# frozen_string_literal: true module DeviseJwtAuth # Helper methods for installation generators. module InstallGeneratorHelpers class << self def included(mod) mod.class_eval do source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) argument :user_class, type: :string, default: 'User' argument :mount_path, type: :string, default: 'auth' def create_initializer_file copy_file('devise_jwt_auth.rb', 'config/initializers/devise_jwt_auth.rb') end def include_controller_concerns fname = 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' line = 'include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken' if File.exist?(File.join(destination_root, fname)) if parse_file_for_line(fname, line) say_status('skipped', 'Concern is already included in the application controller.') elsif rails_api? inject_into_file fname, after: "class ApplicationController < ActionController::API\n" do <<-'RUBY' include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken RUBY end else inject_into_file fname, after: "class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base\n" do <<-'RUBY' include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken RUBY end end else say_status('skipped', "app/controllers/application_controller.rb not found. Add 'include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken' to any controllers that require authentication.") end end def add_route_mount f = 'config/routes.rb' str = "mount_devise_jwt_auth_for '#{user_class}', at: '#{mount_path}'" if File.exist?(File.join(destination_root, f)) line = parse_file_for_line(f, 'mount_devise_jwt_auth_for') if line existing_user_class = true else line = 'Rails.application.routes.draw do' existing_user_class = false end if parse_file_for_line(f, str) say_status('skipped', "Routes already exist for #{user_class} at #{mount_path}") else insert_after_line(f, line, str) if existing_user_class scoped_routes = ''\ "as :#{user_class.underscore} do\n"\ " # Define routes for #{user_class} within this block.\n"\ " end\n" insert_after_line(f, str, scoped_routes) end end else say_status('skipped', "config/routes.rb not found. Add \"mount_devise_jwt_auth_for '#{user_class}', at: '#{mount_path}'\" to your routes file.") end end def ip_column # Padded with spaces so it aligns nicely with the rest of the columns. format('%-8s', (inet? ? 'inet' : 'string')) end def inet? postgresql? end def postgresql? config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] config && config['adapter'] == 'postgresql' end private def insert_after_line(filename, line, str) gsub_file filename, /(#{Regexp.escape(line)})/mi do |match| "#{match}\n #{str}" end end def parse_file_for_line(filename, str) match = false File.open(File.join(destination_root, filename)) do |f| f.each_line do |line| match = line if line =~ /(#{Regexp.escape(str)})/mi end end match end def rails_api? fname = 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' line = 'class ApplicationController < ActionController::API' parse_file_for_line(fname, line) end end end end end end