name =~ /.xml/}.sort assert filenames.size > 1, "should be at least one file found in #{dir_name}" filenames.each do |filename| begin xml =, filename)) env = Environment.new_from_eeml(xml) passed_filenames << filename rescue, filename), 'test/real_xmls/v005/questioned') raise "While parsing previously acceptable xml in file #{filename} got exception: #{$!.class}: #{$!}." + "\nSTART OF XML SNIPPET from #{filename}\n#{xml[0..100]}\nEND OF XML SNIPPET" + "\n Prior to error, successfully parsing #{passed_filenames.size} previously-ok xmls" end end puts "passed all %d files" % passed_filenames.size end implement "throw detailed exception if missing mandatory node" do original_xml = read_xml_file_one #we'll test for %w(status email).each do |missing_node_name| test_xml = remove_first_node_called(missing_node_name, original_xml) #make test document from generic one #should throw an exception with the right details begin Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) flunk "should've raised an exception" rescue MissingNode => e assert_equal missing_node_name, e.sought_description, 'should have correct missing node name' end end end test "ignore unexpected attributes on title node" do original_xml = read_xml_file_one test_xml = original_xml.sub(//, '<title myattr="unexpected attr here">') assert test_xml =~ /myattr/, 'substitution should have placed unexpected "myattr"' env = Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) assert_equal 'title here', env.title end test "handle missing optional nodes" do original_xml = read_xml_file_one #we'll remove the following ['title', 'website', ['feed', 'feed_url']].each do |missing_node_name, accessor_name| accessor_name = missing_node_name if accessor_name.nil? test_xml = remove_first_node_called(missing_node_name, original_xml) #make test document from generic one env = Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) assert_nil env.send((accessor_name).to_sym) end end # implement "fail if location missing" do # original_xml = read_xml_file_one # test_xml = remove_first_node_called('location', original_xml) # #should throw an exception with the right details # begin # Environment.new_from_eeml(test_xml) # flunk "should've raised an exception for missing location" # rescue MissingNode => e # assert_equal 'location', e.sought_description, 'should have correct missing node name' # end # end # --- ---------------------------------------------------- # --- construction stuff ---------------------------------------------------- # --- ---------------------------------------------------- test "env constructor uses params" do env = => 'whatever', :creator => '', :feed_url => '') assert_equal 'whatever', env.identifier assert_equal '', env.creator assert_equal '', env.feed_url end # --- ------------------------------------------------------ # --- json input stuff ------------------------------------------------------ # --- ------------------------------------------------------ test "creating Env obj from a JSON string" do env = create_env_from_json_file_one assert_not_nil env assert_instance_of Environment, env assert_equal('title here', env.title) assert_equal('description here', env.description) assert_equal('', env.feed_url) assert_equal('', assert_equal('frozen', env.status) assert_equal('', assert_equal('', env.icon) #env attrs assert_equal('1247', env.identifier) assert_equal('2009-02-11T10:56:56Z', env.updated.utc.iso8601) end test "location parses ok from json" do env = create_env_from_json_file_one assert_not_nil env.location location = env.location assert_equal "Up on the roof (somewhere)", assert_equal "50.1", location.latitude assert_equal "48.7", location.longitude assert_equal "1.34", location.elevation assert_equal "physical", location.domain assert_equal "outdoor", location.exposure assert_equal "mobile", location.disposition end test "datastreams parse ok from json" do env = create_env_from_json_file_one assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size #the expected values for the datastreams in the test doc expectations_list = [ #id, tag array, min, max, value, unit_symbol, unit_type, unit_value ['0', ['tagD0'], '-9999.0', '1022.0', '0', 'C', 'basicSI', 'Celsius'], ['1', [], '0.0', '1023.0', '33', nil, nil, nil], ['2', ['tagD2a', 'tagD2b', 'tagD2c'], '23.4', '1021.0', '42.1', nil, nil, nil] ] env.datastreams.each_with_index do |ds, i| e_identifier, e_tags, e_min_value, e_max_value, e_value, e_unit_symbol, e_unit_type, e_unit_value = expectations_list[i] assert_equal e_identifier, ds.identifier assert_equal e_tags.size, ds.tags.size, "should have right num of tags" e_tags.each do |expected_tag| ds.tags.member? expected_tag end assert_equal e_min_value, ds.min_value assert_equal e_max_value, ds.max_value assert_equal e_value, ds.value assert_equal e_unit_symbol, ds.unit_symbol assert_equal e_unit_type, ds.unit_type assert_equal e_unit_value, ds.unit_value end end test "passes if no datastreams from json" do original_hash = JSON.parse('test/data/doc_1.json')) original_hash.delete('datastreams') test_json = original_hash.to_json environment = Environment.new_from_json(test_json) assert_equal('title here', environment.title) assert_equal([], environment.datastreams) end test "parses a json with version missing and raises appropriate error" do #original_hash = JSON.parse('test/data/doc_1.json')) #original_hash.delete('version') test_json = '[0,0,0,"9.44","83.68","1013.64"]' assert_raises(JSON::ParserError) do environment = Environment.new_from_json(test_json) end end test "parses a v1.0.0 input file ok" do env = create_env_from_json_v100_file_one assert_not_nil env assert_instance_of Environment, env assert_equal('title here', env.title) assert_equal('description here', env.description) assert_equal('', env.feed_url) assert_equal('', assert_equal('frozen', env.status) assert_equal('', assert_equal('', env.icon) #env attrs assert_equal('1247', env.identifier) assert_equal('2010-02-11T10:56:56Z', env.updated.utc.iso8601) # new stuff assert_equal("", env.publisher) assert_equal("", env.creator) end test "location parses ok from json when parsing a v1.0.0 file" do env = create_env_from_json_v100_file_one assert_not_nil env.location location = env.location assert_equal "Up on the roof (somewhere)", assert_equal "50.1", location.latitude assert_equal "48.7", location.longitude assert_equal "1.34", location.elevation assert_equal "physical", location.domain assert_equal "outdoor", location.exposure assert_equal "mobile", location.disposition end test "datastreams parse ok from v1.0.0 json" do env = create_env_from_json_v100_file_one assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size #the expected values for the datastreams in the test doc expectations_list = [ #id, tag array, min, max, value, unit_symbol, unit_type, unit_value ['0', ['tagD0'], '-9999.0', '1022.0', '0', 'C', 'basicSI', 'Celsius', '2009-02-11T10:56:56Z'], ['1', [], '0.0', '1023.0', '33', nil, nil, nil, '2009-02-11T10:56:55Z'], ['2', ['tagD2a', 'tagD2b', 'tagD2c'], '23.4', '1021.0', '42.1', nil, nil, nil, '2009-02-11T10:55:10Z'] ] env.datastreams.each_with_index do |ds, i| e_identifier, e_tags, e_min_value, e_max_value, e_value, e_unit_symbol, e_unit_type, e_unit_value, e_value_recorded_at = expectations_list[i] assert_equal e_identifier, ds.identifier assert_equal e_tags.size, ds.tags.size, "should have right num of tags" e_tags.each do |expected_tag| ds.tags.member? expected_tag end assert_equal e_value_recorded_at, ds.values.last.recorded_at assert_equal e_min_value, ds.min_value assert_equal e_max_value, ds.max_value assert_equal e_value, ds.value assert_equal e_unit_symbol, ds.unit_symbol assert_equal e_unit_type, ds.unit_type assert_equal e_unit_value, ds.unit_value end end test "passes in v1.0.0 if no datastreams from json" do original_hash = JSON.parse('test/data/doc_1_v1-0-0.json')) original_hash.delete('datastreams') test_json = original_hash.to_json environment = Environment.new_from_json(test_json) assert_equal('title here', environment.title) assert_equal([], environment.datastreams) end test "parses environment level tags from v1.0.0 json" do env = create_env_from_json_file('test/data/environment_tags.json') assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size assert_equal 2, env.tags.size assert_equal env.tags[0], 'tagE0' assert_equal env.tags[1], 'tagE1' assert_equal true, env.has_tag_element end test "sets has_tag_element to false if no feed tag elements v051 xml" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('environment_no_feed_tags.xml') assert_equal 0, env.tags.size assert_equal 1, env.datastreams.size assert_equal false, env.has_tag_element end test "sets has_tag_element to false if no datastream tag elements v051 xml" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('environment_no_datastream_tags.xml') assert_equal 1, env.datastreams.size assert_equal 0, env.datastreams.first.tags.size assert_equal false, env.datastreams.first.has_tag_element end test "sets has_tag_element to false if no datastream tag elements v005 xml" do env = create_env_from_xml_file('environment_no_datastream_tags_005.xml') assert_equal 0, env.tags.size assert_equal false, env.has_tag_element assert_equal 1, env.datastreams.size assert_equal 0, env.datastreams.first.tags.size assert_equal false, env.datastreams.first.has_tag_element end test "sets has_tag_element to false if there are no tag elements" do env = create_env_from_json_file('test/data/environment_no_tags.json') assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size assert_equal false, env.has_tag_element assert_equal env.datastreams[0].has_tag_element, false assert_equal env.datastreams[1].has_tag_element, false assert_equal env.datastreams[2].has_tag_element, false end test "sets has_tag_element to true if there are empty tag elements" do env = create_env_from_json_file('test/data/environment_empty_tags.json') assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size assert_equal true, env.has_tag_element assert_equal env.datastreams[0].has_tag_element, true assert_equal env.datastreams[1].has_tag_element, true assert_equal env.datastreams[2].has_tag_element, true end test "parses a v6 input file ok" do env = create_env_from_json_v6_file_one assert_not_nil env assert_instance_of Environment, env assert_equal('title here', env.title) assert_equal('description here', env.description) assert_equal('', env.feed_url) assert_equal('', assert_equal('frozen', env.status) assert_equal('', assert_equal('', env.icon) #env attrs assert_equal('1247', env.identifier) assert_equal('2009-02-11T10:56:56Z', env.updated.utc.iso8601) assert_equal false, env.has_tag_element end test "location parses ok from json when parsing a v6 file" do env = create_env_from_json_v6_file_one assert_not_nil env.location location = env.location assert_equal "Up on the roof (somewhere)", assert_equal "50.1", location.latitude assert_equal "48.7", location.longitude assert_equal "1.34", location.elevation assert_equal "physical", location.domain assert_equal "outdoor", location.exposure assert_equal "mobile", location.disposition end test "datastreams parse ok from v6 json" do env = create_env_from_json_v6_file_one assert_equal 3, env.datastreams.size #the expected values for the datastreams in the test doc expectations_list = [ #id, tag array, min, max, value, unit_symbol, unit_type, unit_value ['0', ['tagD0'], '-9999.0', '1022.0', '0', 'C', 'basicSI', 'Celsius'], ['1', [], '0.0', '1023.0', '33', nil, nil, nil], ['2', ['tagD2a', 'tagD2b', 'tagD2c'], '23.4', '1021.0', '42.1', nil, nil, nil] ] env.datastreams.each_with_index do |ds, i| e_identifier, e_tags, e_min_value, e_max_value, e_value, e_unit_symbol, e_unit_type, e_unit_value = expectations_list[i] assert_equal e_identifier, ds.identifier assert_equal e_tags.size, ds.tags.size, "should have right num of tags" e_tags.each do |expected_tag| ds.tags.member? expected_tag end assert_equal e_min_value, ds.min_value assert_equal e_max_value, ds.max_value assert_equal e_value, ds.value assert_equal e_unit_symbol, ds.unit_symbol assert_equal e_unit_type, ds.unit_type assert_equal e_unit_value, ds.unit_value assert_equal false, env.has_tag_element end end test "passes in v6 if no datastreams from json" do original_hash = JSON.parse('test/data/doc_1_v6.json')) original_hash.delete('datastreams') test_json = original_hash.to_json environment = Environment.new_from_json(test_json) assert_equal('title here', environment.title) assert_equal([], environment.datastreams) end test "captures `private` attribute when parsing old json" do env = create_env_from_json_file("test/data/doc_1_private.json") assert_not_nil env assert_equal true, env.private end test "captures the `private` attribute as false if present and false when parsing old json" do env = create_env_from_json_file("test/data/doc_1_non_private.json") assert_equal false, env.private end test "captures `private` attribute when parsing v6 json" do env = create_env_from_json_file("test/data/doc_1_v6_private.json") assert_not_nil env assert_equal true, env.private end test "captures `private` attribute when parsing 1.0.0 json" do env = create_env_from_json_file("test/data/doc_1_v1-0-0.json") assert_not_nil env assert_equal false, env.private end test "captures the `private` attribute as false if present and false when parsing v6 json" do env = create_env_from_json_file("test/data/doc_1_v6_non_private.json") assert_not_nil env assert_equal false, env.private end test "raise an exception if asked to parse a valid json document, that doesn't have basic elements" do assert_raise(JSON::ParserError) do environment = Environment.new_from_json('{"foo":"bar"}') end end # --- ------------------------------------------------------- # --- csv input stuff ------------------------------------------------------- # --- ------------------------------------------------------- def create_env_with_datastream_values(values) e = values.each do |v| e.add_datastream => v) end assert_equal values.size, e.datastreams.size return e end test "update from csv values" do #add a helper method to get an environments datastream values (ignoring min, max) as a simple array #TODO: note, can't unload the class before other tests, so be careful with this approach to conveniences. class Eeml::Environment def values_quick {|ds| ds.values.last.value} end end values = ['11.01', '2', 'thirdval', '40'].freeze #this env has NO datastreams, so each value will add a ds. env = env.update_datastreams_from_csv_values!(values) assert_equal values, env.values_quick #When env has FEWER datastreams than the csv #it should update the ones it has, AND add extra datastreams for the excess in the csv #TODO: check this assumption: # ALL datastreams should take their new value from csv, keeping previous min, max values. env = create_env_with_datastream_values(%w(e1 e2 e3)) env.update_datastreams_from_csv_values!(values) assert_equal values, env.values_quick #When env has MORE datastreams than the csv #it "should remove extra datastreams if less values are published to the csv feed" do env = create_env_with_datastream_values(%w(e1 e2 e3 e4 e5)) env.update_datastreams_from_csv_values!(values) assert_equal values, env.values_quick #WHEN env has SAME number of ds as the csv env = create_env_with_datastream_values(%w(e1 e2 e3 e4)) env.update_datastreams_from_csv_values!(values) assert_equal values, env.values_quick end test "creating via csv should accept version v1" do environment = Environment.new_from_csv("1,2,3,4", :v1) assert_equal 4, environment.datastreams.length end test "creating via csv should accept version v2" do csv = <<-CSV 1,2 3,4 CSV environment = Environment.new_from_csv(csv, :v2) assert_equal 2, environment.datastreams.length assert_equal ['1', '3'], end test "creating via csv should attempt to detect version" do csv = <<-CSV 1,2 3,4 CSV environment = Environment.new_from_csv(csv) assert_equal 2, environment.datastreams.length assert_equal ['1', '3'], end test "creating via csv should assume v1 if one row and one entry" do environment = Environment.new_from_csv("nought") assert_equal 1, environment.datastreams.length assert_equal "nought", environment.datastreams.first.values.first.value end test "creating via csv should assume v1 if one row and 3+ entry" do environment = Environment.new_from_csv("nought,two,free") assert_equal 3, environment.datastreams.length assert_equal ["free", "nought", "two"], environment.datastreams.collect(&:values) end test "creating via csv should raise an exception if it cannot detect the version" do exception = assert_raises CsvEncodingError do Environment.new_from_csv("1,2") end assert_equal "CSV version could not be detected", exception.message end # --- Other Unit Tests ------------------------------------------------------- # --- ------------------------------------------------------- # --- Stuff that gets used in lots of places --------------------------------- test "environment#add_datastreams should add a group of datastreams" do e = values = %w(e1 e2 e3) e.add_datastreams values.collect {|v| => v)} assert_equal values.size, e.datastreams.size end test "environment#add_datastreams should raise an exception if passed duplicate datastreams" do e = stream_ids = %w(ds1 ds2 ds1 ds3) assert_raise Exceptions::DuplicateDataStreams, "Duplicate Datastream ID: ds1" do e.add_datastreams stream_ids.collect {|id| => id)} end end test "environment#add_datastreams should raise an exception if datastream ids conflict with existing stream ids" do e = stream_ids = %w(ds1 ds2 ds3) e.add_datastreams stream_ids.collect {|id| => id)} assert_raise Exceptions::DuplicateDataStreams, "Duplicate Datastream ID: ds2" do e.add_datastreams [ => "ds2")] end end test "environment#add_datastream should raise an exception if datastream ids conflict with existing stream ids" do e = stream_ids = %w(ds1 ds2 ds3) e.add_datastreams stream_ids.collect {|id| => id)} assert_raise Exceptions::DuplicateDataStreams, "Duplicate Datastream ID: ds3" do e.add_datastream => "ds3") end end # --- convenience stuff - don't put tests under here ------------------------------ def create_env_from_xml_string(string) environment = Environment.new_from_eeml(string) assert_not_nil environment assert_equal(Environment, environment.class) return environment end def create_env_from_xml_file_one return create_env_from_xml_file('doc_1.xml') end def create_env_from_xml_file(test_file) filename = 'test/data/' + test_file eeml_doc = assert_not_nil eeml_doc, "content of test xml file shouldn't be nil for file: #{filename}" return create_env_from_xml_string(eeml_doc) end def create_env_from_json_file_one return create_env_from_json_file('test/data/doc_1.json') end def create_env_from_json_v6_file_one return create_env_from_json_file('test/data/doc_1_v6.json') end def create_env_from_json_v100_file_one return create_env_from_json_file('test/data/doc_1_v1-0-0.json') end def create_env_from_json_file(filename) json = return Environment.new_from_json(json) end def prep_json_for_reading(json) return nil if json.nil? json.gsub(/","/, '"' + "\n" + '"').sort end end