# Some common routines used in testing. require 'rubygems' require 'test/unit' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../cli", __FILE__) require 'ruby-debug' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' # begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end # require 'ruby-debug'; Debugger.start module TestHelper def run_debugger(testname, args = '', opts = {}) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do rightfile = opts[:rightfile] || rightfile(testname) outfile = opts[:outfile] || "#{testname}.out" debug_pgm = opts[:runner] || 'tdebug.rb' filter = opts[:filter] if File.exists?(outfile) FileUtils.rm(outfile) end ENV['RDEBUG'] = debug_pgm ENV['TERM'] = '' # The EMACS environment variable(s) cause output to # get prefaced with null which will mess up file compares. # So turn off EMACS output processing. ENV['EMACS'] = ENV['INSIDE_EMACS'] = nil cmd = "#{load_ruby} #{load_params} ../rdbg.rb #{args} > #{outfile}" puts "'#{cmd}'" if $DEBUG `#{cmd}` got_lines = File.read(outfile).split(/\n/) correct_lines = File.read(rightfile).split(/\n/) filter.call(got_lines, correct_lines) if filter if cheap_diff(got_lines, correct_lines) FileUtils.rm(outfile) return true end false end end def rightfile(testname) jruby_file = File.join('data', "#{testname}-jruby.right") if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && File.exists?(jruby_file) jruby_file else File.join('data', "#{testname}.right") end end def cheap_diff(got_lines, correct_lines) if $DEBUG got_lines.each_with_index do |line, i| printf "%3d %s\n", i+1, line end end correct_lines.each_with_index do |line, i| correct_lines[i].chomp! if got_lines[i] != correct_lines[i] puts "difference found at line #{i+1}" puts "got : #{got_lines[i]}" puts "need: #{correct_lines[i]}" return false end end if correct_lines.size != got_lines.size puts("difference in number of lines: " + "#{correct_lines.size} vs. #{got_lines.size}") return false end return true end # FIXME: using this causes the same test to get run several times # and some tests fail probably because of a lack of environment isolation. # Many tests follow a basic pattern: run the debugger with a given # debugger script and compare output produced. The following creates # this kind of test. def add_test(base_name, src_dir, script_name=nil, cmd=nil, test_name=nil) puts "+++ Adding #{base_name} ++++" if $DEBUG test_name = File.join('.', 'example', base_name) unless test_name script_name = File.join('data', test_name + '.cmd') unless script_name cmd = 'gcd.rb 3 5' unless cmd eval <<-EOF def test_#{test_name} Dir.chdir(\"#{src_dir}\") do assert_equal(true, run_debugger(\"#{base_name}\", \"--script #{script_name} -- #{cmd}\")) end end EOF end module_function :add_test # Adapted from the Ruby Cookbook, Section 6.10: Comparing two files. # def diff_as_string(rightfile, checkfile, format=:unified, context_lines=3) # right_data = File.read(rightfile) # check_data = File.read(checkfile) # output = '' # diffs = Diff::LCS.diff(right_data, check_data) # return output if diffs.empty? # oldhunk = hunk = nil # file_length_difference = 0 # diffs.each do |piece| # begin # hunk = Diff::LCS::Hunk.new(right_data, check_data, piece, # context_lines, file_length_difference) # next unless oldhunk # # # Hunks may overlap, which is why we need to be careful when our # # diff includes lines of context. Otherwise, we might print # # redundant lines. # if (context_lines > 0) and hunk.overlaps?(oldhunk) # hunk.unshift(oldhunk) # else # output << oldhunk.diff(format) # end # ensure # oldhunk = hunk # output << '\n' # end # end # # Handle the last remaining hunk # output << oldhunk.diff(format) << '\n' # end # Loads key from the _config_._yaml_ file. def config_load(key, may_be_nil=false, default_value='') conf = File.join('config.private.yaml') # try private first unless File.exists?(conf) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) conf = File.join('config.jruby.yaml') else conf = File.join('config.yaml') end end value = YAML.load_file(conf)[key] assert_not_nil(value, "#{key} is set in config.yaml") unless may_be_nil value || default_value end module_function :config_load def load_ruby config_load('ruby', true) end module_function :load_ruby def load_params config_load('ruby_params', true) end module_function :load_params end