# this file is automatically required in when you require 'assert' # put test helpers here require 'stringio' # test/.. (root dir for gem) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__)) # This is the suite intended to be used in the tests, this is seperate from Assert.suite which is # the actual suite being used to run the tests, confused? Don't use Assert.suite in your tests, # use TEST_ASSERT_SUITE TEST_ASSERT_SUITE = Assert::Suite.new # This is the test context intended to be used in the tests, and is also used in the context_class # factory by default. This will ensure any contexts you define in your tests will not be shoved # onto the the suite running the tests. class TestContext < Assert::Context def self.inherited(klass) TEST_ASSERT_SUITE << klass end end module Factory class << self # Generates an anonymous class inherited from whatever you pass or TextContext by default. This # provides a common interface for all context classes to be generated in the tests. def context_class(inherit_from = nil, &block) inherit_from ||= TestContext klass = Class.new(inherit_from, &block) default = (const_name = "FactoryAssertContext").dup while(Object.const_defined?(const_name)) do const_name = "FactoryAssertContext#{rand(Time.now.to_i)}" end Object.const_set(const_name, klass) klass end # Common interface for generating a new test, takes args and a block, will default everything # if you need a no-op test. def test(*args, &block) name = (args[0] || "a test").to_s context_class = args[1] || self.context_class test_block = (block || args[2] || ::Proc.new{}) Assert::Test.new(name, context_class, &test_block) end # Common interface for generating a new skip result def skip_result(name, exception) Assert::Result::Skip.new(name, exception) end end end