# Version 3.2.0 ## New Features ## Breaking Changes * PDFMaker: changed to use the abstract name `\reviewincludegraphics` instead of `\includegraphics` for image placements (such as `//image`) ([#1318]) ## Bug Fixes * reference to IDs of non-existent chapter now return standard key error (instead of internal error) ([#1284]) * fixed the value in the error message of review-compile ([#1286]) * PDFMaker: fixed the metadata of PDF page number was wrong when using review-jsbook with serial_pagination = true ([#1288]) * fixed a bug when using `@` to refer to headings with notoc, nodisp, or nonum ([#1294]) * PDFMaker: fixed an error in review-jlreq when using jlreq.cls version 0401 ([#1298]) * EPUBMaker: fixed a error of building EPUB2 ([#1301]) * EPUBMaker: added a workaround for a temporary folder deletion failure on Windows ([#1011]) * PDFMaker: support `@` ([#1220]) * PDFMaker: support old jlreq.cls ([#1317]) ## Enhancements * added test when `CHAPS:` is empty ([#1275]) * PDFMaker: for safety, inline typeface commands such as `\reviewtt` are defined with RobustCommand ([#1280]) * EPUBMaker: added `--debug` option to execute in debug mode ([#1281]) * review-epub2html: added `--inline-footnote` option to represent footnotes as inline ([#1283]) * EPUBMaker: added metadata of the cover image on EPUB3 for iBooks ([#1293]) * PDFMaker: suppressed the unexptected page break after the caption of code list or equation in review-jsbook and review-jlreq ([#1299]) * reformatted the codes using rubocop 0.67.2 ([#1297]) * added a test of building EPUB ([#1300]) * updated Ruby versions of test target to 2.4.6, 2.5.5, and 2.6.3 ([#1303]) * improved the code of YAMLLoader ([#1304]) * raise an error when invalid level is used in bullet ([#1313]) * extracted ReVIEW::Location class ([#1308]) * avoid multi-lined English words being combined without a space in bullets and bibliographic list (only in PDFMaker, at this time) ([#1312]) * raise an error when table is empty ([#1325]) * add some tests ([#1327], [#1328]) * MARKDOWNBilder: support `//listnum` ([#1336]) ## Docs * fixed the description about header levels ([#1309]) ## Others * removed ReVIEW::Preprocessor::Strip due to it is no longer used ([#1305]) ## Contributors * [@uetchy](https://github.com/uetchy) * [@mitsuo0114](https://github.com/mitsuo0114) [#1011]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1011 [#1220]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1220 [#1275]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1275 [#1280]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1280 [#1281]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1281 [#1283]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1283 [#1284]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1284 [#1286]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1286 [#1288]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1288 [#1293]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1293 [#1294]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1294 [#1297]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1297 [#1298]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1298 [#1299]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1299 [#1300]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1300 [#1301]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1301 [#1303]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1303 [#1304]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1304 [#1305]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1305 [#1308]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1308 [#1309]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1309 [#1312]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1312 [#1313]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1313 [#1317]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1317 [#1318]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1318 [#1325]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1325 [#1327]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1327 [#1328]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1328 [#1336]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1336 # Version 3.1.0 ## Breaking Changes * PDFMaker: introduce `\reviewimagecaption` macro for the caption of figure ([#1254]). Please update your review-base.sty by `review-update` command on your Re:VIEW 3 project. * remove `--strip` option which is undocumented and doesn't work correctly from `review-preproc command` ([#1257]) ## Bug Fixes * PDFMaker: fix a problem that the section number of the part continues the section number in the previous chapter ([#1225],[#1226]) * fix copying of gentombow.sty in samples folder ([#1229]) * PDFMaker: fix that the number of lines specified by `number_of_lines` document option decrease by 1 line than originally on review-jsbook ([#1235]) * PDFMaker: fix review-jlreq to work with LuaLaTeX ([#1243]) * EPUBMaker: fix a problem that the hierachy of the table of contents become strange when there is a part ([#1262]) * fix escaping of `//comment` ([#1264]) * PDFMaker: fix overflowing when the left column of colophon is long ([#1252]) * fix an error when CHAPS: is empty ([#1273]) ## Enhancements * PDFMaker: load amssymb, amsthm, and bm packages which are often used as extension of mathematical expression ([#1224]) * HTMLBuilder: `emlist` and `listnum` now always pass `highlight` method as well as others ([#1231]) * EPUBMaker: implement a back-link to the text from the footnote ([#1233]) * PDFMaker: add `\makelines` macro to create a dummy line ([#1240]) * implement `#@warn` correctly ([#1258]) * `#@mapfile` now imports as is (keep tabs etc.) when imported file has `.re` extension ([#1247]) * add Ruby 2.6 for the test coverage ([#1242]) * PDFMaker: replace `zw` with `\zw` in review-jlreq. add a indent to paragraphs in the column ([#1250]) * PDFMaker: when `\reviewimagecaption` is undefined (implemented in [#1254]), define it ([#1267]) ## Docs * README.md: fix the filename of jsbook.cls ([#1239]) * add the note about `back_footnote` into config.yml.sample and update documents a little ([#1268]) ## Contributors * [@doublemarket](https://github.com/doublemarket) * [@munepi](https://github.com/munepi) [#1224]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1224 [#1225]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1225 [#1226]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1226 [#1229]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1229 [#1231]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1231 [#1233]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1233 [#1235]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1235 [#1239]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1239 [#1240]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1240 [#1242]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1242 [#1243]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1243 [#1247]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1247 [#1250]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1250 [#1252]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1252 [#1254]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1254 [#1257]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1257 [#1258]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1258 [#1262]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1262 [#1264]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1264 [#1267]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1267 [#1268]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1268 [#1273]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1273 # Version 3.0.0 ## Bug Fixes * PDFMaker: adjust the loading of external files in review-jsbook.cls ([#1217]) ## Contributors * [@munepi](https://github.com/munepi) [#1217]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1217 # Version 3.0.0 release candidate ## Breaking Changes * PDFMaker: heading character size of review-jsbook becomes the same as the original jsbook ([#1152]) * PDFMaker: Q, W, L, H parameters of review-jsbook are withdrawn. Projects created in the past preview version can be updated with the review-update command ([#1151],[#1201]) ## Bug Fixes * PDFMaker: fixes an issue that hiddenfolio parameter was ignored when using both hiddenfolio and tombopaper in review-jsbook ([#1158]) * PDFMaker: fixes a problem that the paperwidth and paperheight parameters of review-jsbook didn't work ([#1171]) * fixes an issue that review-update ignored update of sty folder ([#1183]) * PDFMaker: fix serial_pagination and startpage were not working in review-jlreq class ([#1204]) ## Enhancements * PDFMaker: in review-jsbook, you can specify the font size with `fontsize` parameter and the line height with `baselineskip` parameter with units such as pt and mm ([#1151]) * PDFMaker: users who want to continue using the original jsbook.cls class file for some reason can use sty files of review-jsbook set ([#1177]) * PDFMaker: add useful macros to review-jsbook and review-jlreq for users. `\oneblankpage` creates an empty page. `\clearoddpage` breaks page as necessary so that the next page is always an even page ([#1175],[#1182]) * PDFMaker: add `media` parameter that specifies the type of PDF to review-jsbook and review-jlreq. This has the same meaning as `cameraready` ([#1181]) * PDFMaker: sections are now allowed in part ([#1195]) * PDFMaker: `\reviewusepart` macro is defined when theare is a part ([#1199]) * `texdocumentclass` parameter is explicit (not a comment) when creating config.yml by review-init ([#1202]) * PDFMaker: line feed (`@
`) in the table is now represented by `\newline` macro when the width is explicity specified with `//tsize` ([#1206]) * PDFMaker: enable to use `L{width}` (left justified), `C{width}` (centering), `R{width}` (right justified) as representation of the table column width ([#1208]) * PDFMaker: to avoid implementation differences between versions, the snapshots jsbook.cls (2018/06/23) and gentombow.sty (2018/08/30 v0.9j) are copied to the `sty` folder ([#1210]) ## Docs * update `format_idg.ja.md` ([#1188]) * add note about review-update command to quickstart guide `quickstart.ja.md` ([#1189]) * update comments of `config.yml.sample` ([#1190]) * update `pdfmaker.ja.md` ([#1191]) * update `writing_vertical.ja.md` ([#1198]) * update document of review-jsbook ([#1203]) * update document of review-jlreq ([#1204]) ## Contributors * [@munepi](https://github.com/munepi) [#1151]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1151 [#1152]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1152 [#1158]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1158 [#1171]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1171 [#1175]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1175 [#1177]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1177 [#1181]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1181 [#1182]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1182 [#1183]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1183 [#1188]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1188 [#1189]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1189 [#1190]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1190 [#1191]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1191 [#1195]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1195 [#1198]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1198 [#1199]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1199 [#1201]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1201 [#1202]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1202 [#1203]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1203 [#1204]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1204 [#1206]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1206 [#1208]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1208 [#1210]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1210 # Version 3.0.0 preview 4 ## New Features * new command `review-update` is added, which updates the setting of the project files to the new version ([#1144]) * `texequation` representing an expression can now be numbered and captioned. To reference this you can use the `@` operator ([#1167]) ## Breaking Changes * In IDGXMLBuilder, PlaintextBuilder, and TextBuilder, the expansion result of `@` is no longer created in a unique way. Like other builders, it uses the `chapter_quote` locale string ([#1160]) ## Bug Fixes * samples collection could not generate PDF in preview 3. Now it works with `rake pdf` ([#1156]) ## Enhancements * PDFMaker: support hiddenfolio parameter with review-jlreq.cls ([#1147]) * EPUBMaker/WEBMaker: when imgmath function is enabled, font size is passed to each `//texequation` ([#1146]) [#1144]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1144 [#1146]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1146 [#1147]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1147 [#1156]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1156 [#1160]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1160 [#1167]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1167 # Version 3.0.0 preview 3 ## New Features * PDFMaker: instead of using jsbook.cls as it is, review-jsbook.cls (based on jsbook.cls, default) and review-jlreq.cls (based on jlreq.cls) are introduced. These supports the creation both paper and electronic PDF books. ([#1032],[#1117]) * EPUBMaker/WEBMaker: add imgmath function to image mathematical expressions ([#868],[#1138]) ## Breaking Changes * PDFMaker: the location of `\frontmatter` is moved from the back of the titlepage to the front ([#1128]) * PDFMaker: the cover image specified by `coverimage` is placed in the actual size and in the center ([#1064],[#1117]) ## Bug Fixes * PDFMaker: fix an errror handling of `cover` parameter ([#1116]) * PDFMaker: fix position misalignment in preview 2 ([#1090],[#1117]) ## Enhancements * PDFMaker: increase the number of `config.yml` configuration parameters to LaTeX macros ([#1121]) * PDFMaker: add hook `\reviewbegindocumenthook` just after `\begin{document}`, and add hook `\reviewenddocumenthook` just before `\end{document}` ([#1111]) * PDFMaker: geometry.sty is no longer used, because the new class file can specify the paper design by document option ([#912]) * PDFMaker: serial-pagination feature is supported in new class files ([#1129]) * add network download function to `review-init` command. Specifying the URL of the zip file with `-p` option expands the zip file to the project folder ([#812]) * PDFMaker: For expressing digital trim-marks and hidden page numbers (kakushi-nombre), the gentombow package (the external TeX package) has been included in vendor folder. It will be copied to the sty folder of the project folder ([#1136]) ## Docs * add a method of making Kindle e-book file to doc/customize_epub.ja.md ([#1114]) * update examples of PDFMaker's default document options ([#1115]) * clarify license of each file ([#1093],[#1112]) * add note about `imgmath` feature to doc/format.ja.md ([#868]) ## Contributors * [@munepi](https://github.com/munepi) [#812]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/812 [#868]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/868 [#912]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/912 [#1032]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1032 [#1064]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1064 [#1090]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1090 [#1093]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1093 [#1111]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1111 [#1112]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1112 [#1114]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1114 [#1115]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1115 [#1116]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1116 [#1117]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1117 [#1121]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1121 [#1128]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1128 [#1129]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1129 [#1136]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1136 [#1138]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1138 # Version 3.0.0 preview 2 ## New Features * add `review-epub2html` to produce single HTML file from EPUB file for CSS typesetting ([#1098]) ## Breaking Changes * PDFMaker: allow a path with space character on `texcommand`, `dvicommmand`, and `makeindex_command`. Due to this change, these parameters no longer take command options. use `texoptions`, `dvioptions`, and `makeindex_options` to specify options ([#1091]) * PDFMaker: the file used internally has been changed from `book.tex` to `__REVIEW_BOOK__.tex` ([#1081]) * PDFMaker: dropped geometry.sty from jsbook style ([#912]) * PDFMaker: use twocolumn option for jsbook style ([#1032]) * unified strings expanded by `@`, `@`, and `@` op between builders. you can customize it with `locale.yml`. `@` will be expanded like `Chapter 1 "FOO"` (locale msgid: `chapter_quote` and `chapter_quote_without_number`). `chapter_quote` now takes two `%s`. `@` will be expanded like `"2.1 BAR"` (locale msgid: `hd_quote` and `hd_quote_without_number`). `@` will be extended like `Column BAZ` (locale msgid: `column`) ([#886]) ## Bug Fixes * EPUBMaker: `modified` value of OPF file is now correct UTC time ([#1094]) * fix an issue where bibliography file in `contentdir` could not be read ([#1103]) * PDFMaker: fix an issue where the file specified by the parameter could not be found ([#1086]) * fix a bug in the fence escaping that occurred in preview1 ([#1083]) * remove unwanted tab character from sample CSS ([#1084]) ## Enhancements * PDFMaker: use `\floatplacement` to configure float settings of table and figure ([#1095]) * EPUBMaker: use logger function to export error/warning ([#1077]) * PDFMaker: do not use dvipdfmx when `dvicommand` parameter is null ([#1065]) ## Docs * Move sample documents to /samples folder ([#1073]) * Add descriptions abount hooks and parameters of indexing into `config.yml.sample` ([#1097]) * Fix typo in quickstart.md ([#1079]) ## Contributors * [@aiya000](https://github.com/aiya000) * [@sho-h](https://github.com/sho-h) * [@kateinoigakukun](https://github.com/kateinoigakukun) [#886]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/886 [#912]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/912 [#1032]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1032 [#1065]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1065 [#1073]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1073 [#1077]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1077 [#1079]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1079 [#1081]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1081 [#1080]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1080 [#1083]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1083 [#1084]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1084 [#1086]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1086 [#1091]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1091 [#1094]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1094 [#1095]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1095 [#1097]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1097 [#1098]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1098 [#1103]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1103 # Version 3.0.0 preview 1 ## New Features * .re files can be placed in subfolders by specifying a folder with `contentdir` parameter ([#920]) * `//graph` supports PlantUML ([#1006]) * add `@` and `@` to expand the value corresponding to the specified key from CSV word file ([#1007], [#1010]) * LATEXBuilder: raise error when `*.re` file in catalog.yml does not exist ([#957]) * LATEXBuilder: add pxrubrica package to support 'ruby' ([#655]) * LATEXBuilder: support multiple layout files for LaTeX style ([#812]) * support inline `@` as default settings ([#829]) * LATEXBuilder: allow to use Unicode character without otf package if possible ([#1045]) * override `CONFIG_FILE` in Rakefile with rake options ([#1059]) ## Breaking Changes * When the value of review_version is 3 or more, `@` no longer add a space before and after formula ([#943]) * the function of automatic detection of highlight target language by identifier in `//list`, `//listnum` is removed from HTMLBuilder ([#1016]) * LATEXBuilder: restructured `layout.tex.erb` ([#950]) * LATEXBuilder: add a new envirionment `reviewlistblock` in LaTeX ([#916]) * LATEXBuilder: attach `plistings` package and suport it instead of jlisting for `listings` ([#635]) * LATEXBuilder: remove underline in anchor for printing use ([#808]) * LATEXBuilder: use more abstract name like `\reviewbold` instead of `\textbf` ([#792]) * LATEXBuilder: `cover` and `titlepage` in config.yml is independently of each other ([#848]) * review-preproc: remove deprecated option --final ([#993]) * LATEXBuilder: captionblocks use new environments like `reviewnote`, not `reviewminicolumn` ([#1046]) ## Bug Fixes * Fix redundant log display with Ruby 2.3 or later ([#975]) * for backward compatibility, revert `usepackage` parameter which was removed Version 2.5.0 ([#1001]) * HTMLBuilder: hide latex log of `@{...}` amd `//texequation{...//}` ([#1027]) * LATEXBuilder: fix empty caption for listings ([#1040]) * fix load path of MeCab ([#1063]) ## Enhancements * `//graph` now works on Windows ([#1008]) * file extensions of image files and font files becomes case insensitive ([#1002]) * review-pdfmaker: show executed command and its options ([#962],[#968]) * PDFMaker: support `*.psd` files as images ([#879]) * PDFMaker: `texoptions` in config.yml is "-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error" as default ([#1029]) * hide (latex and other commands') log messages ([#1036]) * MARKDOWNBuilder: support some commands ([#881]) * image_finder.rb: support symlinked directory ([#743]) * add files like `catalog.yml` as denendency relation ([#1060]) ## Docs * add description of external tools used in `//graph` ([#1008]) * add description of `@` and `@` ([#1007]) * add description of dvipdfmx option for zlib compression level (-z 9) in config.yml ([#935]) ## Contributors * [@TeTiRoss](https://github.com/TeTiRoss) * [@kauplan](https://github.com/kauplan) * [@munepi](https://github.com/munepi) * [@m-shibata](https://github.com/m-shibata) [#635]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/635 [#655]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/655 [#743]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/743 [#792]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/792 [#808]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/808 [#812]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/812 [#829]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/829 [#848]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/848 [#879]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/879 [#881]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/881 [#916]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/916 [#920]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/920 [#938]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/938 [#935]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/935 [#943]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/943 [#950]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/950 [#957]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/957 [#962]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/962 [#968]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/968 [#975]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/975 [#993]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/993 [#1001]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1001 [#1002]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1002 [#1006]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1006 [#1007]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1007 [#1008]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1008 [#1010]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/1010 [#1016]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1016 [#1022]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1022 [#1027]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1027 [#1029]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1029 [#1036]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1036 [#1040]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1040 [#1045]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1045 [#1046]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1046 [#1059]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1059 [#1060]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1060 [#1063]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/1063 # Version 2.5.0 ## New Features * add a new maker command `review-textmaker` to output plain text files ([#926]) * LATEXBuilder: add a new parameter `pdfmaker/bbox` for settings of BoudingBox ([#947]) * add a new command `//blankline` ([#942]) ## Breaking Changes * remove (incomplete) command `//include` ([#887]) * LATEXBuilder: use `\footnotemark` implicitly for captions and headings ([#841]) * EPUBMaker, WEBMaker: use `pbl` (publisher) instead of `prt` (printer) in titlepage ([#927]) * PDFMaker: use `texstyle` parameter instead of `usepackage` in layout.tex.erb. When using your own layout.tex.erb, you need to rewrite it with a new code of texstyle parsing. ([#908]) ## Bug Fixes * fix column closing ([#894]) * fix internal errors in `@` ([#896]) * LATEXBuilder: fix to ignore empty caption ([#922]) * fix invalid commmand errors in `//graph` when using gnuplot ([#931]) * fix errors of `review` command in Windows ([#940]) * EPUBMaker: fix error of removing temporary files in Windows ([#946]) ## Enhancements * remove tailing empty lines in block (captionblocks) such as `//note`. ([#882]) * fix error messages when using non-existent ID of catalog.yml in inline commands such as `@` ([#891]) * ignore UTF-8 BOM in catalog.yml ([#899]) * LATEXBuilder: fix a length of horizontal line in colophon ([#907]) * allow to use multiple parameters of `texstyle` in config.yml ([#908]) * review-init: create `lib/tasks` folder to use original Rake commands ([#921]) * review-init: copy `doc` folder into the target project ([#918]) * add a help message of `review` ([#933]) * show appropriate error messages when using invalid or non-existent YAML files ([#958]) * show better error messages when using unknown ID in inline commands such as `@` and `@` ([#954]) * show better error messages when compiling a file not included in catalog.yml ([#953]) * LATEXBuilder: add IDs of `table`, `imgtable`, `image` and `indepimage` as comments (ex. `\begin{reviewimage}%%sampleimg`) ([#937]) ## Docs * add the rule of searching image files with extension ([#939]) * add description of `review-textmaker` ([#944]) ## Contributors * [@kauplan](https://github.com/kauplan) * [@krororo](https://github.com/krororo) * [@mhidaka](https://github.com/mhidaka) * [@Pegasus204](https://github.com/Pegasus204) [#841]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/841 [#882]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/882 [#887]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/887 [#891]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/891 [#894]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/894 [#896]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/896 [#899]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/899 [#907]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/907 [#908]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/908 [#918]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/918 [#921]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/921 [#922]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/922 [#926]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/926 [#927]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/927 [#931]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/931 [#933]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/933 [#937]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/937 [#939]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/939 [#940]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/940 [#942]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/942 [#944]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/944 [#946]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/946 [#947]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/947 [#953]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/953 [#954]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/954 [#958]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/958 # Version 2.4.0 ## New Features * use built-in Logger class for warns and errors ([#705]) * EPUBMaker: warn of large images because of rejecting ebook stores ([#819]) * LATEXBuilder: add new inline command `@` ([#836]) * support inline notaion `| |` and `$ $` instead of `{}` to surpress escaping `}` ([#876]) ## Breaking Changes * LATEXBuilder: use Roman numerals as part numbers ([#837]) * EPUBMaker: TOC should be after frontmatter ([#840]) * `imgmath` uses folder `images/_review_math`, not `images` directly ([#856]) * EPUBMaker: default value of titlepage is `true`, not `null` ([#862]) * EPUBMaker: `params` in template files should be `config` ([#867]) * EWBBuilder is removed because nobody maintained it ([#828]) ## Bug Fixes * fix misrecognition of HeadlineIndex ([#121]) * TOPBuilder: fix metric parameter in `//image` and `//indepimage` ([#805]) * fix refering columns in other chapters ([#817]) * use execution date when `date` in config.yml is empty ([#824]) * fix I18N messages of `listref`, `imgref`, and `tableref` in frontmatters and backmatters ([#830]) * WebMaker: fix booktitle using Hash ([#831]) * LATEXBuilder: use lmodern package to avoid to use Type3 font in Western languages ([#843]) * fix broken title using `/` in config.yml ([#852]) * PDFMaker: fix toclevel ([#846]) ## Enhancements * allow block `{ 〜 //}` in `//indepimage`. ([#802]) * warn when images are not found in `//indepimage`([#803]) * LATEXBuilder: allow caption in `//source` ([#834]) ## Docs * add that installing LaTeX environments is needed to use `rake pdf` ([#800]) * fix links in README.md ([#815]) * add sample document to test commands of Re:VIEW ([#833]) * fix comment of `titlepage` in config.yml ([#847]) * fix description of `footnotetext` ([#872]) ## Others * fix coding rules to surpress rubocop v0.50.0 ([#823]) ## Contributors * [@ryota-murakami](https://github.com/ryota-murakami) * [@nasum](https://github.com/nasum) * [@kokuyouwind](https://github.com/kokuyouwind) [#121]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/121 [#705]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/705 [#800]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/800 [#802]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/802 [#803]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/803 [#805]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/805 [#815]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/815 [#817]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/817 [#819]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/819 [#823]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/823 [#824]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/824 [#828]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/828 [#830]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/830 [#831]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/831 [#833]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/833 [#834]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/834 [#836]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/836 [#840]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/840 [#843]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/843 [#837]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/837 [#846]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/846 [#847]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/847 [#852]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/852 [#856]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/856 [#862]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/862 [#867]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/867 [#872]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/872 [#876]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/876 # Version 2.3.0 ## New Features * add `//emtable`, embedded table ([#777]) ([#787]) * EPUBMaker: add new option `imgmath` ([#773]) ([#774]) * HTMLBuilder: generate images for math notations ([#774]) ## Bug Fixes * LATEXBuilder: fix chpation numbering in appendix ([#766]) * fix counting of `//imgtable` ([#782]) * fix handling of numbered/itemized list in dlist. ([#794])([#795]) ## Enhancements * add comments of backcover in doc/config.yml.sample ([#765])([#767]) * use actual part counters for heading, list, image, and table in part ([#779]) * LATEXBuilder: define the acceptable image formats for LaTeX Builder ([#785]) ## Docs * add `//embed` into NEWS.ja.md * move `doc/NEWS.*` to top level directory ([#780]) * add how to refer images in other sections ([#770]) ([#771]) * fix description of `//table` markup ([#776]) * Use https: instead of git: ([#778]) * archive ChangeLog; use git log instead of ChangeLog ([#784]) ([#788]) ## Others * fix `.rubocop.yml` and suppress warnings ## Contributors * [@karino2](https://github.com/karino2) * [@imamurayusuke](https://github.com/imamurayusuke) * [@znz](https://github.com/znz) * [@hanachin](https://github.com/hanachin) [#765]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/765 [#766]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/766 [#767]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/767 [#770]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/770 [#771]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/771 [#773]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/773 [#774]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/774 [#776]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/776 [#777]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/777 [#778]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/778 [#779]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/779 [#780]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/780 [#782]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/782 [#784]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/784 [#785]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/785 [#787]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/787 [#788]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/788 [#794]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/794 [#795]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/795 # Version 2.2.0 ## New Features * PDFMaker: support index `@`, `@` ([#261],[#660],[#669],[#740]) * add RSTBuilder ([#733],[#738]) * add `//embed{...//}` and `@{...}` ([#730],[#751],[#757],[#758]) * HTMLBuilder, IDGXMLBuilder, LATEXBuilder: suppot `//firstlinenum` for `//listnum` and `//emlistnum` ([#685],[#688]) * review-compile: `--nolfinxml` is deprecated ([#683],[#708]) * HTMLBuilder: Enclose references (`@`, `@
`, and `@`) with ``. Class names are 'imgref', 'tableref', and 'listref'. ([#696],[#697]) * HTMLBuilder: support Rouge ([#684],[#710],[#711]) ## Breaking Changes * LATEXBuilder: fix //source ([#681]) * fix escaping in inline ([#731]) * `\}` -> `}` * `\\` -> `\` * `\x` -> `\x` (when `x` != `\` and `x` != `}`) ## Bug Fixes * support comment for draft mode ([#360],[#717]) * i18n accepts mismatched number of arguments ([#667],[#723]) * support builder option for `//tsize` and `//latextsize` ([#716],[#719],[#720]) * remove ul_item() of html, idgxml, and markdown. ([#726],[#727]) * PDFMaker: reflect imagedir config ([#756],[#759]) * HTMLBuilder, LATEXBuilder, IDGXMLBuilder: use compile_inline in column tag * review-init: Specify source file encoding on generating config. ([#761]) * EPUBMaker, PDFMaker: support subtitle for PDF and EPUB ([#742],[#745],[#747]) * TOPBuilder: fix `@` ([#763]) ## Enhancements * LATEXBuilder: enable jumoline.sty by default * IDGXMLBuilder, HTMLBuilder: removes errors and warnings in published document ([#753]) * image_finder.rb: support symlinked directory ([#743]) * TOPBuilder: refactor headline ([#729]) * allow free format in history of config.yml ([#693]) * HTMLBuilder: put list's id into the attribute of div.caption-code ([#724]) * without rubyzip, skip zip test ([#713],[#714]) * suppress output on checking convert command ([#712],[#718]) * TOPBuilder: support `@` and `//bibpaper` ([#763]) * TOPBuilder: support `[notoc]` and `[nodisp]` ([#763]) ## Docs * add makeindex.(ja.)md ## Others * fix `.rubocop.yml` and suppress warnings ## Contributors * [@kuroda](https://github.com/kuroda) * [@olleolleolle](https://github.com/olleolleolle) * [@shirou](https://github.com/shirou) * [@m-shibata](https://github.com/m-shibata) * [@kenkiku1021](https://github.com/kenkiku1021) [#261]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/261 [#360]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/360 [#660]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/660 [#667]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/667 [#669]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/669 [#681]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/681 [#682]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/682 [#683]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/683 [#684]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/684 [#685]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/685 [#686]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/686 [#688]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/688 [#693]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/693 [#696]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/696 [#697]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/697 [#706]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/706 [#708]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/708 [#710]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/710 [#711]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/711 [#712]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/712 [#713]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/713 [#714]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/714 [#716]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/716 [#717]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/717 [#718]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/718 [#719]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/719 [#720]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/720 [#723]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/723 [#724]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/724 [#726]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/726 [#727]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/727 [#729]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/729 [#730]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/730 [#731]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/731 [#733]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/733 [#738]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/738 [#740]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/740 [#742]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/742 [#743]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/743 [#745]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/745 [#747]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/747 [#751]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/751 [#753]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/753 [#756]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/756 [#757]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/757 [#758]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/758 [#759]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/759 [#761]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/761 [#763]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/763 # Version 2.1.0 ## New Features * review-init: generate Gemfile ([#650]) * HTMLBuilder: add language specified class in list ([#666]) * HTMLBuilder: set id to
of indepimage as same as image * MD2INAOBuilder: support new builder MD2INAOBuilder ([#671]) * MARKDOWNBuilder, MD2INAOBuilder: support ruby ([#671]) * TEXTBuilder: support `@` ([#648]) * TOPBuilder: support `@{}` ([#625], [#627]) ## Breaking Changes ## Bug Fixes * review-validate: fix parsing blocks and comments in tables, and messages * LATEXBuilder: fix when rights is null in config.yml ([#653]) * LATEXBuilder: escaping values from config.yml and locale.yml([#642]) * PDFMaker: support AI, EPS, and TIFF on pdfmaker correctly ([#675]) * PDFMaker: fix hooks; add @basehookdir and use it to get fullpath ([#662]) * EPUBMaker: fix missing default dc:identifier value ([#636]) * EPUBMaker: ext. of cover file should be "xhtml" in EPUB ([#618]) * WEBMaker: fix broken link ([#645]) * WEBMaker: fix when Part has no "*.re" file ([#641]) * I18n: fix `%pJ` in format_number_header ([#628]) ## Enhancements * LATEXBuilder: use pxjahyper package in pLaTeX ([#640]) * LATEXBuilder: Enhanced implementation of `layout.tex.erb` ([#617]) * LATEXBuilder: fix to use keywords in locale.yml ([#629]) * IDGXMLBuilder: add instruction to column headline for toc ([#634]) * IDGXMLBuilder: fix to avoid empty caption in //emlist ([#633]) * Rakefile: add task `preproc` ([#630]) * ReVIEW::Location: add test ([#638]) ## Docs * add customize_epub.md * add preproc(.ja).md ([#632]) * config.yml: add `csl` in sample * config.yml: add simplified sample ([#626]) ## Others * license of template fils are MIT license([#663]) * rubocop: suppress warnings of rubocop ## Contributors * [@kazken3](https://github.com/kazken3) * [@vvakame](https://github.com/vvakame) * [@masarakki](https://github.com/masarakki) * [@munepi](https://github.com/munepi) * [@znz](https://github.com/znz) [#675]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/675 [#671]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/671 [#666]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/666 [#663]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/663 [#662]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/662 [#653]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/653 [#650]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/650 [#648]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/648 [#645]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/645 [#642]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/642 [#641]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/641 [#640]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/640 [#638]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/638 [#636]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/636 [#634]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/634 [#633]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/633 [#632]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/632 [#630]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/630 [#629]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/629 [#628]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/628 [#627]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/627 [#626]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/626 [#625]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/625 [#618]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/618 [#617]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/617 # Version 2.0.0 ## New Features * Load `./config.yml` if exists ([#477], [#479]) * config.yml: Add `review_version` ([#276], [#539], [#545]) * Allow review_version to be nil, which means that I don't care about the version ([#592]) * Add experimental vertical orientation writing support ([#563]) * Support `[notoc]` and `[nodisp]` in header ([#506], [#555]) * Enable `@` and `@` to refer other's column. ([#333], [#476]) * Add command `//imgtable` ([#499]) * Allow to use shortcut key of config ([#540]) * enable to use `@config["foo"]` instead of `@config["epubmaker"]["foo"]` when using epubmaker * Accept multiple YAML configurations using inherit parameter. ([#511], [#528]) * Add formats to i18n ([#520]) * Make `rake` run test and rubocop. ([#587]) * Add webmaker ([#498]) * LATEXBuilder: add option `image_scale2width` ([#543]) * PDFMaker: Migrate platex to uplatex ([#541]) * EPUBMaker: Support ebpaj format. ([#251], [#429]) * EPUBMaker: Add `direction` in default setting ([#508]) * EPUBMaker: Allow `pronounciation` of booktitle and author ([#507]) * review-preproc: allow monkeypatch in review-preproc ([#494]) * HTMLBuilder: Disable hyperlink with `@` with epubmaker/externallink: false in config.yml ([#509], [#544]) * EPUBMaker: Add custom prefix and `` element in OPF ([#513]) * PDFMaker: support `history` in config ([#566]) ## Breaking Changes * Update `epubversion` and `htmlversion` ([#542]) * Delete backward compatibility of 'param'. ([#594]) * config.yml: 'pygments:' is obsoleted. ([#604]) * Remove backward compatibility ([#560]) * layout.erb -> layout.html.erb * locale.yaml -> locale.yml * PageMetric.a5 -> PageMetric::A5 * raise error when using locale.yaml and layout.erb * `prt` is printer(`印刷所`), not publisher(`発行所`). `発行所` is `pbl`. ([#562], [#593]) * Obsolete `appendix_format` ([#609]) * Remove obsolete inaobuilder. (upstream changed their mind to use modified Markdown) ([#573]) * Remove obsolete legacy epubmaker * review-compile: Remove `-a/--all` option ([#481]) ## Bug Fixes * Escape html correctly. ([#589], [#591]) * review-epubmaker: fix error of not copying all images. ([#224]) * Fix several bugs around `[nonum]`. ([#301], [#436], [#506], [#550], [#554], [#555]) * IDGXMLBuilder: fix wrong calcuration between pt and mm for table cell width on IDGXML. ([#558]) * HTMLBuilder: use `class` instead of `width` for `//image[scale=XXX]` ([#482], [#372]). It fixes on epubcheck test. ## Refactorings * Support named parameters in EPUBmaker/PDFmaker ([#534]) * Add `ReVIEW::YAMLLoader` ([#518]) * Remove global variables. ([#240]) * Set warning to false in test. ([#597]) * Avoid warnings (avoid circular require, unused variable, redefining methods, too many args) ([#599], [#601]) * MakerHelper: class -> module ([#582]) * review-init: generate config.yml from doc/config.yml.sample. ([#580]) * Unify template engine ReVIEW::Template ([#576]) * HTMLBuilder: remove HTMLLayout * LATEXBuilder: use instance variable in templates ([#598]) * LATEXBuilder: move lib/review/layout.tex.erb to templates/latex/ ([#572]) * Update config.yml.sample ([#579]) * Remove code for 1.8 and 1.9.3 in test (for Travis) ([#577]) * Fix LaTeX templates ([#575]) * Use read BOM|utf-8 flag for opening files, instead of string replacing ([#574]) * review-preproc: set default_external encoding UTF-8. ([#486]) * Fix pdf and epub build_path on debug ([#564], [#556]) * Refactor EPUBMaker. ([#533]) * Use SecureRandom.uuid instead of ruby-uuid ([#497]) * epubmaker, pdfmaker: Use ReVIEW::Converter instead of system() ([#493]) * Remove zip command and use PureRuby Zip library ([#487]) * review-index: refine TOCParser and TOCPrinter ([#486]) * Remove deprecated parameters, change default value of some parameters. ([#547]) * sample config.yml should be config.yml.* ([#538]) * Add `Hash#deep_merge` ([#523]) * LATEXBuilder: use `\reviewunderline` instead of `\Underline` ([#408]) * Add `name_of` and `names_of` method into Configure class to take 'name' attribute value. ([#534]) * EPUBMaker: reflected colophon_order. ([#460]) * TOCPrinter: remove IDGTOCPrinter. ([#486]) * Add new methods: Book#catalog=(catalog) and Catalog.new(obj) ([93691d0e2601eeb5715714b4fb92840bb3b3ff8b]) * Chapter and Part: do not use lazy loading. ([#491]) ## Docs * README: rdoc -> md ([#610]) * Update format.md, quickstart.md * Add note about writing vertical document and PDFMaker * Fix document in EN ([#588]) ## Code contributors * [@arikui1911](https://github.com/arikui1911) [#224]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/224 [#240]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/240 [#251]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/251 [#276]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/276 [#301]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/301 [#333]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/333 [#372]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/372 [#408]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/408 [#429]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/429 [#436]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/436 [#460]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/460 [#476]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/476 [#477]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/477 [#479]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/479 [#481]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/481 [#482]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/482 [#486]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/486 [#487]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/487 [#491]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/491 [#493]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/493 [#494]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/494 [#497]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/497 [#498]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/498 [#499]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/499 [#506]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/506 [#507]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/507 [#508]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/508 [#509]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/509 [#511]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/511 [#513]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/513 [#518]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/518 [#520]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/520 [#523]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/523 [#528]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/528 [#533]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/533 [#534]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/534 [#538]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/538 [#539]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/539 [#540]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/540 [#541]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/541 [#542]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/542 [#543]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/543 [#544]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/544 [#545]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/545 [#547]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/547 [#550]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/550 [#554]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/554 [#555]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/555 [#556]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/556 [#557]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/557 [#558]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/558 [#560]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/560 [#562]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/562 [#563]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/563 [#564]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/564 [#566]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/566 [#572]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/572 [#573]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/573 [#574]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/574 [#575]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/575 [#576]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/576 [#577]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/577 [#579]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/579 [#580]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/580 [#582]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/582 [#587]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/587 [#588]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/588 [#589]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/589 [#591]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/591 [#592]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/592 [#593]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/593 [#594]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/594 [#597]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/597 [#598]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/598 [#599]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/599 [#601]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/601 [#604]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/604 [#609]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/609 [#610]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/610 [93691d0e2601eeb5715714b4fb92840bb3b3ff8b]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/commit/93691d0e2601eeb5715714b4fb92840bb3b3ff8b [67014a65411e3a3e5e2c57c57e01bee1ad18efc6]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/commit/67014a65411e3a3e5e2c57c57e01bee1ad18efc6 # Version 1.7.2 ## Bug Fix * Fix latexbuilder to show caption in `//list` without highliting ([#465]) * Fix markdownbuilder to use definition list ([#473]) [#465]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/465 [#473]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/473 # Version 1.7.1 ## Bug Fix * Fix latexbuilder to display caption twice in `//listnum` ([#465]) * Fix review-init to generate non-valid EPUB3 file with epubcheck 4.0.1 ([#456]) [#456]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/473 # Version 1.7.0 ## In general * Set up Rubocop settings and refactor code with the settings * Change the internal encoding to UTF-8 altogether ([#399]) * Add a Dockerfile ## Bug Fix * Fix htmlbuilder to display line numbers with listnum/emlistnum under a syntax highlighting environment ([#449]) ## Builders and Makers ### epubmaker * Support ``direction`` parameter to set binding direction ([#435]) ## Code contributors * [@snoozer05](https://github.com/snoozer05) [#399]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/399 [#435]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/pull/435 [#449]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/449 # Version 1.6.0 ## In general * Stop supporting Ruby 1.8.7 * Enable to set default language for code highlighting ([#403]) * Use I18n in inline ``@`` chap ([#420]) * Support highlighting and lang option in ``//source`` ## Bug Fix * Fix ``@`` to detect the target header-index in the middle of indexes ([#400]) * Fix epubmaker to escape pathname includes whitespace ([#398]) * Fix ``Builder#get_chap`` to return formatted appendix name correctly ([#405]) * Fix missing listing name when using syntax highlighting ([#418]) * Fix i18n to merge settings correctly ([#423]) * Fix epubmaker to match coverimage strictly ([#417]) * Fix htmlversion when epubversion == 3 ([#433]) ## Commands ### review-init * Add option to create locale.yml ([#425]) ## Builders and Makers ### htmlbuilder * Markup section number by span ([#415]) ### latexbuilder * Support ``config["conver"]`` ### pdfmaker * Support file insertion (same as EPUBMaker) ### epubmaker * Add ``toc`` property to config.yml ([#413]) ## Code contributors * [@keiji](https://github.com/keiji) * [@orangain](https://github.com/orangain) * [@akinomurasame](https://github.com/akinomurasame) * [@krororo](https://github.com/krororo) * [@masarakki](https://github.com/masarakki) [#398]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/398 [#400]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/400 [#405]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/405 [#403]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/403 [#413]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/413 [#415]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/415 [#417]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/417 [#418]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/418 [#420]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/420 [#423]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/423 [#425]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/425 [#433]: https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/433 # version 1.5.0 ## Notice To support language parameter for syntax highlighting, if you use review-ext.rb to extend code block markup such as ``//list`` and ``//emlist``, you should fix it (if you don't use review-ext.rb, you don't have to do anything). ## In general * Add default properties in config.yml * Fix appendix format with ``@``. * Fix index error in shallow column. * Add more items in i18n.yml. * Obsolete ``ReVIEW::Book::Base.load_default``. * Add ``@`` notation. * Add pdf, epub and cleanup tasks to sample Rakefile. * Change all formats of documents from RDoc to Markdown. * Add "Re:VIEW Quick Start Guide (EN)". * Enable ``@`` to identify the target, has unique id, without ``|``. * Add an argument lang to list related notations when highlighting. * Add "Re:VIEW Format Guide (EN)". * Add ``highlight`` property in config.yml as setting of highlight. ## Commands ### review-epubmaker * Support ``toc`` in config.yml ### review-init * Add ``--force`` option to generate files even if directory is existed. ### review-vol * Add ``--yaml`` option. ## Builders and Makers ### markdownbuilder * Implement ``list_header()`` and ``list_body()``. ### htmlbuilder * Fix MathML error in ``HTMLBuilder#texequation``. ### idgxmlbuilder * Stop providing a index for ``@``. ### latexbuilder * Fix ``@
`` to refer the table on another chapter. * Support syntax highlighting with listings. ### pdfmaker * Raise errors if no LaTeX tools are installed. * Support ``toctitle`` in config.yml. * Remove a PDF file if already exists. * Add parameters ``dvicommand`` and ``dvioptions`` in config.yml. * Add parameters ``texoptions`` in config.yml. * Load ``sty/*.fd`` and ``sty/*.cls`` * Provide hooks before/after TeX compiling. * remove dependency on sed command * raise errors and stop building when LaTeX command failed ### epubmaker * Improve to support of MathML. * Make dummy ``
  • `` item hidden in nav file. * Introduce structured YAML tree for config.yml. * Use ``ReVIEW::I18n`` instead of ``EPUBMaker::Resource`` ## Code contributors * akinomurasame * gfx * krororo * orangain # version 1.4.0 ## In general * Normalize ID in bib notation. * Fix compatibility between POSTDEF file and POSTDEF section in catalog.yml. * Add APPENDIX section into catalog.yml. * Remove implicit settings of prefaces, appendix and postscripts. * Refactor code and test cases. * Add Installation, Resources and Links on README.rdoc ## Commands ### review-epubmaker * Keep 1st stage temporary directory when debug is true. * Support cover_linear option. ### review-catalog-converter * Add new command which converts traditional catalog files into catalog.yml. ## Builders and Makers ### markdownbuilder * Improve compatibility with GitHub Flavored Markdown. * Add blank line before/after headline. * Support tt notation. * Support footnote notation. * Add indepimate notation. * Display nondisplayed image caption. ### htmlbuilder * Provide warning message if image couldn't be found. * Change layout file name from 'layout.erb' to 'layout.html.erb'. * Compile caption of emlist/emlistnum/cmd notation. * Compile title notation. ### idgxmlbuilder * Provide warning message if image couldn't be found. ### latexbuilder * Change layout file name from 'review.tex.erb' to 'layout.tex.erb'. * add 'contact' for colophon in config.yml. * add 'pbl'(publisher) for colohpon in config.yml. You can use both 'prt' and 'pbl'. ### pdfmaker * Support locale file. * Add colophon_order option. ### epubmaker * Add epub:type='cover' attribute in cover file when it is EPUB3. * Escape special HTML characters to entities in toc view. ## Code contributors * suzuki * vvakame * eiel # version 1.3.0 ## In general * Introduce a new catalog file `catalog.yml`. * Support `@{}` to refer to the column. * Enable `@{}` to refert to the part. * Add safe mode as an environment variable 'REVIEW_SAFE_MODE'. * Force *.re files to put on the same directory of the catalog files. * Discontinue feature of setting with config.rb. * Discontinue feature of loading lib/review/* files in the document directory. * Introduce config `appendix_format` (arabic, roman, or alpha) to set an appendix heading style. ## Commands * Force to use review-compile with the same version. * Add `--version` to display the version. ### review-compile * Add `--catalogfile` to set a catalog file. ### review-pdfmaker * Remove tmpdir for build. * Exit when any errors occur. * Add `--ignore-errors` to proceed even when any errors occur. * Generate ebb/bb files of image files in the image directory. * Add `--[no-]debug` to override `debug` in the config.yml. ### review-init * Generate consistent CSS filenames. ### review-epubmaker * Rename review-empumaker to review-empumaker-legacy, then rename review-empumaker-ng to review-empumaker. * Add `verify_target_images` and `force_include_images` configs which are related to including images in the EPUB file. ## Builders ### htmlbuilder * Add a reverse link from the footnote to the body. * Escape hyphens in the HTML comment tags. * Normalize 'id' attributes. * Enable to refer to the section titles from a layout file (`toc`). * Enable to refer to the prev/next section from a layout file (`prev_chapter`, `next_chapter`). ### latexbuilder * Add columns in the TOC. * Change a image file extension as PDF in the graph notation. ## Code contributors * kazutomi * dmiyakawa * zunda # version 1.2.0 ## In general * 'ReVIEW' has been renamed to 'Re:VIEW' * Improve the image file finder. ## Commands ### review-epubmaker-ng / review-epubmaker * Support font embedding * Support MathML in EPUB3 * Add prefix 'rv-' to ID * Add pht(Photographer / 撮影者) and csl(Consultant / 監修者) * Strip HTML element in chapter items of TOC (review-epubmaker) ### review-pdfmaker * Add "texcommand" in config.yml to support LuaLaTeX or other latex command ### review-init * Fix error installed by gem ## Builders ### HTMLBuilder * Use pygments higlighting only if "pygments: true" is defined. * Support epub:type="noteref" and epub:type="footnote" in EPUB3 ### LATEXBuilder * Add newline after //bibpaper ### MARKDOWNBuilder * Support ``@{}`` (same as ``@``) and ``@{}`` (same as ``@``) # version 1.1 ## in general * add markdownbuilder * add inaobuilder * use bundler instead of jeweler * add review-init command * preserve MIME and JIS X 0201 kana during a preprocess * fix many escape bugs (enable escape ``\[`` in ``[...]``, etc.) * many other bugfixs ## review-compile * add --structuredxml option(idgxml) * add --toclevel option * add --tabwidth option * add --output-file option ## review-epubmaker and review-pdfmaker * support ``foo.re`` filename in PART file * rename tempolary dir name (bookname + "-pdf" and bookname + "-epub") ## review-epubmaker * support epubversion and htmlversion option in YAML configuration file (EPUB3 support is experimental) * support cover_linear option in YAML file ## review-pdfmaker * separate tex template file from source code (see review.tex.erb) * support layouts like HTMLbuilder ## review-compile * add command ``//centering`` * add command ``//olnum`` * change # of arguments of ``//comment`` (1 -> 0..1) * change # of arguments of ``//source`` (1 -> 0..1) ## htmlbuilder * use ```` instead of ```` in HTML5 * support ``@`` (you should use CSS3) * support highlight with pygments * strip ReVIEW tag in ```` ## latexbuilder * add some macro for ReVIEW(``\reviewindepimagecaption``, ``\reviewth``, ``\reviewem`` and ``\reviewstrong``). * add argument of macro ``\reviewbibref``, ``\\reviewtableref`` and ``\reviewimageref`` to make link * add ``\usepackage{amsmath}`` in default template. * support ``//box`` * support ``@<ami>`` * add headline level 5 and 6 (paragraph, subparagraph) * escape all dash * add ``begin{alltt}..\end{alltt}`` into ``\reviewemlist``, ``\reviewlist`` and ``\reviewcmd``