use magnus::{class, prelude::*, typed_data::Obj, IntoValue, RHash, TryConvert, Value}; use polars::prelude::*; use super::*; use crate::conversion::slice_to_wrapped; use crate::series::RbSeries; use crate::{ObjectValue, RbResult}; /// Find the output type and dispatch to that implementation. fn infer_and_finish<'a, A: ApplyLambda<'a>>( applyer: &'a A, lambda: Value, out: Value, null_count: usize, ) -> RbResult { if out.is_kind_of(class::true_class()) || out.is_kind_of(class::false_class()) { let first_value = bool::try_convert(out).unwrap(); applyer .apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type(lambda, null_count, Some(first_value)) .map(|ca| ca.into_series().into()) } else if out.is_kind_of(class::float()) { let first_value = f64::try_convert(out).unwrap(); applyer .apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::( lambda, null_count, Some(first_value), ) .map(|ca| ca.into_series().into()) } else if out.is_kind_of(class::string()) { let first_value = String::try_convert(out).unwrap(); applyer .apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type(lambda, null_count, Some(first_value.as_str())) .map(|ca| ca.into_series().into()) } else if out.respond_to("_s", true)? { let rb_rbseries: &RbSeries = out.funcall("_s", ()).unwrap(); let series = rb_rbseries.series.borrow(); let dt = series.dtype(); applyer .apply_lambda_with_list_out_type(lambda, null_count, &series, dt) .map(|ca| ca.into_series().into()) } else if out.is_kind_of(class::array()) { todo!() } else if out.is_kind_of(class::hash()) { let first = Wrap::>::try_convert(out)?; applyer.apply_to_struct(lambda, null_count, first.0) } // this succeeds for numpy ints as well, where checking if it is pyint fails // we do this later in the chain so that we don't extract integers from string chars. else if i64::try_convert(out).is_ok() { let first_value = i64::try_convert(out).unwrap(); applyer .apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::( lambda, null_count, Some(first_value), ) .map(|ca| ca.into_series().into()) } else if let Ok(av) = Wrap::::try_convert(out) { applyer .apply_extract_any_values(lambda, null_count, av.0) .map(|s| s.into()) } else { applyer .apply_lambda_with_object_out_type(lambda, null_count, Some(out.into())) .map(|ca| ca.into_series().into()) } } pub trait ApplyLambda<'a> { fn apply_lambda_unknown(&'a self, _lambda: Value) -> RbResult; /// Apply a lambda that doesn't change output types #[allow(dead_code)] fn apply_lambda(&'a self, _lambda: Value) -> RbResult; // Used to store a struct type fn apply_to_struct( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult; /// Apply a lambda with a primitive output type fn apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> where D: RbArrowPrimitiveType, D::Native: IntoValue + TryConvert; /// Apply a lambda with a boolean output type fn apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult>; /// Apply a lambda with utf8 output type fn apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option<&str>, ) -> RbResult; /// Apply a lambda with list output type fn apply_lambda_with_list_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: &Series, dt: &DataType, ) -> RbResult; fn apply_extract_any_values( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult; /// Apply a lambda with list output type fn apply_lambda_with_object_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult>; } pub fn call_lambda(lambda: Value, in_val: T) -> RbResult where T: IntoValue, { lambda.funcall("call", (in_val,)) } pub(crate) fn call_lambda_and_extract(lambda: Value, in_val: T) -> RbResult where T: IntoValue, S: TryConvert, { match call_lambda(lambda, in_val) { Ok(out) => S::try_convert(out), Err(e) => panic!("ruby function failed {}", e), } } fn call_lambda_series_out(lambda: Value, in_val: T) -> RbResult where T: IntoValue, { let out: Value = lambda.funcall("call", (in_val,))?; let py_series: Obj = out.funcall("_s", ())?; let tmp = py_series.series.borrow(); Ok(tmp.clone()) } impl<'a> ApplyLambda<'a> for BooleanChunked { fn apply_lambda_unknown(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { let mut null_count = 0; for opt_v in self.into_iter() { if let Some(v) = opt_v { let arg = (v,); let out: Value = lambda.funcall("call", arg)?; if out.is_nil() { null_count += 1; continue; } return infer_and_finish(self, lambda, out, null_count); } else { null_count += 1 } } Ok(Self::full_null(, self.len()) .into_series() .into()) } fn apply_lambda(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { self.apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type(lambda, 0, None) .map(|ca| RbSeries::new(ca.into_series())) } fn apply_to_struct( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda(lambda, val).ok()); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda(lambda, val).ok())); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } } fn apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> where D: RbArrowPrimitiveType, D::Native: IntoValue + TryConvert, { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option<&str>, ) -> RbResult { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_list_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: &Series, dt: &DataType, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_series_out(lambda, val).ok()); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_series_out(lambda, val).ok())); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } } fn apply_extract_any_values( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let mut avs = Vec::with_capacity(self.len()); avs.extend(std::iter::repeat(AnyValue::Null).take(init_null_count)); avs.push(first_value); if self.null_count() > 0 { let iter = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + 1).map(|opt_val| { let out_wrapped = match opt_val { None => Wrap(AnyValue::Null), Some(val) => call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).unwrap(), }; out_wrapped.0 }); avs.extend(iter); } else { let iter = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + 1) .map(|val| { call_lambda_and_extract::<_, Wrap>(lambda, val) .unwrap() .0 }); avs.extend(iter); } Ok(Series::new(, &avs)) } fn apply_lambda_with_object_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } } impl<'a, T> ApplyLambda<'a> for ChunkedArray where T: RbArrowPrimitiveType + PolarsNumericType, T::Native: IntoValue + TryConvert, ChunkedArray: IntoSeries, { fn apply_lambda_unknown(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { let mut null_count = 0; for opt_v in self.into_iter() { if let Some(v) = opt_v { let arg = (v,); let out: Value = lambda.funcall("call", arg)?; if out.is_nil() { null_count += 1; continue; } return infer_and_finish(self, lambda, out, null_count); } else { null_count += 1 } } Ok(Self::full_null(, self.len()) .into_series() .into()) } fn apply_lambda(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { self.apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type::(lambda, 0, None) .map(|ca| RbSeries::new(ca.into_series())) } fn apply_to_struct( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda(lambda, val).ok()); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda(lambda, val).ok())); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } } fn apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> where D: RbArrowPrimitiveType, D::Native: IntoValue + TryConvert, { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option<&str>, ) -> RbResult { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_list_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: &Series, dt: &DataType, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_series_out(lambda, val).ok()); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_series_out(lambda, val).ok())); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } } fn apply_extract_any_values( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let mut avs = Vec::with_capacity(self.len()); avs.extend(std::iter::repeat(AnyValue::Null).take(init_null_count)); avs.push(first_value); if self.null_count() > 0 { let iter = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + 1).map(|opt_val| { let out_wrapped = match opt_val { None => Wrap(AnyValue::Null), Some(val) => call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).unwrap(), }; out_wrapped.0 }); avs.extend(iter); } else { let iter = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + 1) .map(|val| { call_lambda_and_extract::<_, Wrap>(lambda, val) .unwrap() .0 }); avs.extend(iter); } Ok(Series::new(, &avs)) } fn apply_lambda_with_object_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } } impl<'a> ApplyLambda<'a> for StringChunked { fn apply_lambda_unknown(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { let mut null_count = 0; for opt_v in self.into_iter() { if let Some(v) = opt_v { let arg = (v,); let out: Value = lambda.funcall("call", arg)?; if out.is_nil() { null_count += 1; continue; } return infer_and_finish(self, lambda, out, null_count); } else { null_count += 1 } } Ok(Self::full_null(, self.len()) .into_series() .into()) } fn apply_lambda(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { let ca = self.apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type(lambda, 0, None)?; Ok(ca.into_series().into()) } fn apply_to_struct( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda(lambda, val).ok()); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda(lambda, val).ok())); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } } fn apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> where D: RbArrowPrimitiveType, D::Native: IntoValue + TryConvert, { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type( &self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option<&str>, ) -> RbResult { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } fn apply_lambda_with_list_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: &Series, dt: &DataType, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_series_out(lambda, val).ok()); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_series_out(lambda, val).ok())); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } } fn apply_extract_any_values( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let mut avs = Vec::with_capacity(self.len()); avs.extend(std::iter::repeat(AnyValue::Null).take(init_null_count)); avs.push(first_value); if self.null_count() > 0 { let iter = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + 1).map(|opt_val| { let out_wrapped = match opt_val { None => Wrap(AnyValue::Null), Some(val) => call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).unwrap(), }; out_wrapped.0 }); avs.extend(iter); } else { let iter = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + 1) .map(|val| { call_lambda_and_extract::<_, Wrap>(lambda, val) .unwrap() .0 }); avs.extend(iter); } Ok(Series::new(, &avs)) } fn apply_lambda_with_object_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> { let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); if init_null_count == self.len() { Ok(ChunkedArray::full_null(, self.len())) } else if !self.has_validity() { let it = self .into_no_null_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok()); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } else { let it = self .into_iter() .skip(init_null_count + skip) .map(|opt_val| opt_val.and_then(|val| call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, val).ok())); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } } } fn make_dict_arg(names: &[&str], vals: &[AnyValue]) -> RHash { let dict = RHash::new(); for (name, val) in names.iter().zip(slice_to_wrapped(vals)) { dict.aset(name.to_string(), (*val).clone()).unwrap() } dict } impl<'a> ApplyLambda<'a> for StructChunked { fn apply_lambda_unknown(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let mut null_count = 0; for val in self.into_iter() { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); let out: Value = lambda.funcall("call", (arg,))?; if out.is_nil() { null_count += 1; continue; } return infer_and_finish(self, lambda, out, null_count); } // todo! full null Ok(self.clone().into_series().into()) } fn apply_lambda(&'a self, lambda: Value) -> RbResult { self.apply_lambda_unknown(lambda) } fn apply_to_struct( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let skip = 1; let it = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + skip).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); let out = lambda.funcall("call", (arg,)).unwrap(); Some(out) }); iterator_to_struct(it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len()) } fn apply_lambda_with_primitive_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> where D: RbArrowPrimitiveType, D::Native: IntoValue + TryConvert, { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); let it = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + skip).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, arg).ok() }); Ok(iterator_to_primitive( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } fn apply_lambda_with_bool_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); let it = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + skip).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, arg).ok() }); Ok(iterator_to_bool( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } fn apply_lambda_with_utf8_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option<&str>, ) -> RbResult { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); let it = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + skip).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, arg).ok() }); Ok(iterator_to_utf8( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } fn apply_lambda_with_list_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: &Series, dt: &DataType, ) -> RbResult { let skip = 1; let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let it = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + skip).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); call_lambda_series_out(lambda, arg).ok() }); iterator_to_list( dt, it, init_null_count, Some(first_value),, self.len(), ) } fn apply_extract_any_values( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: AnyValue<'a>, ) -> RbResult { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let mut avs = Vec::with_capacity(self.len()); avs.extend(std::iter::repeat(AnyValue::Null).take(init_null_count)); avs.push(first_value); let iter = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + 1).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); call_lambda_and_extract::<_, Wrap>(lambda, arg) .unwrap() .0 }); avs.extend(iter); Ok(Series::new(, &avs)) } fn apply_lambda_with_object_out_type( &'a self, lambda: Value, init_null_count: usize, first_value: Option, ) -> RbResult> { let names = self.fields().iter().map(|s|>(); let skip = usize::from(first_value.is_some()); let it = self.into_iter().skip(init_null_count + skip).map(|val| { let arg = make_dict_arg(&names, val); call_lambda_and_extract(lambda, arg).ok() }); Ok(iterator_to_object( it, init_null_count, first_value,, self.len(), )) } }