module Loquacious # :stopdoc: LIBPATH = ::File.expand_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)) + ::File::SEPARATOR PATH = ::File.dirname(LIBPATH) + ::File::SEPARATOR # :startdoc: class << self # Returns the configuration associated with the given _name_. If a # _block_ is given, then it will be used to create the configuration. # # The same _name_ can be used multiple times with different # configuration blocks. Each different block will be used to add to the # configuration; i.e. the configurations are additive. # def configuration_for( name, &block ) ::Loquacious::Configuration.for(name, &block) end alias :configuration :configuration_for alias :config_for :configuration_for alias :config :configuration_for # Returns a Help instance for the configuration associated with the # given _name_. See the Help#initialize method for the options that # can be used with this method. # def help_for( name, opts = {} ) ::Loquacious::Configuration.help_for(name, opts) end alias :help :help_for # Returns the version string for the library. # def version @version ||='version.txt')).strip end # Returns the library path for the module. If any arguments are given, # they will be joined to the end of the libray path using # File.join. # def libpath( *args, &block ) rv = args.empty? ? LIBPATH : ::File.join(LIBPATH, args.flatten) if block begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift LIBPATH rv = ensure $LOAD_PATH.shift end end return rv end # Returns the lpath for the module. If any arguments are given, they # will be joined to the end of the path using File.join. # def path( *args, &block ) rv = args.empty? ? PATH : ::File.join(PATH, args.flatten) if block begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift PATH rv = ensure $LOAD_PATH.shift end end return rv end # This is merely a convenience method to remove methods from the # Loquacious::Configuration class. Some ruby gems add lots of crap to the # Kernel module, and this interferes with the configuration system. The # remove method should be used to anihilate unwanted methods from the # configuration class as needed. # # Loquacious.remove :gem # courtesy of rubygems # Loquacious.remove :test, :file # courtesy of rake # def remove( *args ) args.each { |name| name = name.to_s.delete('=') code = <<-__ undef_method :#{name} rescue nil undef_method :#{name}= rescue nil __ Loquacious::Configuration.module_eval code Loquacious::Configuration::DSL.module_eval code } end end # class << self end # module Loquacious Loquacious.libpath { require 'loquacious/core_ext/string' require 'loquacious/configuration' require 'loquacious/configuration/iterator' require 'loquacious/configuration/help' } # EOF