require 'spec_helper' describe Octopus::Model do describe '#using method' do it 'raise when Model#using receives a block' do expect { User.using(:master) { true } }.to raise_error(Octopus::Exception, /User\.using is not allowed to receive a block/) end it 'should allow to send a block to the master shard' do Octopus.using(:master) do User.create!(:name => 'Block test') end expect(User.using(:master).find_by_name('Block test')).not_to be_nil end it 'should allow to pass a string as the shard name to a AR subclass' do User.using('canada').create!(:name => 'Rafael Pilha') expect(User.using('canada').find_by_name('Rafael Pilha')).not_to be_nil end it 'should allow comparison of a string shard name with symbol shard name' do u = User.using('canada').create!(:name => 'Rafael Pilha') expect(u).to eq(User.using(:canada).find_by_name('Rafael Pilha')) end it 'should allow comparison of a symbol shard name with string shard name' do u = User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'Rafael Pilha') expect(u).to eq(User.using('canada').find_by_name('Rafael Pilha')) end it 'should allow to pass a string as the shard name to a block' do Octopus.using('canada') do User.create!(:name => 'Rafael Pilha') end expect(User.using('canada').find_by_name('Rafael Pilha')).not_to be_nil end it 'should allow selecting the shards on scope' do User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'oi') expect(User.using(:canada).count).to eq(1) expect(User.count).to eq(0) end it 'should allow selecting the shard using #new' do u = User.using(:canada).new = 'Thiago' expect(User.using(:canada).count).to eq(1) expect(User.using(:brazil).count).to eq(0) u1 = = 'Joaquim' u2 = User.using(:canada).new = 'Manuel' expect(User.using(:canada).all).to eq([u, u2]) expect(User.all).to eq([u1]) end it "should allow the #select method to fetch the correct data when using a block" do canadian_user = User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'Rafael Pilha') Octopus.using('canada') do @all_canadian_user_ids ='id').to_a end expect(@all_canadian_user_ids).to eq([canadian_user]) end it "should allow objects to be fetch using different blocks - GH #306" do canadian_user = User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'Rafael Pilha') Octopus.using(:canada) { @users = User.where('id is not null') } Octopus.using(:canada) { @user = @users.first } Octopus.using(:canada) { @user2 = User.where('id is not null').first } expect(@user).to eq(canadian_user) expect(@user2).to eq(canadian_user) end describe 'multiple calls to the same scope' do it 'works with nil response' do scope = User.using(:canada) expect(scope.count).to eq(0) expect(scope.first).to be_nil end it 'works with non-nil response' do user = User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'oi') scope = User.using(:canada) expect(scope.count).to eq(1) expect(scope.first).to eq(user) end end it 'should select the correct shard' do User.using(:canada) User.create!(:name => 'oi') expect(User.count).to eq(1) end it 'should ensure that the connection will be cleaned' do expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.current_shard).to eq(:master) expect do Octopus.using(:canada) do fail 'Some Exception' end raise_error(RuntimeError) expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.current_shard).to eq(:master) end it 'should ensure that the connection will be cleaned with custom master' do OctopusHelper.using_environment :octopus do Octopus.config[:master_shard] = :brazil expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.current_shard).to eq(:brazil) expect do Octopus.using(:canada) do fail 'Some Exception' end raise_error(RuntimeError) expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.current_shard).to eq(:brazil) Octopus.config[:master_shard] = nil end end it 'should allow creating more than one user' do User.using(:canada).create([{ :name => 'America User 1' }, { :name => 'America User 2' }]) User.create!(:name => 'Thiago') expect(User.using(:canada).find_by_name('America User 1')).not_to be_nil expect(User.using(:canada).find_by_name('America User 2')).not_to be_nil expect(User.using(:master).find_by_name('Thiago')).not_to be_nil end it 'should work when you have a SQLite3 shard' do u = User.using(:sqlite_shard).create!(:name => 'Sqlite3') expect(User.using(:sqlite_shard).where(name: 'Sqlite3').first).to eq(u) end it 'should clean #current_shard from proxy when using execute' do User.using(:canada).connection.execute('select * from users limit 1;') expect(User.connection.current_shard).to eq(:master) end it 'should clean #current_shard from proxy when using execute' do OctopusHelper.using_environment :octopus do Octopus.config[:master_shard] = :brazil User.using(:canada).connection.execute('select * from users limit 1;') expect(User.connection.current_shard).to eq(:brazil) Octopus.config[:master_shard] = nil end end it 'should allow scoping dynamically' do User.using(:canada).using(:master).using(:canada).create!(:name => 'oi') expect(User.using(:canada).using(:master).count).to eq(0) expect(User.using(:master).using(:canada).count).to eq(1) end it 'should allow find inside blocks' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Thiago') Octopus.using(:brazil) do expect(User.first).to eq(@user) end expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Thiago')).to eq(@user) end it 'should clean the current_shard after executing the current query' do User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'oi') expect(User.count).to eq(0) end it 'should support both groups and alone shards' do _u = User.using(:alone_shard).create!(:name => 'Alone') expect(User.using(:alone_shard).count).to eq(1) expect(User.using(:canada).count).to eq(0) expect(User.using(:brazil).count).to eq(0) expect(User.count).to eq(0) end it 'should work with named scopes' do u = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Thiago') expect(User.thiago.using(:brazil).first).to eq(u) expect(User.using(:brazil).thiago.first).to eq(u) Octopus.using(:brazil) do expect(User.thiago.first).to eq(u) end end describe '#current_shard attribute' do it 'should store the attribute when you create or find an object' do u = User.using(:alone_shard).create!(:name => 'Alone') expect(u.current_shard).to eq(:alone_shard) User.using(:canada).create!(:name => 'oi') u = User.using(:canada).find_by_name('oi') expect(u.current_shard).to eq(:canada) end it 'should store the attribute when you find multiple instances' do 5.times { User.using(:alone_shard).create!(:name => 'Alone') } User.using(:alone_shard).all.each do |u| expect(u.current_shard).to eq(:alone_shard) end end it 'should works when you find, and after that, alter that object' do alone_user = User.using(:alone_shard).create!(:name => 'Alone') _mstr_user = User.using(:master).create!(:name => 'Master') = 'teste' expect(User.using(:master) eq('Master') expect(User.using(:alone_shard) eq('teste') end it 'should work for the reload method' do User.using(:alone_shard).create!(:name => 'Alone') u = User.using(:alone_shard).find_by_name('Alone') u.reload expect( eq('Alone') end it 'should work passing some arguments to reload method' do User.using(:alone_shard).create!(:name => 'Alone') u = User.using(:alone_shard).find_by_name('Alone') u.reload(:lock => true) expect( eq('Alone') end end describe 'passing a block' do it 'should allow queries be executed inside the block, ponting to a specific shard' do Octopus.using(:canada) do User.create(:name => 'oi') end expect(User.using(:canada).count).to eq(1) expect(User.using(:master).count).to eq(0) expect(User.count).to eq(0) end it 'should allow execute queries inside a model' do u = u.awesome_queries expect(User.using(:canada).count).to eq(1) expect(User.count).to eq(0) end end describe 'raising errors' do it "should raise a error when you specify a shard that doesn't exist" do expect { User.using(:crazy_shard).create!(:name => 'Thiago') }.to raise_error('Nonexistent Shard Name: crazy_shard') end end describe 'equality' do let(:canada1) do u = = 1 u.current_shard = :canada u end let(:canada1_dup) do u = = 1 u.current_shard = :canada u end let(:brazil1) do u = = 1 u.current_shard = :brazil u end it 'should work with persisted objects' do u = User.using(:brazil).create(:name => 'Mike') expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Mike')).to eq(u) end it 'should check current_shard when determining equality' do expect(canada1).not_to eq(brazil1) expect(canada1).to eq(canada1_dup) end it 'delegates equality check on scopes' do u = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Mike') expect(User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'Mike')).to eq([u]) end end end describe 'using a postgresql shard' do it 'should update the Arel Engine' do if Octopus.atleast_rails52? expect(User.using(:postgresql_shard).connection.adapter_name).to eq('PostgreSQL') expect(User.using(:alone_shard).connection.adapter_name).to eq('Mysql2') else expect(User.using(:postgresql_shard).arel_engine.connection.adapter_name).to eq('PostgreSQL') expect(User.using(:alone_shard).arel_engine.connection.adapter_name).to eq('Mysql2') end end it 'should works with writes and reads' do u = User.using(:postgresql_shard).create!(:name => 'PostgreSQL User') expect(User.using(:postgresql_shard).all).to eq([u]) expect(User.using(:alone_shard).all).to eq([]) end end describe 'AR basic methods' do it 'establish_connection' do expect(CustomConnection.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end it 'reuses parent model connection' do klass = expect(klass.connection).to be klass.connection end it 'should not mess with custom connection table names' do expect(Advert.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_1') Advert.create!(:name => 'Teste') end it 'increment' do _ = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 10) u = User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(10) u.increment(:number) expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(11)).not_to be_nil end it 'increment!' do _ = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 10) u = User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(10) u.increment!(:number) expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(11)).not_to be_nil end it 'decrement' do _ = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 10) u = User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(10) u.decrement(:number) expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(9)).not_to be_nil end it 'decrement!' do _ = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 10) u = User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(10) u.decrement!(:number) expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_number(9)).not_to be_nil end it 'toggle' do _ = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :admin => false) u = User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Teste') u.toggle(:admin) expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Teste').admin).to be true end it 'toggle!' do _ = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :admin => false) u = User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Teste') u.toggle!(:admin) expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Teste').admin).to be true end it 'count' do _u = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') _v = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User2') _w = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User3') expect(User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'User2').all.count).to eq(1) end it 'maximum' do _u = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 11) _v = User.using(:master).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 12) expect(User.using(:brazil).maximum(:number)).to eq(11) expect(User.using(:master).maximum(:number)).to eq(12) end it 'sum' do u = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 11) v = User.using(:master).create!(:name => 'Teste', :number => 12) expect(User.using(:master).sum(:number)).to eq(12) expect(User.using(:brazil).sum(:number)).to eq(11) expect(User.where(id: eq(12) expect(User.using(:brazil).where(id: eq(11) expect(User.using(:master).where(id: eq(12) end describe 'any?' do before { User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') } it 'works when true' do scope = User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'User1') expect(scope.any?).to be true end it 'works when false' do scope = User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'User2') expect(scope.any?).to be false end end it 'exists?' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') expect(User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'User1').exists?).to be true expect(User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'User2').exists?).to be false end describe 'touch' do it 'updates updated_at by default' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') User.using(:brazil).where(:id => => - 3.months) @user.touch expect(@user.reload.updated_at.in_time_zone('GMT').to_date).to eq('GMT').to_date) end it 'updates passed in attribute name' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') User.using(:brazil).where(:id => => - 3.months) @user.touch(:created_at) expect(@user.reload.created_at.in_time_zone('GMT').to_date).to eq('GMT').to_date) end end describe '#pluck' do before { User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') } it 'should works from scope proxy' do names = User.using(:brazil).pluck(:name) expect(names).to eq(['User1']) expect(User.using(:master).pluck(:name)).to eq([]) end end it 'update_column' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') @user2 = User.using(:brazil).find( @user2.update_column(:name, 'Joaquim Shard Brazil') expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Joaquim Shard Brazil')).not_to be_nil end it 'update_attributes' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') @user2 = User.using(:brazil).find( @user2.update_attributes(:name => 'Joaquim') expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Joaquim')).not_to be_nil end it 'using update_attributes inside a block' do Octopus.using(:brazil) do @user = User.create!(:name => 'User1') @user2 = User.find( @user2.update_attributes(:name => 'Joaquim') end expect(User.find_by_name('Joaquim')).to be_nil expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Joaquim')).not_to be_nil end it 'update_attribute' do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') @user2 = User.using(:brazil).find( @user2.update_attribute(:name, 'Joaquim') expect(User.using(:brazil).find_by_name('Joaquim')).not_to be_nil end it 'as_json' do ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false Octopus.using(:brazil) do User.create!(:name => 'User1') end user = User.using(:brazil).where(:name => 'User1').first expect(user.as_json(:except => [:created_at, :updated_at, :id, :current_shard])).to eq('admin' => nil, 'name' => 'User1', 'number' => nil) end describe 'transaction' do context 'without assigning a database' do it 'works as expected' do _u = User.create!(:name => 'Thiago') expect(User.using(:brazil).count).to eq(0) expect(User.using(:master).count).to eq(1) User.using(:brazil).transaction do expect(User.find_by_name('Thiago')).to be_nil User.create!(:name => 'Brazil') end expect(User.using(:brazil).count).to eq(1) expect(User.using(:master).count).to eq(1) end end context 'when assigning a database' do it 'works as expected' do klass = User.using(:brazil) klass.transaction do klass.create!(:name => 'Brazil') end expect(klass.find_by_name('Brazil')).to be_present end end end describe "#finder methods" do before(:each) do @user1 = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') @user2 = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User2') @user3 = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User3') end it "#find_each should work with a block" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where("name is not NULL").find_each do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([@user1, @user2, @user3]) end it "#find_each should work with a where.not(...)" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where.not(:name => 'User2').find_each do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([@user1, @user3]) end it "#find_each should work as an enumerator" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where("name is not NULL").find_each.each do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([@user1, @user2, @user3]) end it "#find_each should work as a lazy enumerator" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where("name is not NULL").find_each.lazy.each do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([@user1, @user2, @user3]) end it "#find_in_batches should work with a block" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where("name is not NULL").find_in_batches(batch_size: 1) do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([[@user1], [@user2], [@user3]]) end it "#find_in_batches should work as an enumerator" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where("name is not NULL").find_in_batches(batch_size: 1).each do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([[@user1], [@user2], [@user3]]) end it "#find_in_batches should work as a lazy enumerator" do result_array = [] User.using(:brazil).where("name is not NULL").find_in_batches(batch_size: 1).lazy.each do |user| result_array << user end expect(result_array).to eq([[@user1], [@user2], [@user3]]) end end describe 'deleting a record' do before(:each) do @user = User.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'User1') @user2 = User.using(:brazil).find( end it 'delete' do @user2.delete expect { User.using(:brazil).find( }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "delete within block shouldn't lose shard" do Octopus.using(:brazil) do @user2.delete @user3 = User.create(:name => 'User3') expect(User.connection.current_shard).to eq(:brazil) expect(User.find( eq(@user3) end end it 'destroy' do @user2.destroy expect { User.using(:brazil).find( }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "destroy within block shouldn't lose shard" do Octopus.using(:brazil) do @user2.destroy @user3 = User.create(:name => 'User3') expect(User.connection.current_shard).to eq(:brazil) expect(User.find( eq(@user3) end end end end describe 'custom connection' do context 'by default' do it 'with plain call should use custom connection' do expect(CustomConnection.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end it 'should ignore using called on relation' do expect(CustomConnection.using(:postgresql_shard).connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end it 'should ignore Octopus.using block' do Octopus.using(:postgresql_shard) do expect(CustomConnection.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end end it 'should save to correct shard' do expect { CustomConnection.create(:value => 'custom value') }.to change { CustomConnection .connection .execute("select count(*) as ct from custom where value = 'custom value'") .to_a.first.first }.by 1 end end context 'with allowed_shards configured' do before do CustomConnection.allow_shard :postgresql_shard end it 'with plain call should use custom connection' do expect(CustomConnection.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end it 'with using called on relation with allowed shard should use' do expect(CustomConnection.using(:postgresql_shard).connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_1') end it 'within Octopus.using block with allowed shard should use' do Octopus.using(:postgresql_shard) do expect(CustomConnection.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_1') end end it 'with using called on relation with disallowed shard should not use' do expect(CustomConnection.using(:brazil).connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end it 'within Octopus.using block with disallowed shard should not use' do Octopus.using(:brazil) do expect(CustomConnection.connection.current_database).to eq('octopus_shard_2') end end it 'should save to correct shard' do expect { CustomConnection.create(:value => 'custom value') }.to change { CustomConnection .connection .execute("select count(*) as ct from custom where value = 'custom value'") .to_a.first.first }.by 1 end it 'should clean up correctly' do User.create!(:name => 'CleanUser') CustomConnection.using(:postgresql_shard).first expect(User.first).not_to be_nil end it 'should clean up correctly even inside block' do User.create!(:name => 'CleanUser') Octopus.using(:master) do CustomConnection.using(:postgresql_shard).connection.execute('select count(*) from users') expect(User.first).not_to be_nil end end end describe 'clear_active_connections!' do it 'should not leak connection' do CustomConnection.create(:value => 'custom value') # This is what Rails, Sidekiq etc call--this normally handles all connection pools in the app expect { ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! } .to change { CustomConnection.connection_pool.active_connection? } expect(CustomConnection.connection_pool.active_connection?).to be_falsey end end end describe 'when using set_table_name' do it 'should work correctly' do Bacon.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'YUMMMYYYY') end it 'should work correctly with a block' do Cheese.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'YUMMMYYYY') end end describe 'when using table_name=' do it 'should work correctly' do Ham.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'YUMMMYYYY') end end describe 'when using a environment with a single adapter' do it 'should not clean the table name' do OctopusHelper.using_environment :production_fully_replicated do expect(Keyboard).not_to receive(:reset_table_name) Keyboard.using(:master).create!(:name => 'Master Cat') end end end describe 'when you have joins/include' do before(:each) do @client1 = Client.using(:brazil).create(:name => 'Thiago') Octopus.using(:canada) do @client2 = Client.create(:name => 'Mike') @client3 = Client.create(:name => 'Joao') @item1 = Item.create(:client => @client2, :name => 'Item 1') @item2 = Item.create(:client => @client2, :name => 'Item 2') @item3 = Item.create(:client => @client3, :name => 'Item 3') @part1 = Part.create(:item => @item1, :name => 'Part 1') @part2 = Part.create(:item => @item1, :name => 'Part 2') @part3 = Part.create(:item => @item2, :name => 'Part 3') end @item4 = Item.using(:brazil).create(:client => @client1, :name => 'Item 4') end it 'should work using the rails 3.x syntax' do items = Item.using(:canada).joins(:client).where(" = #{}").all expect(items).to eq([@item1, @item2]) end it 'should work for include also, rails 3.x syntax' do items = Item.using(:canada).includes(:client).where(:clients => { :id => }).all expect(items).to eq([@item1, @item2]) end end describe 'ActiveRecord::Base Validations' do it 'should work correctly when using validations' do @key = Keyboard.create!(:name => 'Key') expect { Keyboard.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Key') }.not_to raise_error expect { Keyboard.create!(:name => 'Key') }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it 'should work correctly when using validations with using syntax' do @key = Keyboard.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Key') expect { Keyboard.create!(:name => 'Key') }.not_to raise_error expect { Keyboard.using(:brazil).create!(:name => 'Key') } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end end describe '#replicated_model method' do it 'should be replicated' do OctopusHelper.using_environment :production_replicated do expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection_proxy.replicated).to be true end end it 'should mark the Cat model as replicated' do OctopusHelper.using_environment :production_replicated do expect(User.replicated).to be_falsey expect(Cat.replicated).to be true end end it "should work on a fully replicated environment" do OctopusHelper.using_environment :production_fully_replicated do User.using(:slave1).create!(name: 'Thiago') User.using(:slave2).create!(name: 'Thiago') replicated_cat = User.find_by_name 'Thiago' expect(replicated_cat.current_shard.to_s).to match(/master/) end end end end