require 'spec_helper' describe Cany::Dpkg::Creator do context '#run' do let!(:dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } after { FileUtils.remove_entry dir} let(:spec) do s = do name 'dpkg-creator-test' version '0.1' description 'Test Project' maintainer_name 'Hans Otto' maintainer_email '' website '' licence 'GPL-2+' end s.base_dir = dir s end let(:run) { *(@run_args || []) } it 'should set the system recipe' do expect(spec).to receive(:system_recipe=).with(kind_of(Cany::Dpkg::DebHelperRecipe)).and_call_original run end context 'debian directory' do subject { File.join dir, 'debian' } it do run expect(subject).to be_a_directory end end context 'source format file' do subject { File.join dir, 'debian', 'source', 'format' } it do run expect(subject).to be_a_file expect(subject).to have_the_content '3.0 (native)' end end context 'compat file' do subject { File.join dir, 'debian', 'compat' } it do run expect(subject).to be_a_file expect(subject).to have_the_content '9' end end context 'control file' do let(:filename) { File.join dir, 'debian', 'control' } subject { filename } it do run expect(subject.paragraphs.size).to eq 2 source = subject.paragraphs.first binary = subject.paragraphs[1] expect(source).to eq({ 'Source' => 'dpkg-creator-test', 'Section' => 'ruby', 'Priority' => 'optional', 'Maintainer' => 'Hans Otto ', 'Standards-Version' => '3.9.2', 'Build-Depends' => 'debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), ruby, ruby-dev', 'Homepage' => '' }) expect(binary).to eq({ 'Package' => 'dpkg-creator-test', 'Architecture' => 'any', 'Depends' => '${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ruby', 'Description' => 'Test Project' }) end it 'use the specified ruby packages' do @run_args = %w(--ruby-deb ruby2.0) run expect(subject.paragraphs.size).to eq 2 source = subject.paragraphs.first binary = subject.paragraphs[1] expect(source).to eq({ 'Source' => 'dpkg-creator-test', 'Section' => 'ruby', 'Priority' => 'optional', 'Maintainer' => 'Hans Otto ', 'Standards-Version' => '3.9.2', 'Build-Depends' => 'debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), ruby2.0, ruby2.0-dev', 'Homepage' => '' }) expect(binary).to eq({ 'Package' => 'dpkg-creator-test', 'Architecture' => 'any', 'Depends' => '${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ruby2.0', 'Description' => 'Test Project' }) end it 'use the specified ruby' do @run_args = %w(--ruby ruby2.0) run expect(subject.paragraphs.size).to eq 2 source = subject.paragraphs.first binary = subject.paragraphs[1] expect(source).to eq({ 'Source' => 'dpkg-creator-test', 'Section' => 'ruby', 'Priority' => 'optional', 'Maintainer' => 'Hans Otto ', 'Standards-Version' => '3.9.2', 'Build-Depends' => 'debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), ruby2.0, ruby2.0-dev', 'Homepage' => '' }) expect(binary).to eq({ 'Package' => 'dpkg-creator-test', 'Architecture' => 'any', 'Depends' => '${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ruby2.0', 'Description' => 'Test Project' }) end it 'should add extra deps in specific gems are used' do FileUtils.copy File.expand_path('../../../fixtures/testgem.lock', __FILE__), File.join(dir, 'Gemfile.lock') spec.setup do use :bundler end run expect(subject.paragraphs.size).to eq 2 source = binary = subject.paragraphs[1] src_deps = subject.paragraphs.first['Build-Depends'].gsub(', ', ',').split(',') bin_deps = subject.paragraphs[1]['Depends'].gsub(', ', ',').split(',') expect(src_deps).to include('libpq-dev') expect(bin_deps).to include('libpq5') end end context 'copyright file' do let(:filename) { File.join dir, 'debian', 'copyright' } subject { filename } it do run expect(subject.paragraphs.size).to eq 2 expect(subject.paragraphs.first).to eq({ 'Format' => '', 'Upstream-Name' => 'dpkg-creator-test', }) expect(subject.paragraphs[1]).to eq({ 'Files' => '*', 'Copyright' => "#{} Hans Otto", 'Licence' => "GPL-2+\n[LICENCE TEXT]" }) end end context 'rules file' do let(:filename) { File.join dir, 'debian', 'rules' } subject { filename } it do run expect(filename).to be_executable expect(subject).to start_with '#!/usr/bin/make -f' expect(subject).to include "export PATH := debian/bin:${PATH}\n" expect(subject).to include "export GEM_PATH := debian/gems:${GEM_PATH}\n" expect(subject).to include "\truby -S cany dpkg-builder $@" expect(subject).to include "\truby -cS cany >/dev/null || ruby -S gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc --install-dir debian/gems --bindir debian/bin $${CANY_GEM:-cany}" expect(subject).to include "override_dh_prep:" end it 'should use the selected interpreter' do @run_args = '--ruby-exe', 'ruby1.9.1' run expect(filename).to be_executable expect(subject).to start_with '#!/usr/bin/make -f' expect(subject).to include "\truby1.9.1 -S cany dpkg-builder $@" expect(subject).to include "\truby1.9.1 -cS cany >/dev/null || ruby1.9.1 -S gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc --install-dir debian/gems --bindir debian/bin $${CANY_GEM:-cany}" end it 'should use the current ruby' do @run_args = '--ruby', 'ruby1.9.1' run expect(filename).to be_executable expect(subject).to start_with '#!/usr/bin/make -f' expect(subject).to include "\truby1.9.1 -S cany dpkg-builder $@" expect(subject).to include "\truby1.9.1 -cS cany >/dev/null || ruby1.9.1 -S gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc --install-dir debian/gems --bindir debian/bin $${CANY_GEM:-cany}" end it 'should contain cany version constraint' do expect(Cany::VERSION).to receive(:to_s).and_return('0.1').at_least(:once) spec.setup { require_cany '~> 0.1' } run should match /gem install.+ \$\${CANY_GEM:-cany}.+--version "~> 0\.1"/ end it 'should allow pre cany versions if the contraint contain characters' do expect(Cany::VERSION).to receive(:to_s).and_return('0.1.rc2').at_least(:once) spec.setup { require_cany '~> 0.1.rc1' } run should match /gem install.+ \$\${CANY_GEM:-cany}.+--version "~> 0\.1\.rc1" --prerelease/ end end context 'changelog file' do let(:filename) { File.join dir, 'debian', 'changelog' } subject { filename } it do Timecop.freeze(, 8, 14, 1, 18, 51, 2)) do run end expect(subject).to eq 'dpkg-creator-test (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Build with cany -- Hans Otto Wed, 14 Aug 2013 01:18:51 +0000' end end end end