require 'docker-sync' require 'docker-sync/sync_manager' require 'docker-sync/preconditions/strategy' require 'docker-sync/update_check' require 'docker-sync/upgrade_check' require 'daemons' require 'fileutils' require 'docker-sync/config/project_config' require 'timeout' class Sync < Thor class_option :config, :aliases => '-c',:default => nil, :type => :string, :desc => 'Path of the docker_sync config' class_option :sync_name, :aliases => '-n',:type => :string, :desc => 'If given, only this sync configuration will be references/started/synced' class_option :version, :aliases => '-v',:type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'prints out the version of docker-sync and exits' desc '--version, -v', 'Prints out the version of docker-sync and exits' def print_version puts UpgradeChecker.get_current_version exit(0) end map %w[--version -v] => :print_version desc 'start', 'Start all sync configurations in this project' method_option :daemon, :aliases => '-d', :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Run in the background' method_option :foreground, :aliases => '-d', :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Run in the background' method_option :app_name, :aliases => '--name', :default => 'daemon', :type => :string, :desc => 'App name used in PID and OUTPUT file name for Daemon' method_option :dir, :aliases => '--dir', :default => './.docker-sync', :type => :string, :desc => 'Path to PID and OUTPUT file Directory' method_option :logd, :aliases => '--logd', :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'To log OUPUT to file on Daemon or not' def start print_version if options[:version] # do run update check in the start command only config = config_preconditions @sync_manager = config) start_dir = Dir.pwd # Set start_dir variable to be equal to pre-daemonized folder, since daemonizing will change dir to '/' if options['daemon'] puts 'WARNING: --daemon is deprecated and now the default. Just start without --daemon' end if options['foreground'] say_status 'note:', 'Starting in foreground mode', :white else daemonize end Dir.chdir(start_dir) do # We want run these in pre-daemonized folder/directory since provided config_path might not be full_path[:sync_name]) @sync_manager.join_threads end end desc 'stop', 'Stop docker-sync daemon' method_option :app_name, :aliases => '--name', :default => 'daemon', :type => :string, :desc => 'App name used in PID and OUTPUT file name for Daemon' method_option :dir, :aliases => '--dir', :default => './.docker-sync', :type => :string, :desc => 'Path to PID and OUTPUT file Directory' def stop print_version if options[:version] config = config_preconditions sync_manager = config) sync_manager.stop pid_file_path="#{options['dir']}/#{options['app_name']}.pid" if File.exist?(pid_file_path) begin pid ="#{options['dir']}/#{options['app_name']}.pid") # Read PID from PIDFILE created by Daemons Process.kill(:INT, -(Process.getpgid(pid.to_i))) # Send INT signal to group PID, which means INT will be sent to all sub-processes and Threads spawned by docker-sync wait_for_process_termination(pid.to_i) rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::ENOENT => e say_status 'error', e.message, :red # Rescue incase PIDFILE does not exist or there is no process with such PID say_status 'error', 'Check if your PIDFILE and process with such PID exists', :red exit(69) # EX_UNAVAILABLE (see `man sysexits` or `/usr/include/sysexits.h`) end else # there was no watcher started / needed, e.g. dummy. Nothing to worry about end end desc 'sync', 'just sync - do not start a watcher though' def sync print_version if options[:version] config = config_preconditions @sync_manager = config) @sync_manager.sync(options[:sync_name]) end desc 'clean', 'Stop and clean up all sync endpoints' def clean print_version if options[:version] config = config_preconditions # Look for any background syncs and stop them if we see them dir = './.docker-sync' files = Dir[File.join(dir, '*.pid')] files.each do |pid_file| pid = Process.kill(:INT, -(Process.getpgid(pid))) if Daemons::Pid.running?(pid) say_status 'shutdown', 'Background sync has been stopped' end # Remove the .docker-sync directory FileUtils.rm_r dir if @sync_manager = config) @sync_manager.clean(options[:sync_name]) say_status 'success', 'Finished cleanup. Removed stopped, removed sync container and removed their volumes', :green end desc 'logs', 'Prints last 100 lines of daemon log. Only for use with docker-sync started in background.' method_option :lines, :aliases => '--lines', :default => 100, :type => :numeric, :desc => 'Specify number of lines to tail' method_option :follow, :aliases => '-f', :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Specify if the logs should be streamed' method_option :dir, :aliases => '--dir', :default => './.docker-sync', :type => :string, :desc => 'Path to PID and OUTPUT file Directory' method_option :logd, :aliases => '--logd', :default => true, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'To log OUPUT to file on Daemon or not' method_option :app_name, :aliases => '--name', :default => 'daemon', :type => :string, :desc => 'App name used in PID and OUTPUT file name for Daemon' def logs print_version if options[:version] print_daemon_logs end desc 'list', 'List all sync-points of the project configuration path' method_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Verbose output' def list print_version if options[:version] config = config_preconditions say_status 'ok',"Found configuration at #{config.config_path}" @sync_manager = config) @sync_manager.get_sync_points.each do |name, config| say_status name, "On address #{config['sync_host_ip']}:#{config['sync_host_port']}",:white unless options['verbose'] puts "\n---------------[#{name}] #{config['sync_host_ip']}:#{config['sync_host_port']} ---------------\n" if options['verbose'] print_table(config) if options['verbose'] end end no_tasks do def config_preconditions # Moved shared preconditions block into separate method to have less/cleaner code begin options[:config]).tap do |config| DockerSync::Preconditions::Strategy.instance.check_all_preconditions(config) end rescue Exception => e say_status 'error', e.message, :red exit 1 end end def daemonize # Create the directory for the logs/pid if it doesn't already exist: FileUtils.mkpath(options['dir']) # Check to see if we're already running: if daemon_running? say_status 'warning', 'docker-sync already started for this configuration', :yellow exit 1 end # If we're daemonizing, run a sync first to ensure the containers exist so that a docker-compose up won't fail: @sync_manager.start_container(options[:sync_name]) # the existing strategies' start_container will also sync, but just in case a strategy doesn't, sync now: @sync_manager.sync(options[:sync_name]) dopts = { app_name: options['app_name'], dir_mode: :normal, dir: options['dir'], log_output: options['logd'], output_logfilename: "#{options['app_name']}.log" } # List of options accepted by Daemonize, can be customized pretty nicely with provided CLI options say_status 'success', 'Starting Docker-Sync in the background', :green Daemons.daemonize(dopts) end def print_daemon_logs unless daemon_running? say_status 'error', "docker-sync is not running in daemon mode for this configuration", :red exit 1 end log_file = File.join(options['dir'], "#{options['app_name']}.log") begin system("tail #{options['follow'] ? '-f ' : ''}-n #{options['lines']} #{log_file}") rescue Interrupt nil end end def daemon_running? pid_file = Daemons::PidFile.find_files(options['dir'], options['app_name']).first || '' File.file?(pid_file) && Daemons::Pid.running?( end def wait_for_process_termination(pid) print 'Waiting for background docker-sync to terminate' Timeout::timeout(30) do loop do if process_dead?(pid) puts say_status 'shutdown', 'Background docker-sync has been stopped' return else sleep 1 print '.' end end end rescue Timeout::Error puts say_status 'error', 'Background docker-sync daemon failed to stop within 30 seconds', :red exit 70 # EX_SOFTWARE (according to `man sysexits`) end def process_dead?(pid) !system("ps -p #{pid} > /dev/null") end end end