require 'kontena/cli/stacks/yaml/reader' describe Kontena::Cli::Stacks::YAML::Reader do include FixturesHelpers let(:service_extender) { spy("Kontena::Cli::Stacks::YAML::ServiceExtender") } let(:env_file) do ['APIKEY=12345 ', 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret ', 'WP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=verysecret'] end before(:each) do allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:env) .and_return( { 'STACK' => 'test', 'GRID' => 'test-grid', 'PLATFORM' => 'test-grid' } ) end describe '#initialize' do subject do'kontena_v3.yml')) end it 'reads given file' do expect(File).to receive(:read) .with(fixture_path('kontena_v3.yml')) .and_return(fixture('kontena_v3.yml')) subject end end context 'when yaml file is malformed' do subject do'kontena-malformed-yaml.yml')) end it 'exits the execution' do expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(StandardError) end end context 'when service config is not hash' do subject do'kontena-not-hash-service-config.yml')) end it 'returns error' do subject.execute expect(subject.errors.size).to eq(1) end end describe '#execute' do let(:subject) do'kontena_v3.yml')) end it 'returns result hash' do result = subject.execute expect(result).to be_kind_of(Hash) %w( stack version name registry expose services volumes dependencies source variables parent_name ).each do |k| expect(result.key?(k)).to be_truthy end end context 'when extending services' do context 'from external file' do let(:subject) do'kontena_v3.yml')) end before do [:exist?, :read].each do |meth| allow(File).to receive(meth).with(fixture_path('docker-compose_v2.yml')).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(meth).with(fixture_path('kontena_v3.yml')).and_call_original end end it 'extends services from an external file' do expect(File).to receive(:read).with(fixture_path('docker-compose_v2.yml')).and_call_original expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including( hash_including( "instances"=>2, "image"=>"wordpress:4.1", "env"=>["WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=test_secret"], "links"=>[{"name"=>"mysql", "alias"=>"mysql"}], "ports"=>[{"ip"=>"", "container_port"=>80, "node_port"=>80, "protocol"=>"tcp"}], "stateful"=>true, "strategy"=>"ha", "name"=>"wordpress" ), hash_including( "instances"=>nil, "image"=>"mysql:5.6", "env"=>["MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test_secret"], "links"=>[], "ports"=>[], "stateful"=>true, "name"=>"mysql", "entrypoint" => "test" ) ) end it 'passes variables to extended file' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(fixture_path('docker-compose_v2_with_variables.yml')).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(:read).with(fixture_path('docker-compose_v2_with_variables.yml')).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(fixture_path('kontena_v3.yml')).and_call_original allow(File).to receive(:read).with(fixture_path('kontena_v3.yml')).and_return(fixture('kontena_v3_with_compose_variables.yml')) expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including( hash_including( "name" => 'mysql', "env" => ["ENV_VAR=abcd"] ) ) end it 'merges validation errors' do expect(File).to receive(:read).with(fixture_path('docker-compose_v2.yml')).and_return(fixture('docker-compose-invalid.yml')) outcome = subject.execute expect(subject.errors).to match array_including( hash_including( 'docker-compose_v2.yml' => array_including( hash_including( 'services' => { 'wordpress' => { 'networks' => 'key not expected' } } ) ) ) ) end end context 'from the same file' do subject do'stack-internal-extend.yml')) end before do [:exist?, :read].each do |meth| allow(File).to receive(meth).with(fixture_path('stack-internal-extend.yml')).and_call_original end end it 'extends services from the same file' do app_svc = subject.execute['services'].find { |s| s['name'] == 'app' } expect(app_svc).not_to be_nil expect(app_svc).to match hash_including( "image" => "base:latest", "instances" => 2, "env" => [ "TEST1=test1", "TEST2=changed" ], "stateful" => true ) end end end context 'variable interpolation' do subject do'stack-with-variables.yml')) end before(:each) do allow(File).to receive(:read) .with(fixture_path('docker-compose_v2.yml')) .and_return(fixture('docker-compose_v2.yml')) allow(File).to receive(:read) .with(fixture_path('stack-with-variables.yml')) .and_return(fixture('stack-with-variables.yml')) allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:env).and_return( { 'STACK' => 'test', 'GRID' => 'test-grid', 'PLATFORM' => 'test-grid', 'TAG' => '4.1' } ) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('TAG').and_return('4.1') allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('TEST_ENV_VAR').and_return('foo') allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('MYSQL_IMAGE').and_return('mariadb:latest') end it 'interpolates $VAR variables' do expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including(hash_including('image' => 'wordpress:4.1')) end it 'interpolates default variables' do expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including( hash_including( 'name' => 'wordpress', 'env' => array_including( 'STACK=test', 'GRID=test-grid', 'PLATFORM=test-grid' ) ) ) end it 'interpolates ${VAR} variables' do expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including(hash_including('name' => 'mysql', 'image' => 'mariadb:latest')) end it 'warns about empty variables' do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) .with('MYSQL_IMAGE') .and_return('') allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) .with('TAG') .and_return('4.1') expect { subject.execute }.to output("Value for MYSQL_IMAGE is not set. Substituting with an empty string.\n").to_stdout end it 'replaces $$VAR variables to $VAR format' do allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:env).and_return( { 'STACK' => 'test', 'GRID' => 'test-grid' } ) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('TAG').and_return('4.1') allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('TEST_ENV_VAR').and_return('foo') allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('MYSQL_IMAGE').and_return('foo') expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including( hash_including('name' => 'mysql', 'env' => array_including('INTERNAL_VAR=$INTERNAL_VAR')) ) end it 'raises runtime error for undeclared variables' do subject.variables.delete(subject.variables.option('test_var')) expect{subject.execute}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /Undeclared variable 'test_var'/) end it 'considers variables declared when they are listed as to: env targets' do subject.variables.option('tag').to[:env] = "BAG" expect{subject.execute}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /Undeclared variable 'TAG'/) subject.variables.option('tag').to[:env] = "TAG" expect{subject.execute}.not_to raise_error end end context 'environment variables' do subject do'stack-with-env-file.yml')) end context "with an empty env file" do before(:each) do allow(File).to receive(:readlines).with('.env').and_return([]) end it 'converts env hash to array' do expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including(hash_including('name' => 'wordpress', 'env' => ['WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=test_secret'])) end it 'does nothing to env array' do expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including( hash_including('name' => 'mysql', 'env' => ['MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test_secret']) ) end end context 'when introduced env_file' do before(:each) do allow(File).to receive(:readlines).with('.env').and_return(env_file) end it 'discards comment lines' do result = env_file result << "#COMMENTLINE" allow(File).to receive(:readlines).with('.env').and_return(result) variables = subject.send(:read_env_file, '.env') expect(variables).to eq([ 'APIKEY=12345', 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret', 'WP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=verysecret' ]) end it 'discards empty lines' do result = env_file result << ' ' allow(File).to receive(:readlines).with('.env').and_return(result) variables = subject.send(:read_env_file, '.env') expect(variables).to eq([ 'APIKEY=12345', 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret', 'WP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=verysecret' ]) end it 'merges variables' do expect(subject.execute['services']).to match array_including( hash_including( 'name' => 'wordpress', 'env' => [ 'WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=test_secret', 'APIKEY=12345', 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret', 'WP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=verysecret' ] ) ) end end end end context 'when build option is string' do subject do'kontena_build_v3.yml')) end it 'expands build option to absolute path' do outcome = subject.execute expect(outcome['services']).to match array_including( hash_including( 'name' => 'webapp', 'build' => hash_including('context' => fixture_path('')) ) ) end end context 'when build option is Hash' do subject do'kontena_build_v3.yml')) end it 'expands build context to absolute path' do outcome = subject.execute expect(outcome['services']).to match array_including( hash_including( 'name' => 'webapp', 'build' => hash_including('context' => fixture_path('')) ) ) end end context 'normalize_build_args' do subject do'kontena_build_v3.yml')) end context 'when build option is string' do it 'skips normalizing' do options = { 'build' => '.' } expect { subject.send(:normalize_build_args, options) }.not_to raise_error end end context 'when build arguments option is Hash' do it 'does not do anything' do options = { 'build' => { 'context' => '.', 'args' => { 'foo' => 'bar' } } } subject.send(:normalize_build_args, options) expect(options.dig('build', 'args')).to eq({ 'foo' => 'bar' }) end end context 'when build arguments option is Array' do it 'converts it to array' do options = { 'build' => { 'context' => '.', 'args' => ['foo=bar'] } } subject.send(:normalize_build_args, options) expect(options['build']['args']).to eq({ 'foo' => 'bar' }) end end end describe '#stack_name' do subject do'kontena_v3.yml')) end it 'returns name for v3' do name = subject.loader.stack_name.stack expect(name).to eq('stackname') end end context 'origins' do before do ['docker-compose_v2.yml', 'kontena_v3.yml'].each do |file| [:exist?, :read].each do |meth| allow(File).to receive(meth) .with(fixture_path(file)) .and_call_original end end end it 'can read from a file' do subject ='kontena_v3.yml')) expect(subject.loader.origin).to eq 'file' expect(subject.execute['registry']).to eq 'file://' end it 'can read from the registry' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) .with(/foo\/foo$/) .and_return(false) instance ='foo/foo') expect(instance.loader.origin).to eq 'registry' end it 'can read from an url' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) .with(/\/foo$/) .and_return(false) instance ='') expect(instance.loader.origin).to eq 'uri' end end context "using Liquid templates" do context "for a valid stack file" do subject do'stack-with-liquid.yml')) end it 'does not interpolate liquid into variables' do expect(subject.variables.value_of('grid_name')).to eq '{{ GRID }} test' end it 'interpolates variables into services' do expect(subject.execute['services'].size).to eq 5 end end context "for invalid Liquid syntax" do subject do'stack-with-invalid-liquid.yml')) end it 'raises' do expect{subject.execute}.to raise_error(Liquid::SyntaxError) end end end context "for an undefined variable" do subject do'stack-with-liquid-undefined.yml')) end it "raises an undefined variable error" do expect{subject.execute}.to raise_error(Liquid::UndefinedVariable, /undefined variable asdflol/) end end context "for an optional variable that is not defined" do subject do'stack-with-liquid-optional.yml')) end before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('asdf').and_return(nil) end it "omits the env" do result = subject.execute expect(result['variables']).to match hash_including('asdf' => nil) expect(result['services']).to match array_including( hash_including('name' => 'test', 'env' => nil) ) end end context "for an optional variable that is defined" do subject do'stack-with-liquid-optional.yml')) end before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('asdf').and_return('test') end it "defines the env" do outcome = subject.execute expect(outcome['variables']).to match hash_including('asdf' => 'test') expect(outcome['services']).to match array_including( hash_including('name' => 'test', 'env' => ['ASDF=test']) ) end end context "yaml with anchors" do subject {'stack-with-anchors.yml')) } it 'parses correctly' do expect(subject.execute['services'].all? { |svc| svc['affinity'] == ['abc==dfg']}).to be_truthy end end end