## 0.2.0 * Added: support 429 response code * Removed unnecessary files from the gem * Fix `Order#to_xml` `order_lines_attributes` * Fix `updated_since` time format * Added `CustomStatus` * Added `Marketplace` ## 0.1.3 (August 31, 2016) * `WithUpdatedSince` raises `ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound` on 404 * `Category` and `Collection` now support `WithUpdatedSince` * Added `Currency` * Added `PriceKind` * Added `StockCurrency` ## 0.1.1 (September 30, 2015) * `App#auth_token` and`Password.create` support optional user_email/user_name/user_id * Added `Characteristic` * Added `User` * Added `Notification` ## 0.1.0 (May 06, 2015) * Helpers * Added `ProductFieldValue` * Controller auth mixins * `Account` inherits `AR::Singleton` (this breaks `::current` & `#update` methods) * Added `wait_retry` method * Added `Property` resource * Added `ProductField` resource * Added `ClientGroup` resource ## 0.0.14 (not released to rubygems) * Added `Image` resource * Fixed `Variant.group_update` * Added `DiscountCode` resource * Added `Product.count` method * Added `Order.paid?` method * Added `ApplicationCharge` resource ## 0.0.13 (August 23, 2013) * `ActiveResource::Singleton` backport. * Fix for multiple `InsalesApi::App` child-classes in a single app.