require 'pathname' require 'yaml' here = (Pathname(__FILE__).parent.expand_path) task :test do ENV['XPCOMCORE'] = Pathname(__FILE__).parent.expand_path.to_s exec(ENV['XULTEST'] || "xultest", "-testDir", (Pathname(__FILE__).parent + "test/").expand_path.to_s) end task :default => :test namespace :docs do doc_dir = here + "doc" jsdoc_loc = here + "etc/jsdoc-toolkit" desc "Builds the documentation" task :build do raise "java does not seem to be in your PATH." if `which java`.chomp.empty? system(%Q[java -jar "#{jsdoc_loc}/jsrun.jar" "#{jsdoc_loc}/app/run.js" -r -a -t="#{jsdoc_loc}/templates/jsdoc" -d="#{doc_dir}" lib]) end task :clean do system(%Q[cd "#{here}" && git rm -rf "doc/*"]) FileUtils.rm_rf(doc_dir) FileUtils.mkdir(doc_dir) end task :commit do system(%Q[cd "#{here}" && git add "doc" && git commit -m "Updating docs"]) end task :update_gh_pages do current_branch = `cd "#{here}" && git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e '\\* ' | sed 's/^..\\(.*\\)/\\1/'`.chomp system(%Q[cd "#{here}" && git checkout gh-pages && git rm -rf doc && git checkout master doc && git add doc && git commit -m "Updating docs for GH pages" && git checkout -f #{current_branch}]) end end task :build => ['version:update_files', 'docs:clean', 'docs:build', 'docs:commit', 'docs:update_gh_pages'] task :release => :build do system(%Q[cd #{here} && git push]) end namespace :version do version_file = here + "VERSION.yml" task :update_files do component_file = (Pathname(__FILE__).parent + "components/XPCOMCore.js").expand_path current = YAML.load_file(version_file.to_s) version_string = "#{current['version']['major']}.#{current['version']['minor']}.#{current['version']['patch']}" js_marker_comment = "// DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT OR MOVE THIS LINE. THIS LINE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM A RAKE TASK. @XPCOMCORE_VERSION@" js_version_string = "var XPCOMCoreVersion = '#{version_string}'; #{js_marker_comment}\n" new_file = component_file.readlines.collect do |line| next line unless line =~ /@XPCOMCORE_VERSION@/ js_version_string end'w') { |f| f << new_file.join } puts "Updated '#{component_file}' to reflect VERSION.yml" system(%Q[cd "#{here}" && git add "#{component_file}" && git commit -m "Updating version to '#{version_string}'" "#{component_file}"]) end namespace :bump do bumper = lambda do |version_part| current = YAML.load_file(version_file.to_s) puts "Current version is: #{current['version']['major']}.#{current['version']['minor']}.#{current['version']['patch']}" current['version'][version_part] += 1'w') { |f| f << YAML.dump(current) } puts "Current version is now: #{current['version']['major']}.#{current['version']['minor']}.#{current['version']['patch']}" end desc "Bumps the major version" task(:major) {'major') } desc "Bumps the minor version" task(:minor) {'minor') } desc "Bumps the patch version" task(:patch) {'patch') } end end