require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe "API" do include Rack::Test::Methods def app @@app end [:post, :get].each do |verb| describe "adding a URL by #{verb.to_s.upcase}" do it "should be okay adding a new URL" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' last_response.should be_ok end it "should return the shortened URL" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' url = Firefly::Url.first(:url => "") last_response.body.should eql("{url.code}") end it "should show an error when shortening an invalid URL" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' last_response.body.should match("The URL you posted is invalid") end it "should show an error when shortening an invalid URL in visual mode" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test', :visual => "1" follow_redirect! last_response.body.should match("The URL you posted is invalid") end it "should redirect to the highlighted URL when visual is enabled" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test', :visual => "1" follow_redirect! last_request.path.should eql("/") last_request.should be_get end it "should store the API key in the session with visual enabled" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test', :visual => "1" follow_redirect! last_response.body.should_not match(/API Key/) end it "should highlight the shortened URL" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test', :visual => "1" url = Firefly::Url.first(:url => "") follow_redirect! last_request.query_string.should match(/highlight=#{url.code}/) end it "should return a 401 on a wrong API key" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'false' last_response.status.should eql(401) end it "should not return a shortened URL on 401" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'false' last_response.body.should match(/Permission denied: Invalid API key/) end it "should create a new Firefly::Url" do lambda { self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' }.should change(Firefly::Url, :count).by(1) end it "should not create the same Firefly::Url twice" do self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' lambda { self.send verb, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test' }.should_not change(Firefly::Url, :count).by(1) end end end describe "getting information" do before(:each) do @created_at = @url = Firefly::Url.create(:url => '', :code => 'alpha', :clicks => 69, :created_at => @created_at) end it "should work" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.should be_ok end it "should show the click count" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/69/) end it "should show the short URL" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/alpha/) end it "should show the shortened at time" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/#{@created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}/) end it "should show the full URL" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should match(/http:\/\/\/123/) end it "should validate API permissions" do get '/api/info/alpha', :api_key => false last_response.status.should be(401) end end describe "exports" do before(:each) do load_fixtures end it "should export in CSV" do get '/api/export.csv', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should eql(spec_file('export.csv')) end it "should export in XML" do get '/api/export.xml', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should eql(spec_file('export.xml')) end it "should export in YAML" do get '/api/export.yml', :api_key => "test" last_response.body.should eql(spec_file('export.yml')) end end describe "api key" do def app do set :hostname, "" set :api_key, "test#!" set :database, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/firefly_test.sqlite3" end end it "should be okay adding a new URL" do self.send :get, '/api/add', :url => '', :api_key => 'test#!' last_response.should be_ok end end end