@wire Feature: Wire protocol timeouts We don't want Cucumber to hang forever on a wire server that's not even there, but equally we need to give the user the flexibility to allow step definitions to take a while to execute, if that's what they need. Background: Given a standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/wired.feature" with: """ Feature: Telegraphy Scenario: Wired Given we're all wired """ Scenario: Try to talk to a server that's not there Given a file named "features/step_definitions/some_remote_place.wire" with: """ host: localhost port: 54321 """ When I run cucumber -f progress Then STDERR should match """ Unable to contact the wire server at localhost:54321 """ Scenario: Invoke a step definition that takes longer than its timeout Given a file named "features/step_definitions/some_remote_place.wire" with: """ host: localhost port: 54321 timeout: invoke: 0.1 """ And there is a wire server on port 54321 which understands the following protocol: | request | response | | ["step_matches",{"name_to_match":"we're all wired"}] | ["success",[{"id":"1", "args":[{"val":"wired", "pos":10}]}]] | | ["begin_scenario"] | ["success"] | | ["invoke",{"id":"1","args":["wired"]}] | ["success"] | | ["end_scenario"] | ["success"] | And the wire server takes 0.2 seconds to respond to the invoke message When I run cucumber -f pretty Then STDERR should be empty And it should fail with """ Feature: Telegraphy Scenario: Wired # features/wired.feature:2 Given we're all wired # Unknown Timed out calling wire server with message 'invoke' (Timeout::Error) features/wired.feature:3:in `Given we're all wired' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/wired.feature:2 # Scenario: Wired 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed) """