# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'minitest/autorun' require 'rack/utils' require 'rack/mock' require 'timeout' describe Rack::Utils do def assert_sets exp, act exp = Set.new exp.split '&' act = Set.new act.split '&' assert_equal exp, act end def assert_query exp, act assert_sets exp, Rack::Utils.build_query(act) end def assert_nested_query exp, act assert_sets exp, Rack::Utils.build_nested_query(act) end it 'can be mixed in and used' do instance = Class.new { include Rack::Utils public :parse_nested_query public :parse_query }.new assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, instance.parse_nested_query("foo=bar")) assert_equal({ "foo" => "bar" }, instance.parse_query("foo=bar")) end it "round trip binary data" do r = [218, 0].pack 'CC' z = Rack::Utils.unescape(Rack::Utils.escape(r), Encoding::BINARY) r.must_equal z end it "escape correctly" do Rack::Utils.escape("fobar").must_equal "fo%3Co%3Ebar" Rack::Utils.escape("a space").must_equal "a+space" Rack::Utils.escape("q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?\\"). must_equal "q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F%5C" end it "escape correctly for multibyte characters" do matz_name = "\xE3\x81\xBE\xE3\x81\xA4\xE3\x82\x82\xE3\x81\xA8".unpack("a*")[0] # Matsumoto matz_name.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) Rack::Utils.escape(matz_name).must_equal '%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A4%E3%82%82%E3%81%A8' matz_name_sep = "\xE3\x81\xBE\xE3\x81\xA4 \xE3\x82\x82\xE3\x81\xA8".unpack("a*")[0] # Matsu moto matz_name_sep.force_encoding("UTF-8") if matz_name_sep.respond_to? :force_encoding Rack::Utils.escape(matz_name_sep).must_equal '%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A4+%E3%82%82%E3%81%A8' end it "escape objects that responds to to_s" do Rack::Utils.escape(:id).must_equal "id" end it "escape non-UTF8 strings" do Rack::Utils.escape("ø".encode("ISO-8859-1")).must_equal "%F8" end it "not hang on escaping long strings that end in % (http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/5149)" do Timeout.timeout(1) do lambda { URI.decode_www_form_component "A string that causes catastrophic backtracking as it gets longer %" }.must_raise ArgumentError end end it "escape path spaces with %20" do Rack::Utils.escape_path("foo bar").must_equal "foo%20bar" end it "unescape correctly" do Rack::Utils.unescape("fo%3Co%3Ebar").must_equal "fobar" Rack::Utils.unescape("a+space").must_equal "a space" Rack::Utils.unescape("a%20space").must_equal "a space" Rack::Utils.unescape("q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F%5C"). must_equal "q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?\\" end it "parse query strings correctly" do Rack::Utils.parse_query("foo=bar"). must_equal "foo" => "bar" Rack::Utils.parse_query("foo=\"bar\""). must_equal "foo" => "\"bar\"" Rack::Utils.parse_query("foo=bar&foo=quux"). must_equal "foo" => ["bar", "quux"] Rack::Utils.parse_query("foo=1&bar=2"). must_equal "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2" Rack::Utils.parse_query("my+weird+field=q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F"). must_equal "my weird field" => "q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?" Rack::Utils.parse_query("foo%3Dbaz=bar").must_equal "foo=baz" => "bar" Rack::Utils.parse_query("=").must_equal "" => "" Rack::Utils.parse_query("=value").must_equal "" => "value" Rack::Utils.parse_query("key=").must_equal "key" => "" Rack::Utils.parse_query("&key&").must_equal "key" => nil Rack::Utils.parse_query(";key;", ";,").must_equal "key" => nil Rack::Utils.parse_query(",key,", ";,").must_equal "key" => nil Rack::Utils.parse_query(";foo=bar,;", ";,").must_equal "foo" => "bar" Rack::Utils.parse_query(",foo=bar;,", ";,").must_equal "foo" => "bar" end it "not create infinite loops with cycle structures" do ex = { "foo" => nil } ex["foo"] = ex params = Rack::Utils::KeySpaceConstrainedParams.new(65536) params['foo'] = params params.to_params_hash.to_s.must_equal ex.to_s end it "parse nil as an empty query string" do Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(nil).must_equal({}) end it "raise an exception if the params are too deep" do len = Rack::Utils.param_depth_limit lambda { Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo#{"[a]" * len}=bar") }.must_raise(RangeError) Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo#{"[a]" * (len - 1)}=bar") end it "parse nested query strings correctly" do Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo"). must_equal "foo" => nil Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo="). must_equal "foo" => "" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo=bar"). must_equal "foo" => "bar" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo=\"bar\""). must_equal "foo" => "\"bar\"" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo=bar&foo=quux"). must_equal "foo" => "quux" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo&foo="). must_equal "foo" => "" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo=1&bar=2"). must_equal "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("&foo=1&&bar=2"). must_equal "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo&bar="). must_equal "foo" => nil, "bar" => "" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo=bar&baz="). must_equal "foo" => "bar", "baz" => "" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("my+weird+field=q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F"). must_equal "my weird field" => "q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("a=b&pid%3D1234=1023"). must_equal "pid=1234" => "1023", "a" => "b" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]"). must_equal "foo" => [nil] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]="). must_equal "foo" => [""] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar"). must_equal "foo" => ["bar"] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar&foo"). must_equal "foo" => nil Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar&foo["). must_equal "foo" => ["bar"], "foo[" => nil Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar&foo[=baz"). must_equal "foo" => ["bar"], "foo[" => "baz" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar&foo[]"). must_equal "foo" => ["bar", nil] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar&foo[]="). must_equal "foo" => ["bar", ""] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=1&foo[]=2"). must_equal "foo" => ["1", "2"] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo=bar&baz[]=1&baz[]=2&baz[]=3"). must_equal "foo" => "bar", "baz" => ["1", "2", "3"] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo[]=bar&baz[]=1&baz[]=2&baz[]=3"). must_equal "foo" => ["bar"], "baz" => ["1", "2", "3"] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][z]=1"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => {"z" => "1"}} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][z][]=1"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => {"z" => ["1"]}} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][z]=1&x[y][z]=2"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => {"z" => "2"}} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][z][]=1&x[y][z][]=2"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => {"z" => ["1", "2"]}} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z]=1"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1"}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z][]=1"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"z" => ["1"]}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][w]=2"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1", "w" => "2"}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][v][w]=1"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"v" => {"w" => "1"}}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][v][w]=2"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1", "v" => {"w" => "2"}}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][z]=2"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1"}, {"z" => "2"}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][w]=a&x[y][][z]=2&x[y][][w]=3"). must_equal "x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1", "w" => "a"}, {"z" => "2", "w" => "3"}]} Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[][y]=1&x[][z][w]=a&x[][y]=2&x[][z][w]=b"). must_equal "x" => [{"y" => "1", "z" => {"w" => "a"}}, {"y" => "2", "z" => {"w" => "b"}}] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[][z][w]=a&x[][y]=1&x[][z][w]=b&x[][y]=2"). must_equal "x" => [{"y" => "1", "z" => {"w" => "a"}}, {"y" => "2", "z" => {"w" => "b"}}] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("data[books][][data][page]=1&data[books][][data][page]=2"). must_equal "data" => { "books" => [{ "data" => { "page" => "1"}}, { "data" => { "page" => "2"}}] } lambda { Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y]=1&x[y]z=2") }. must_raise(Rack::Utils::ParameterTypeError). message.must_equal "expected Hash (got String) for param `y'" lambda { Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y]=1&x[]=1") }. must_raise(Rack::Utils::ParameterTypeError). message.must_match(/expected Array \(got [^)]*\) for param `x'/) lambda { Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y]=1&x[y][][w]=2") }. must_raise(Rack::Utils::ParameterTypeError). message.must_equal "expected Array (got String) for param `y'" lambda { Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("foo%81E=1") }. must_raise(Rack::Utils::InvalidParameterError). message.must_equal "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" end it "only moves to a new array when the full key has been seen" do Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[][y][][z]=1&x[][y][][w]=2"). must_equal "x" => [{"y" => [{"z" => "1", "w" => "2"}]}] Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query( "x[][id]=1&x[][y][a]=5&x[][y][b]=7&x[][z][id]=3&x[][z][w]=0&x[][id]=2&x[][y][a]=6&x[][y][b]=8&x[][z][id]=4&x[][z][w]=0" ).must_equal "x" => [ {"id" => "1", "y" => {"a" => "5", "b" => "7"}, "z" => {"id" => "3", "w" => "0"}}, {"id" => "2", "y" => {"a" => "6", "b" => "8"}, "z" => {"id" => "4", "w" => "0"}}, ] end it "allow setting the params hash class to use for parsing query strings" do begin default_parser = Rack::Utils.default_query_parser param_parser_class = Class.new(Rack::QueryParser::Params) do def initialize(*) super @params = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k.to_s] if k.is_a?(Symbol)} end end Rack::Utils.default_query_parser = Rack::QueryParser.new(param_parser_class, 65536, 100) Rack::Utils.parse_query(",foo=bar;,", ";,")[:foo].must_equal "bar" Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query("x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][w]=2")[:x][:y][0][:z].must_equal "1" ensure Rack::Utils.default_query_parser = default_parser end end it "build query strings correctly" do assert_query "foo=bar", "foo" => "bar" assert_query "foo=bar&foo=quux", "foo" => ["bar", "quux"] assert_query "foo=1&bar=2", "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2" assert_query("my+weird+field=q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F", "my weird field" => "q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?") end it "build nested query strings correctly" do Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo" => nil).must_equal "foo" Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo" => "").must_equal "foo=" Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo" => "bar").must_equal "foo=bar" assert_nested_query("foo=1&bar=2", "foo" => "1", "bar" => "2") assert_nested_query("foo=1&bar=2", "foo" => 1, "bar" => 2) assert_nested_query("my+weird+field=q1%212%22%27w%245%267%2Fz8%29%3F", "my weird field" => "q1!2\"'w$5&7/z8)?") Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo" => [nil]).must_equal "foo[]" Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo" => [""]).must_equal "foo[]=" Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo" => ["bar"]).must_equal "foo[]=bar" Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => []).must_equal '' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => {}).must_equal '' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => []).must_equal 'foo=bar' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => {}).must_equal 'foo=bar' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => nil, 'bar' => ''). must_equal 'foo&bar=' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => ''). must_equal 'foo=bar&baz=' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => ['1', '2']). must_equal 'foo[]=1&foo[]=2' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => ['1', '2', '3']). must_equal 'foo=bar&baz[]=1&baz[]=2&baz[]=3' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => ['bar'], 'baz' => ['1', '2', '3']). must_equal 'foo[]=bar&baz[]=1&baz[]=2&baz[]=3' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('foo' => ['bar'], 'baz' => ['1', '2', '3']). must_equal 'foo[]=bar&baz[]=1&baz[]=2&baz[]=3' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => { 'z' => '1' } }). must_equal 'x[y][z]=1' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => { 'z' => ['1'] } }). must_equal 'x[y][z][]=1' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => { 'z' => ['1', '2'] } }). must_equal 'x[y][z][]=1&x[y][z][]=2' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'z' => '1' }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][z]=1' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'z' => ['1'] }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][z][]=1' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'z' => '1', 'w' => '2' }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][w]=2' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'v' => { 'w' => '1' } }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][v][w]=1' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'z' => '1', 'v' => { 'w' => '2' } }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][v][w]=2' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'z' => '1' }, { 'z' => '2' }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][z]=2' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query('x' => { 'y' => [{ 'z' => '1', 'w' => 'a' }, { 'z' => '2', 'w' => '3' }] }). must_equal 'x[y][][z]=1&x[y][][w]=a&x[y][][z]=2&x[y][][w]=3' Rack::Utils.build_nested_query({"foo" => ["1", ["2"]]}). must_equal 'foo[]=1&foo[][]=2' lambda { Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo=bar") }. must_raise(ArgumentError). message.must_equal "value must be a Hash" end it 'performs the inverse function of #parse_nested_query' do [{"foo" => nil, "bar" => ""}, {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => ""}, {"foo" => ["1", "2"]}, {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => ["1", "2", "3"]}, {"foo" => ["bar"], "baz" => ["1", "2", "3"]}, {"foo" => ["1", "2"]}, {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => ["1", "2", "3"]}, {"x" => {"y" => {"z" => "1"}}}, {"x" => {"y" => {"z" => ["1"]}}}, {"x" => {"y" => {"z" => ["1", "2"]}}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1"}]}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"z" => ["1"]}]}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1", "w" => "2"}]}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"v" => {"w" => "1"}}]}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1", "v" => {"w" => "2"}}]}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1"}, {"z" => "2"}]}}, {"x" => {"y" => [{"z" => "1", "w" => "a"}, {"z" => "2", "w" => "3"}]}}, {"foo" => ["1", ["2"]]}, ].each { |params| qs = Rack::Utils.build_nested_query(params) Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(qs).must_equal params } lambda { Rack::Utils.build_nested_query("foo=bar") }. must_raise(ArgumentError). message.must_equal "value must be a Hash" end it "parse query strings that have a non-existent value" do key = "post/2011/08/27/Deux-%22rat%C3%A9s%22-de-l-Universit" Rack::Utils.parse_query(key).must_equal Rack::Utils.unescape(key) => nil end it "build query strings without = with non-existent values" do key = "post/2011/08/27/Deux-%22rat%C3%A9s%22-de-l-Universit" key = Rack::Utils.unescape(key) Rack::Utils.build_query(key => nil).must_equal Rack::Utils.escape(key) end it "parse q-values" do # XXX handle accept-extension Rack::Utils.q_values("foo;q=0.5,bar,baz;q=0.9").must_equal [ [ 'foo', 0.5 ], [ 'bar', 1.0 ], [ 'baz', 0.9 ] ] end it "select best quality match" do Rack::Utils.best_q_match("text/html", %w[text/html]).must_equal "text/html" # More specific matches are preferred Rack::Utils.best_q_match("text/*;q=0.5,text/html;q=1.0", %w[text/html]).must_equal "text/html" # Higher quality matches are preferred Rack::Utils.best_q_match("text/*;q=0.5,text/plain;q=1.0", %w[text/plain text/html]).must_equal "text/plain" # Respect requested content type Rack::Utils.best_q_match("application/json", %w[application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 application/json]).must_equal "application/json" # All else equal, the available mimes are preferred in order Rack::Utils.best_q_match("text/*", %w[text/html text/plain]).must_equal "text/html" Rack::Utils.best_q_match("text/plain,text/html", %w[text/html text/plain]).must_equal "text/html" # When there are no matches, return nil: Rack::Utils.best_q_match("application/json", %w[text/html text/plain]).must_be_nil end it "escape html entities [&><'\"/]" do Rack::Utils.escape_html("foo").must_equal "foo" Rack::Utils.escape_html("f&o").must_equal "f&o" Rack::Utils.escape_html("fo").must_equal "f>o" Rack::Utils.escape_html("f'o").must_equal "f'o" Rack::Utils.escape_html('f"o').must_equal "f"o" Rack::Utils.escape_html("f/o").must_equal "f/o" Rack::Utils.escape_html("").must_equal "<foo></foo>" end it "escape html entities even on MRI when it's bugged" do test_escape = lambda do Rack::Utils.escape_html("\300<").must_equal "\300<" end test_escape.must_raise ArgumentError end it "escape html entities in unicode strings" do # the following will cause warnings if the regex is poorly encoded: Rack::Utils.escape_html("☃").must_equal "☃" end it "figure out which encodings are acceptable" do helper = lambda do |a, b| Rack::Request.new(Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => a)) Rack::Utils.select_best_encoding(a, b) end helper.call(%w(), [["x", 1]]).must_be_nil helper.call(%w(identity), [["identity", 0.0]]).must_be_nil helper.call(%w(identity), [["*", 0.0]]).must_be_nil helper.call(%w(identity), [["compress", 1.0], ["gzip", 1.0]]).must_equal "identity" helper.call(%w(compress gzip identity), [["compress", 1.0], ["gzip", 1.0]]).must_equal "compress" helper.call(%w(compress gzip identity), [["compress", 0.5], ["gzip", 1.0]]).must_equal "gzip" helper.call(%w(foo bar identity), []).must_equal "identity" helper.call(%w(foo bar identity), [["*", 1.0]]).must_equal "foo" helper.call(%w(foo bar identity), [["*", 1.0], ["foo", 0.9]]).must_equal "bar" helper.call(%w(foo bar identity), [["foo", 0], ["bar", 0]]).must_equal "identity" helper.call(%w(foo bar baz identity), [["*", 0], ["identity", 0.1]]).must_equal "identity" end it "should perform constant time string comparison" do Rack::Utils.secure_compare('a', 'a').must_equal true Rack::Utils.secure_compare('a', 'b').must_equal false end it "return status code for integer" do Rack::Utils.status_code(200).must_equal 200 end it "return status code for string" do Rack::Utils.status_code("200").must_equal 200 end it "return status code for symbol" do Rack::Utils.status_code(:ok).must_equal 200 end it "return rfc2822 format from rfc2822 helper" do Rack::Utils.rfc2822(Time.at(0).gmtime).must_equal "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000" end it "return rfc2109 format from rfc2109 helper" do Rack::Utils.rfc2109(Time.at(0).gmtime).must_equal "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT" end it "clean directory traversal" do Rack::Utils.clean_path_info("/cgi/../cgi/test").must_equal "/cgi/test" Rack::Utils.clean_path_info(".").must_be_empty Rack::Utils.clean_path_info("test/..").must_be_empty end it "clean unsafe directory traversal to safe path" do Rack::Utils.clean_path_info("/../README.rdoc").must_equal "/README.rdoc" Rack::Utils.clean_path_info("../test/spec_utils.rb").must_equal "test/spec_utils.rb" end it "not clean directory traversal with encoded periods" do Rack::Utils.clean_path_info("/%2E%2E/README").must_equal "/%2E%2E/README" end it "clean slash only paths" do Rack::Utils.clean_path_info("/").must_equal "/" end end describe Rack::Utils, "cookies" do it "parses cookies" do env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_COOKIE" => "zoo=m") Rack::Utils.parse_cookies(env).must_equal({"zoo" => "m"}) env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_COOKIE" => "foo=%") Rack::Utils.parse_cookies(env).must_equal({"foo" => "%"}) env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_COOKIE" => "foo=bar;foo=car") Rack::Utils.parse_cookies(env).must_equal({"foo" => "bar"}) env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_COOKIE" => "foo=bar;quux=h&m") Rack::Utils.parse_cookies(env).must_equal({"foo" => "bar", "quux" => "h&m"}) env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_COOKIE" => "foo=bar").freeze Rack::Utils.parse_cookies(env).must_equal({"foo" => "bar"}) end it "adds new cookies to nil header" do Rack::Utils.add_cookie_to_header(nil, 'name', 'value').must_equal 'name=value' end it "adds new cookies to blank header" do header = '' Rack::Utils.add_cookie_to_header(header, 'name', 'value').must_equal 'name=value' header.must_equal '' end it "adds new cookies to string header" do header = 'existing-cookie' Rack::Utils.add_cookie_to_header(header, 'name', 'value').must_equal "existing-cookie\nname=value" header.must_equal 'existing-cookie' end it "adds new cookies to array header" do header = %w[ existing-cookie ] Rack::Utils.add_cookie_to_header(header, 'name', 'value').must_equal "existing-cookie\nname=value" header.must_equal %w[ existing-cookie ] end it "adds new cookies to an unrecognized header" do lambda { Rack::Utils.add_cookie_to_header(Object.new, 'name', 'value') }.must_raise ArgumentError end end describe Rack::Utils, "byte_range" do it "ignore missing or syntactically invalid byte ranges" do Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({},500).must_be_nil Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "foobar"},500).must_be_nil Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "furlongs=123-456"},500).must_be_nil Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes="},500).must_be_nil Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=-"},500).must_be_nil Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=123,456"},500).must_be_nil # A range of non-positive length is syntactically invalid and ignored: Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=456-123"},500).must_be_nil Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=456-455"},500).must_be_nil end it "parse simple byte ranges" do Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=123-456"},500).must_equal [(123..456)] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=123-"},500).must_equal [(123..499)] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=-100"},500).must_equal [(400..499)] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=0-0"},500).must_equal [(0..0)] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=499-499"},500).must_equal [(499..499)] end it "parse several byte ranges" do Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=500-600,601-999"},1000).must_equal [(500..600),(601..999)] end it "truncate byte ranges" do Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=123-999"},500).must_equal [(123..499)] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=600-999"},500).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=-999"},500).must_equal [(0..499)] end it "ignore unsatisfiable byte ranges" do Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=500-501"},500).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=500-"},500).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=999-"},500).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=-0"},500).must_equal [] end it "handle byte ranges of empty files" do Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=123-456"},0).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=0-"},0).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=-100"},0).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=0-0"},0).must_equal [] Rack::Utils.byte_ranges({"HTTP_RANGE" => "bytes=-0"},0).must_equal [] end end describe Rack::Utils::HeaderHash do it "retain header case" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("Content-MD5" => "d5ff4e2a0 ...") h['ETag'] = 'Boo!' h.to_hash.must_equal "Content-MD5" => "d5ff4e2a0 ...", "ETag" => 'Boo!' end it "check existence of keys case insensitively" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("Content-MD5" => "d5ff4e2a0 ...") h.must_include 'content-md5' h.wont_include 'ETag' end it "create deep HeaderHash copy on dup" do h1 = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("Content-MD5" => "d5ff4e2a0 ...") h2 = h1.dup h1.must_include 'content-md5' h2.must_include 'content-md5' h2.delete("Content-MD5") h2.wont_include 'content-md5' h1.must_include 'content-md5' end it "merge case-insensitively" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("ETag" => 'HELLO', "content-length" => '123') merged = h.merge("Etag" => 'WORLD', 'Content-Length' => '321', "Foo" => 'BAR') merged.must_equal "Etag"=>'WORLD', "Content-Length"=>'321', "Foo"=>'BAR' end it "overwrite case insensitively and assume the new key's case" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("Foo-Bar" => "baz") h["foo-bar"] = "bizzle" h["FOO-BAR"].must_equal "bizzle" h.length.must_equal 1 h.to_hash.must_equal "foo-bar" => "bizzle" end it "be converted to real Hash" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => "bar") h.to_hash.must_be_instance_of Hash end it "convert Array values to Strings when converting to Hash" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => ["bar", "baz"]) h.to_hash.must_equal({ "foo" => "bar\nbaz" }) end it "replace hashes correctly" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("Foo-Bar" => "baz") j = {"foo" => "bar"} h.replace(j) h["foo"].must_equal "bar" end it "be able to delete the given key case-sensitively" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => "bar") h.delete("foo") h["foo"].must_be_nil h["FOO"].must_be_nil end it "be able to delete the given key case-insensitively" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => "bar") h.delete("FOO") h["foo"].must_be_nil h["FOO"].must_be_nil end it "return the deleted value when #delete is called on an existing key" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => "bar") h.delete("Foo").must_equal "bar" end it "return nil when #delete is called on a non-existant key" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => "bar") h.delete("Hello").must_be_nil end it "avoid unnecessary object creation if possible" do a = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => "bar") b = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new(a) b.object_id.must_equal a.object_id b.must_equal a end it "convert Array values to Strings when responding to #each" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new("foo" => ["bar", "baz"]) h.each do |k,v| k.must_equal "foo" v.must_equal "bar\nbaz" end end it "not create headers out of thin air" do h = Rack::Utils::HeaderHash.new h['foo'] h['foo'].must_be_nil h.wont_include 'foo' end end describe Rack::Utils::Context do class ContextTest attr_reader :app def initialize app; @app=app; end def call env; context env; end def context env, app=@app; app.call(env); end end test_target1 = proc{|e| e.to_s+' world' } test_target2 = proc{|e| e.to_i+2 } test_target3 = proc{|e| nil } test_target4 = proc{|e| [200,{'Content-Type'=>'text/plain', 'Content-Length'=>'0'},['']] } test_app = ContextTest.new test_target4 it "set context correctly" do test_app.app.must_equal test_target4 c1 = Rack::Utils::Context.new(test_app, test_target1) c1.for.must_equal test_app c1.app.must_equal test_target1 c2 = Rack::Utils::Context.new(test_app, test_target2) c2.for.must_equal test_app c2.app.must_equal test_target2 end it "alter app on recontexting" do c1 = Rack::Utils::Context.new(test_app, test_target1) c2 = c1.recontext(test_target2) c2.for.must_equal test_app c2.app.must_equal test_target2 c3 = c2.recontext(test_target3) c3.for.must_equal test_app c3.app.must_equal test_target3 end it "run different apps" do c1 = Rack::Utils::Context.new test_app, test_target1 c2 = c1.recontext test_target2 c3 = c2.recontext test_target3 c4 = c3.recontext test_target4 a4 = Rack::Lint.new c4 a5 = Rack::Lint.new test_app r1 = c1.call('hello') r1.must_equal 'hello world' r2 = c2.call(2) r2.must_equal 4 r3 = c3.call(:misc_symbol) r3.must_be_nil r4 = Rack::MockRequest.new(a4).get('/') r4.status.must_equal 200 r5 = Rack::MockRequest.new(a5).get('/') r5.status.must_equal 200 r4.body.must_equal r5.body end end