describe Veritrans::Client do before do hide_const("Rails") Veritrans.logger ="/dev/null") Veritrans.setup do config.load_config "./spec/configs/real_key.yml" end end def test_card_data { card_number: 4811_1111_1111_1114, card_cvv: 123, card_exp_month: 1, card_exp_year: + 1 } end it "should use Veritrans.http_options", vcr: false do Veritrans::Config.stub(:http_options) do { omit_default_port: true } end api_request = nil stub_request(:any, /.*/).to_return(lambda { |request| api_request = request { body: request.body } }) result = Veritrans.request_with_logging(:get, Veritrans.config.api_host + "/ping", {}) api_request.headers["Host"].should == "" end it "should use Veritrans.http_options to attach hedaers", vcr: false do Veritrans.config.stub(:http_options) do { headers: { "X-Rspec" => "ok" } } end api_request = nil stub_request(:any, /.*/).to_return(lambda { |request| api_request = request { body: request.body } }) result = Veritrans.request_with_logging(:get, Veritrans.config.api_host + "/ping", {}) api_request.headers["X-Rspec"].should == "ok" end it "should be able to create other instance of client" do #Veritrans.logger = VCR.configure do |c| c.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true end other_client = server_key: "69b61a1b-b0b1-450b-a697-37109dbbecb0", logger:"/dev/null") ) # M000937 result = Veritrans.charge( payment_type: "mandiri_clickpay", transaction_details: { gross_amount: 10_000, order_id: }, mandiri_clickpay: { card_number: "4111 1111 1111 1111".gsub(/\s/, ''), input3: "%05d" % (rand * 100000).to_i, input2: 10000, input1: "1" * 10, token: "000000" }, ) #p result.request_options other_result = other_client.status(result.transaction_id) other_result.status_code.should == 404 other_result.status_message.should == "Transaction doesn't exist." #p other_result.request_options VCR.configure do |c| c.allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette = true end end it "should send charge vt-web request" do VCR.use_cassette('charge_vtweb') do result = Veritrans.charge('vtweb', transaction: { order_id:, gross_amount: 100_000 }) result.status_message.should == "OK, success do VTWeb transaction, please go to redirect_url" result.success?.should == true result.redirect_url.should be_present end end it "should send charge vt-web request" do VCR.use_cassette('charge_direct') do result = Veritrans.charge("permata", transaction: { order_id:, gross_amount: 100_000 }) result.status_message.should == "Success, PERMATA VA transaction is successful" result.success?.should == true result.permata_va_number.should be_present end end it "should send status request" do VCR.use_cassette('status_fail') do result = Veritrans.status("not-exists") result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == "Transaction doesn't exist." end end it "should send status request and get response" do VCR.use_cassette('status_success') do result_charge = Veritrans.charge('permata', transaction: { order_id:, gross_amount: 100_000 }) result = Veritrans.status(result_charge.order_id) result.success?.should == true result.status_message.should == "Success, transaction is found" result.transaction_status.should == "pending" end end it "should send status request and get response" do VCR.use_cassette('cancel_failed') do result = Veritrans.cancel("not-exists") result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == "Transaction doesn't exist." end end it "should send status request and get response" do VCR.use_cassette('cancel_success') do result_charge = Veritrans.charge('permata', transaction: { order_id:, gross_amount: 100_000 }) result = Veritrans.cancel(result_charge.order_id) result.success?.should == true result.status_message.should == "Success, transaction is canceled" result.transaction_status.should == "cancel" end end it "should send approve request" do VCR.use_cassette('approve_failed') do result = Veritrans.cancel("not-exists") result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == "The requested resource is not found" end end it 'should get token for testing' do VCR.use_cassette('test_token') do result = Veritrans.test_token(test_card_data) result.should be_a_kind_of(String) end end # Can only refund after it has been settled after one day it 'should send refund request' do VCR.use_cassette('refund_failed') do result = Veritrans.refund('1415110696') result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == 'Merchant cannot modify the status of the transaction' end end it "should send capture request" do VCR.use_cassette('capture_failed') do result = Veritrans.capture("not-exists", 1000) result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == "The requested resource is not found" end end it 'should send deny request' do VCR.use_cassette('deny_failed') do Timecop.freeze(Time.utc(2019, 4, 1)) do order_id = charge_result = Veritrans.charge( payment_type: 'credit_card', credit_card: { token_id: Veritrans.test_token(test_card_data) }, transaction_details: { order_id: order_id, gross_amount: 3000 } ) charge_result.status_message.should == "Success, Credit Card transaction is successful" result = Veritrans.deny(order_id) result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == 'Transaction status cannot be updated.' end end end it "should send expire request" do VCR.use_cassette('expire_success', record: :once) do result = Veritrans.expire("af3fb136-c405-4103-9a36-5a6a9e2855a9") result.success?.should == true result.status_message.should == "Success, transaction has expired" end end it "should send expire request" do VCR.use_cassette('expire_failed', record: :once) do result = Veritrans.expire("not-exists") result.success?.should == false result.status_message.should == "The requested resource is not found" end end it "should handle network exceptions", vcr: false do Excon::Connection.any_instance.stub(:send) do raise Excon::Errors::SocketError,"testing exception") end result = Veritrans.expire("not-exists") result.status.should == "500" == { status_code: "500", status_message: "Internal server error, no response from backend. Try again later" } end end