# Couchbase Ruby Client This is the official client library for use with Couchbase Server. ## INSTALL This gem depends on a couple of external libraries to work with JSON and Couchbase Server. For JSON it uses [yajl-ruby][1] which is built atop [yajl][2]. For Couchbase iteraction it uses [libcouchbase][3]. The first dependency shouldn't cause any issues because it will bundle yajl in the c extensions. To install yajl-ruby use following command: $ gem install yajl-ruby In most cases installing libcouchbase is just as simple. ### MacOS (Homebrew) $ brew install libcouchbase Or if our pull request isn't yet merged: $ brew install http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/homebrew/libvbucket.rb $ brew install http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/homebrew/libcouchbase.rb ### Debian (Ubuntu) Download packages depending on your architecture: $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libvbucket{1,1-dbg,-dev}_1.8.0.1-1_amd64.deb $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libcouchbase{1,1-dbg,-dev}_1.0.0-1_amd64.deb or $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libvbucket{1,1-dbg,-dev}_1.8.0.1-1_i386.deb $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libcouchbase{1,1-dbg,-dev}_1.0.0-1_i386.deb Then install them using dpkg tool $ sudo dpkg -i lib{vbucket,couchbase}*.deb ### Centos (Redhat and rpm-based systems) Download packages depending on your architecture: $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libvbucket{1,-debuginfo,-devel}- $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libcouchbase{1,-debuginfo,-devel}-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm or $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libvbucket{1,-debuginfo,-devel}- $ wget http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libcouchbase{1,-debuginfo,-devel}-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm Then install them using rpm tool $ sudo rpm -ivh lib{vbucket,couchbase}*.rpm ### Couchbase gem Now install the couchbase gem itself $ gem install couchbase ## USAGE First of all you need to load library: require 'couchbase' There are several ways to establish new connection to Couchbase Server. By default it uses the `http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/default` as the endpoint. The client will automatically adjust configuration when the cluster will rebalance its nodes when nodes are added or deleted therefore this client is "smart". c = Couchbase.new This is equivalent to following forms: c = Couchbase.new("http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets/default") c = Couchbase.new("http://localhost:8091/pools/default") c = Couchbase.new("http://localhost:8091") c = Couchbase.new(:host => "localhost") c = Couchbase.new(:host => "localhost", :port => 8091) c = Couchbase.new(:pool => "default", :bucket => "default") The hash parameters take precedence on string URL. The library supports both synchronous and asynchronous mode. You can choose either using the `:async` option or attribute. c = Couchbase.new(:async => true) # ... asynchronous mode c.async = false # ... synchronous mode In asynchronous mode all operations will return control to caller without blocking current thread. You can pass the block to method and it will be called with result when the operation will be completed. You need to run event loop when you scheduled your operations: c = Couchbase.new(:async => true) c.run do |conn| conn.get("foo") {|ret| puts ret.value} conn.set("bar", "baz") end The handlers could be nested c.run do |conn| conn.get("foo") do |ret| conn.incr(ret.value, :initial => 0) end end The asynchronous callback receives instance of `Couchbase::Result` which responds to several methods to figure out what was happened: * `success?`. Returns `true` if operation succed. * `error`. Returns `nil` or exception object (subclass of `Couchbase::Error::Base`) if something went wrong. * `key` * `value` * `flags` * `cas`. The CAS version tag. * `node`. Node address. It is used in flush and stats commands. * `operation`. The symbol, representing an operation. To handle global errors in async mode `#on_error` callback should be used. It can be set in following fashions: c.on_error do |opcode, key, exc| ... end handler = lambda {|opcode, key, exc| ...} c.on_error = handler By default connection uses `:quiet` mode. This mean it won't raise exceptions when the given key is not exists: c.get("missing-key") #=> nil It could be useful when you are trying to make you code a bit efficient by avoiding exception handling. (See `#add` and `#replace` operations). You can turn on these exception by passing `:quiet => false` when you are instantiating the connection or change corresponding attribute: c.quiet = false c.get("missing-key") #=> raise Couchbase::Error::NotFound c.get("missing-key", :quiet => true) #=> nil The library supports three different formats for representing values: * `:document` (default) format supports most of ruby types which could be mapped to JSON data (hashes, arrays, string, numbers). A future version will be able to run map/reduce queries on the values in the document form (hashes) * `:marshal` This format avoids any conversions to be applied to your data, but your data should be passed as String. This is useful for building custom algorithms or formats. For example to implement a set: http://dustin.github.com/2011/02/17/memcached-set.html * `:plain` Use this format if you'd like to transparently serialize your ruby object with standard `Marshal.dump` and `Marshal.load` methods The couchbase API is the superset of [Memcached binary protocol][4], so you can use its operations. ### Get val = c.get("foo") val, flags, cas = c.get("foo", :extended => true) Get and touch val = c.get("foo", :ttl => 10) Get multiple values. In quiet mode will put `nil` values on missing positions: vals = c.get("foo", "bar", "baz") c.get("foo"){|val, key| ... } c.get("foo", :extended => true){|val, key, flags, cas| ... } Get multiple values with extended information. The result will represented by hash with tuples `[value, flags, cas]` as a value. vals = c.get("foo", "bar", "baz", :extended => true) vals.inspect #=> {"baz"=>["3", 0, 4784582192793125888], "foo"=>["1", 0, 8835713818674332672], "bar"=>["2", 0, 10805929834096100352]} Hash-like syntax c["foo"] c["foo", "bar", "baz"] c["foo", {:extended => true}] c["foo", :extended => true] # for ruby 1.9.x only ### Touch c.touch("foo") # use :default_ttl c.touch("foo", 10) c.touch("foo", :ttl => 10) c.touch("foo" => 10, "bar" => 20) c.touch("foo" => 10, "bar" => 20){|key, success| ... } ### Set c.set("foo", "bar") c.set("foo", "bar", :flags => 0x1000, :ttl => 30, :format => :plain) c["foo"] = "bar" c["foo", {:flags => 0x1000, :format => :plain}] = "bar" c["foo", :flags => 0x1000] = "bar" # for ruby 1.9.x only c.set("foo", "bar", :cas => 8835713818674332672) c.set("foo", "bar"){|cas, key, operation| ... } ### Add Add command will fail if the key already exists. It accepts the same options as set command above. c.add("foo", "bar") c.add("foo", "bar", :flags => 0x1000, :ttl => 30, :format => :plain) ### Replace The replace command will fail if the key already exists. It accepts the same options as set command above. c.replace("foo", "bar") ### Prepend/Append These commands are meaningful when you are using the `:plain` value format, because the concatenation is performed by server which has no idea how to merge to JSON values or values in ruby Marshal format. You may receive an `Couchbase::Error::ValueFormat` error. c.set("foo", "world") c.append("foo", "!") c.prepend("foo", "Hello, ") c.get("foo") #=> "Hello, world!" ### Increment/Decrement These commands increment the value assigned to the key. It will raise Couchbase::Error::DeltaBadval if the delta or value is not a number. c.set("foo", 1) c.incr("foo") #=> 2 c.incr("foo", :delta => 2) #=> 4 c.incr("foo", 4) #=> 8 c.incr("foo", -1) #=> 7 c.incr("foo", -100) #=> 0 c.incr("foo"){|val, cas| ... } c.set("foo", 10) c.decr("foo", 1) #=> 9 c.decr("foo", 100) #=> 0 c.decr("foo"){|val, cas| ... } c.incr("missing1", :initial => 10) #=> 10 c.incr("missing1", :initial => 10) #=> 11 c.incr("missing2", :create => true) #=> 0 c.incr("missing2", :create => true) #=> 1 Note that it isn't the same as increment/decrement in ruby, which is performed on client side with following `set` operation: c["foo"] = 10 c["foo"] -= 20 #=> -10 ### Delete c.delete("foo") c.delete("foo", :cas => 8835713818674332672) c.delete("foo", 8835713818674332672) c.delete{|key, success| ... } ### Flush Flush the items in the cluster. c.flush c.flush{|node, success| ... } ### Stats Return statistics from each node in the cluster c.stats c.stats{|node, key, value| ... } The result is represented as a hash with the server node address as the key and stats as key-value pairs. { ""=> { "threads"=>"4", "connection_structures"=>"22", "ep_max_txn_size"=>"10000", ... }, ""=> { "threads"=>"4", "connection_structures"=>"447", "ep_max_txn_size"=>"10000", ... }, ... } [1]: https://github.com/brianmario/yajl-ruby/ [2]: http://lloyd.github.com/yajl/ [3]: http://www.couchbase.com/develop/c/current [4]: http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/BinaryProtocolRevamped