module Spree module Admin module NavigationHelper def admin_breadcrumbs @admin_breadcrumbs ||= [] end # Add items to current page breadcrumb heirarchy def admin_breadcrumb(*ancestors, &block) admin_breadcrumbs.concat(ancestors) if ancestors.present? admin_breadcrumbs.push(capture(&block)) if block_given? end # Render Bootstrap style breadcrumbs def render_admin_breadcrumbs if content_for?(:page_title) admin_breadcrumb(content_for(:page_title)) end content_tag :ol, class: 'breadcrumb' do safe_join { |level| content_tag(:li, level, class: "separator #{level == admin_breadcrumbs.last ? 'active' : ''}") } end end def admin_page_title if content_for?(:title) content_for(:title) elsif content_for?(:page_title) content_for(:page_title) elsif admin_breadcrumbs.any? strip_tags(admin_breadcrumbs.last) else Spree.t(controller.controller_name, default: controller.controller_name.titleize) end end # Make an admin tab that coveres one or more resources supplied by symbols # Option hash may follow. Valid options are # * :label to override link text, otherwise based on the first resource name (translated) # * :route to override automatically determining the default route # * :match_path as an alternative way to control when the tab is active, /products would match /admin/products, /admin/products/5/variants etc. def tab(*args, &_block) options = { label: args.first.to_s } if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = options.merge(args.pop) end options[:route] ||= "admin_#{args.first}" destination_url = options[:url] || spree.send("#{options[:route]}_path") label = Spree.t(options[:label], scope: [:admin, :tab]) css_classes = [] if options[:icon] link = link_to_with_icon(options[:icon], label, destination_url) css_classes << 'tab-with-icon' else link = link_to(label, destination_url) end selected = if options[:match_path].is_a? Regexp request.fullpath =~ options[:match_path] elsif options[:match_path] request.fullpath.starts_with?("#{spree.admin_path}#{options[:match_path]}") else request.fullpath.starts_with?(destination_url) || args.include?(controller.controller_name.to_sym) end css_classes << 'selected' if selected if options[:css_class] css_classes << options[:css_class] end content_tag('li', link + (yield if block_given?), class: css_classes.join(' ') ) end def link_to_clone(resource, options = {}) options[:data] = { action: 'clone' } link_to_with_icon('copy', Spree.t(:clone), clone_object_url(resource), options) end def link_to_new(resource) options[:data] = { action: 'new' } link_to_with_icon('plus', Spree.t(:new), edit_object_url(resource)) end def link_to_edit(resource, options = {}) url = options[:url] || edit_object_url(resource) options[:data] = { action: 'edit' } link_to_with_icon('edit', Spree.t('actions.edit'), url, options) end def link_to_edit_url(url, options = {}) options[:data] = { action: 'edit' } link_to_with_icon('edit', Spree.t('actions.edit'), url, options) end def link_to_delete(resource, options = {}) url = options[:url] || object_url(resource) name = options[:name] || Spree.t('actions.delete') confirm = options[:confirm] || Spree.t(:are_you_sure) options[:class] = "delete-resource" options[:data] = { confirm: confirm, action: 'remove' } link_to_with_icon 'trash', name, url, options end def link_to_with_icon(icon_name, text, url, options = {}) options[:class] = (options[:class].to_s + " fa fa-#{icon_name} icon_link with-tip").strip options[:class] += ' no-text' if options[:no_text] options[:title] = text if options[:no_text] text = options[:no_text] ? '' : content_tag(:span, text, class: 'text') options.delete(:no_text) link_to(text, url, options) end def icon(icon_name) icon_name ? content_tag(:i, '', class: icon_name) : '' end def button(text, icon_name = nil, button_type = 'submit', options = {}) class_names = "button" if icon_name Spree::Deprecation.warn "Using icon_name arg is deprecated. Icons could not be visible in future versions.", caller class_names.prepend "fa fa-#{icon_name} " end button_tag(text, options.merge(type: button_type, class: class_names)) end def button_link_to(text, url, html_options = {}) html_options = { class: '' }.merge(html_options) if html_options[:method] && html_options[:method].to_s.downcase != 'get' && !html_options[:remote] form_tag(url, method: html_options.delete(:method)) do button(text, html_options.delete(:icon), nil, html_options) end else html_options[:class] += ' button' if html_options[:icon] Spree::Deprecation.warn "Using :icon option is deprecated. Icons could not be visible in future versions.", caller html_options[:class] += " fa fa-#{html_options[:icon]}" end link_to(text, url, html_options) end end def configurations_menu_item(link_text, url, description = '') %( #{link_to(link_text, url)} #{description} ).html_safe end def configurations_sidebar_menu_item(link_text, url, options = {}) is_active = url.ends_with?(controller.controller_name) || url.ends_with?("#{controller.controller_name}/edit") || url.ends_with?("#{controller.controller_name.singularize}/edit") options[:class] = is_active ? 'active' : nil content_tag(:li, options) do link_to(link_text, url) end end def settings_tab_item(link_text, url, options = {}) is_active = url.ends_with?(controller.controller_name) || url.ends_with?("#{controller.controller_name}/edit") || url.ends_with?("#{controller.controller_name.singularize}/edit") options[:class] = 'fa' options[:class] += ' active' if is_active options[:datahook] = "admin_settings_#{' ', '_')}" content_tag(:li, options) do link_to(link_text, url) end end end end end