module PlexSymlinker class Operation attr_reader :files_base_dir, :symlinks_base_dir, :symlink_target_dir # # @param [String] files_base_dir # The directory the audio files are in. Sub-Directories are scanned accordingly. # @param [String] symlinks_base_dir # The directory the symlinks and folder structure should be placed in. # @param [String] symlink_target_dir # In some cases, the created symlinks should not target the actual files directory, # but a different one instead. An example would be the usage of this Gem through a Dockerfile # with mounted volumes. # # @example Usage with a custom symlink target dir # # When using a docker container to run this gem, we have to make sure it has access to # # both the files and the directory to place the symlinks in. The easiest way to do so # # is by mounting both directories as volumes. # # The docker image expects the files and symlinks directories to be mounted as /app/source and /app/target # # respectively: # # docker run plex-symlinker -v /path/to/audio/files:/app/source -v /path/to/symlinks:/app/target # # # The problem here would be that the generated symlinks would all point to files inside /app/source # # instead of the actual audio file directory as this is the only directly that's known inside the # # docker container. # # To fix this, specifying the actual files directory outside the container as +symlink_target_dir+ # # takes precedence when creating the symlinks. This is already done in /bin/plex-symlinker-docker. # # An example initialization for the above paths would therefore be: # #"/app/source", "/app/target", symlink_target_dir: "/path/to/audio/files") # def initialize(files_base_dir, symlinks_base_dir, symlink_target_dir: nil) @files_base_dir = files_base_dir @symlinks_base_dir = symlinks_base_dir @symlink_target_dir = symlink_target_dir.presence || @files_base_dir end # # Searches for files within the given directory and its subdirectories. # # @param [String] dir # The directory to search in # @param [Array<#to_s>] extensions # File extensions to be taken into account. Only files with a matching extension # will be returned. # @return [Array] The paths to all files with matching extensions within the given directory # def files(dir, extensions = FileTypes::AudioFile.registered_types.keys) Dir[File.join(dir, "**/*.{#{extensions.join(",")}}")] end def audio_files files(files_base_dir).map(&FileTypes::AudioFile.method(:from_path)) end def symlinks files(symlinks_base_dir).map(&Symlink.method(:new)) end def perform cleanup create_symlinks end def create_symlinks "Creating new symlinks..." progress = ProgressBar.create(total: audio_files.size, output: PlexSymlinker.output) audio_files.each do |file| progress.log " --* #{file.album_artist}/#{file.album}..." FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(symlinks_base_dir, file.relative_symlink_dir)) path = file.path.gsub(files_base_dir, symlink_target_dir) symlink_path = File.join(symlinks_base_dir, file.relative_symlink_path) # If we already have a symlink, don't try to create it again. next if File.symlink?(symlink_path) File.symlink(path, symlink_path) progress.increment end end # # Removes all symlinks from the target folder that don't have an existing target any more # # TODO: Remove empty directories as well # def cleanup "Removing invalid existing symlinks..." symlinks.each do |link| current_target =, files_base_dir) File.delete(link.path) unless File.exist?(current_target) end end end end