### # wxRuby3 sampler application # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require 'rbconfig' require 'fileutils' require 'wx' require_relative 'sampler/ext' require_relative 'sampler/sample' require_relative 'sampler/editor' module WxRuby module ID TB_RESTORE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 2000 TB_CLOSE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 2001 TB_CHANGE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 2002 TB_REMOVE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 2003 CATEGORY_ID_MIN = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+4000 SAMPLE_ID_MIN = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+6000 RUN = 1 EDIT = 2 def self.index_to_sample_id(sample_ix) SAMPLE_ID_MIN+(sample_ix*10) end def self.id_to_sample_index(sample_id) (sample_id - SAMPLE_ID_MIN)/10 end def self.index_to_run_id(sample_ix) SAMPLE_ID_MIN+(sample_ix*10)+RUN end def self.index_to_edit_id(sample_ix) SAMPLE_ID_MIN+(sample_ix*10)+EDIT end def self.id_is_run_button?(id) ((id - SAMPLE_ID_MIN) % 10) == RUN end def self.id_is_edit_button?(id) ((id - SAMPLE_ID_MIN) % 10) == EDIT end def self.run_id_to_sample_index(run_id) (run_id - (SAMPLE_ID_MIN + RUN))/10 end def self.edit_id_to_sample_index(run_id) (run_id - (SAMPLE_ID_MIN + EDIT))/10 end end class SampleTaskBarIcon < Wx::TaskBarIcon def initialize(frame) super() @frame = frame # starting image icon = make_icon('wxruby-128x128.png') set_icon(icon, 'wxRuby Sampler') # events evt_taskbar_left_dclick { |evt| on_taskbar_activate(evt) } evt_menu(ID::TB_RESTORE) { |evt| on_taskbar_activate(evt) } evt_menu(ID::TB_CLOSE) { @frame.close } end def create_popup_menu # Called by the base class when it needs to popup the menu # (the default evt_right_down event). Create and return # the menu to display. menu = Wx::Menu.new menu.append(ID::TB_RESTORE, "Restore wxRuby Sampler") menu.append(ID::TB_CLOSE, "Close wxRuby Sampler") return menu end def make_icon(imgname) # Different platforms have different requirements for the # taskbar icon size filename = File.join(__dir__, 'art', imgname) img = Wx::Image.new(filename) if Wx::PLATFORM == "WXMSW" img = img.scale(16, 16) elsif Wx::PLATFORM == "WXGTK" img = img.scale(22, 22) end # WXMAC can be any size up to 128x128, so don't scale icon = Wx::Icon.new icon.copy_from_bitmap(Wx::Bitmap.new(img)) return icon end def on_taskbar_activate(evt) @frame.iconize(false) @frame.show(true) @frame.raise end end class SampleLoadEvent < Wx::CommandEvent # Create a new unique constant identifier, associate this class # with events of that identifier, and create a shortcut 'evt_load_sample' # method for setting up this handler. EVT_LOAD_SAMPLE = Wx::EvtHandler.register_class(self, nil, 'evt_load_sample', 0) def initialize(category=0) # The constant id is the arg to super super(EVT_LOAD_SAMPLE) # simply use instance variables to store custom event associated data @category = category end attr_reader :category end class SamplerFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize(title) frameSize = Wx::Size.new([850, (Wx::SystemSettings.get_metric(Wx::SYS_SCREEN_X) / 4)].max, (Wx::SystemSettings.get_metric(Wx::SYS_SCREEN_Y) / 2)) framePos = Wx::Point.new(Wx::SystemSettings.get_metric(Wx::SYS_SCREEN_X) / 20, Wx::SystemSettings.get_metric(Wx::SYS_SCREEN_Y) / 4) # The main application frame has no parent (nil) super(nil, :title => title, :size => frameSize, pos: framePos) # Give the frame an icon. PNG is a good choice of format for # cross-platform images. Note that OS X doesn't have "Frame" icons. icon_file = File.join(__dir__, 'art', "wxruby.png") self.icon = Wx::Icon.new(icon_file) @tbicon = SampleTaskBarIcon.new(self) @main_panel = Wx::Panel.new(self, Wx::ID_ANY) main_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new @scroll_panel = Wx::ScrolledWindow.new(@main_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, :size => [ 600, 400 ], style: Wx::VSCROLL) @scroll_panel.set_scroll_rate(15, 15) scroll_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new @category_panes = [] @category_thumbnails = [] @sample_thumbnails = [] @sample_panes = [] @scroll_panel.set_sizer(scroll_sizer) @scroll_panel.hide @startup_panel = Wx::Panel.new(@main_panel) @startup_panel.background_colour = Wx::LIGHT_GREY startup_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new startup_sizer.add(Wx::StaticBitmap.new(@startup_panel,Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::Bitmap.new(icon_file)), 0, Wx::TOP|Wx::ALIGN_CENTER, 100) txt = Wx::StaticText.new(@startup_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, 'wxRuby Sampler Starting') txt.own_font = Wx::Font.new(20, Wx::FontFamily::FONTFAMILY_ROMAN, Wx::FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, Wx::FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) txt.font.set_weight(Wx::FontWeight::FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) startup_sizer.add(txt, 0, Wx::ALL|Wx::ALIGN_CENTER, 30) txt = Wx::StaticText.new(@startup_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, 'Loading samples, please wait...') startup_sizer.add(txt, 0, Wx::ALL|Wx::ALIGN_CENTER, 10) @gauge = Wx::Gauge.new(@startup_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, Sample.categories.size) startup_sizer.add(@gauge, 0, Wx::ALIGN_CENTER|Wx::ALL, 5) @startup_panel.sizer = startup_sizer main_sizer.add(@startup_panel, 1, Wx::EXPAND, 0) # main_sizer.add(@scroll_panel, 1, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL, 4) @main_panel.sizer = main_sizer @expanded_sample = nil @expanded_category = nil @running_sample = nil @sample_editor = nil menu_bar = Wx::MenuBar.new # The "file" menu menu_file = Wx::Menu.new # Using Wx::ID_EXIT standard id means the menu item will be given # the right label for the platform and language, and placed in the # correct platform-specific menu - eg on OS X, in the Application's menu menu_file.append(Wx::ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit wxRuby Sampler") menu_bar.append(menu_file, "&File") # The "help" menu menu_help = Wx::Menu.new menu_help.append(Wx::ID_ABOUT, "&About...\tF1", "Show about dialog") menu_bar.append(menu_help, "&Help") # Assign the menubar to this frame self.menu_bar = menu_bar # Create a status bar at the bottom of the frame create_status_bar(2) self.status_text = "Welcome to wxRuby Sampler!" # Set it up to handle menu events using the relevant methods. evt_close :on_close evt_iconize :on_iconize evt_menu Wx::ID_EXIT, :on_quit evt_menu Wx::ID_ABOUT, :on_about evt_collapsiblepane_changed Wx::ID_ANY, :on_sample_pane_changed evt_button Wx::ID_ANY, :on_sample_button evt_load_sample :on_load_sample @main_panel.layout end attr_reader :running_sample attr_accessor :sample_editor def on_load_sample(evt) @gauge.value = evt.category+1 @main_panel.update cat_id = Sample.categories.keys[evt.category] create_category_pane(@scroll_panel.sizer, cat_id, evt.category) next_cat = evt.category+1 if next_cat >= Sample.categories.keys.size @main_panel.sizer.remove(0) @startup_panel.destroy @startup_panel = nil @gauge = nil @scroll_panel.show @main_panel.sizer.add(@scroll_panel, 1, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL, 4) @main_panel.layout self.event_handler.disconnect(Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::ID_ANY, SampleLoadEvent::EVT_LOAD_SAMPLE) else self.event_handler.queue_event(SampleLoadEvent.new(next_cat)) end end def create_category_pane(scroll_sizer, cat, cat_ix) category_panel = Wx::Panel.new(@scroll_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, style: Wx::RAISED_BORDER) @category_panes << (category_pane = Wx::CollapsiblePane.new(category_panel, ID::CATEGORY_ID_MIN+cat_ix, "#{cat} samples")) category_pane_win = category_pane.pane category_pane_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new Sample.category_samples(cat).each do |sample_ix| sample = Sample.samples[sample_ix] sample_desc = sample.description sample_panel = Wx::Panel.new(category_pane_win, Wx::ID_ANY, style: Wx::SUNKEN_BORDER) @sample_panes << (sample_pane = Wx::CollapsiblePane.new(sample_panel, ID.index_to_sample_id(sample_ix), sample_desc.summary)) pane = sample_pane.pane sample_pane_sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new sample_pane_sizer.add(Wx::StaticBitmap.new(pane, Wx::ID_ANY, sample_desc.image), 0, Wx::ALIGN_TOP) sample_pane_ctrl_sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new sample_buttons_sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new sample_buttons_sizer.add(Wx::Button.new(pane, ID.index_to_run_id(sample_ix), 'Run sample'), 0, Wx::ALL, 2) sample_buttons_sizer.add(Wx::Button.new(pane, ID.index_to_edit_id(sample_ix), 'Inspect sample'), 0, Wx::ALL, 2) sample_pane_ctrl_sizer.add(sample_buttons_sizer, 0, Wx::ALL, 0) sample_pane_ctrl_sizer.add(Wx::StaticLine.new(pane, Wx::ID_ANY, size: [2, 2], style: Wx::LI_HORIZONTAL|Wx::RAISED_BORDER), 0, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 2) desc = Wx::TextCtrl.new(pane, Wx::ID_ANY, sample_desc.description, style: Wx::TE_MULTILINE|Wx::TE_READONLY|Wx::BORDER_NONE) desc.background_colour = sample_panel.background_colour sample_pane_ctrl_sizer.add(desc, 1, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 2) sample_pane_sizer.add(sample_pane_ctrl_sizer, 1, Wx::EXPAND, 2) pane.sizer = sample_pane_sizer sample_pane_sizer.set_size_hints(pane) sample_sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new sample_sizer.add(sample_pane, 1, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 4) @sample_thumbnails << Wx::StaticBitmap.new(sample_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, sample_desc.thumbnail) sample_sizer.add(@sample_thumbnails.last, 0, Wx::ALIGN_TOP) sample_panel.sizer = sample_sizer category_pane_sizer.add(sample_panel, 0, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 3) end category_pane_win.sizer = category_pane_sizer category_pane_sizer.set_size_hints(category_pane_win) category_sizer = Wx::HBoxSizer.new @category_thumbnails << Wx::StaticBitmap.new(category_panel, Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::ArtProvider::get_bitmap(Wx::ART_FOLDER, Wx::ART_OTHER, [32,32])) category_sizer.add(category_pane, 1, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 2) category_sizer.add(@category_thumbnails.last, 0, Wx::ALIGN_TOP) category_panel.sizer = category_sizer scroll_sizer.add(category_panel, 0, Wx::EXPAND|Wx::ALL, 3) end def run_sample(sample) @running_sample.close if @running_sample @running_sample = sample @running_sample.run end def on_sample_button(_evt) if ID.id_is_run_button?(_evt.id) run_sample(Sample.samples[ID.run_id_to_sample_index(_evt.id)]) elsif ID.id_is_edit_button?(_evt.id) @sample_editor.destroy if @sample_editor sample_ix = ID.edit_id_to_sample_index(_evt.id) sample = Sample.samples[sample_ix] @sample_editor = SampleEditor.new(self, sample) @sample_editor.show end end def on_sample_pane_changed(_evt) if _evt.id < ID::SAMPLE_ID_MIN cat_ix = _evt.id - ID::CATEGORY_ID_MIN if @expanded_sample @sample_thumbnails[@expanded_sample].show @sample_panes[@expanded_sample].collapse @expanded_sample = nil end if _evt.collapsed @category_thumbnails[cat_ix].show @expanded_category = nil else @category_thumbnails[cat_ix].hide if @expanded_category @category_thumbnails[@expanded_category].show @category_panes[@expanded_category].collapse end @expanded_category = cat_ix end else sample_ix = ID.id_to_sample_index(_evt.id) if _evt.collapsed @sample_thumbnails[sample_ix].show @expanded_sample = nil else @sample_thumbnails[sample_ix].hide if @expanded_sample @sample_thumbnails[@expanded_sample].show @sample_panes[@expanded_sample].collapse end @expanded_sample = sample_ix end end @main_panel.layout end def on_close(_evt) @running_sample.close if @running_sample @sample_editor.destroy if @sample_editor @tbicon.remove_icon @tbicon.destroy destroy end def on_iconize(_evt) hide _evt.skip end # End the application; it should finish automatically when the last # window is closed. def on_quit(_evt) close end # show an 'About' dialog - WxRuby's about_box function will show a # platform-native 'About' dialog, but you could also use an ordinary # Wx::MessageDialog here. def on_about Wx::about_box(:name => 'wxRuby Sampler', :version => Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION, :description => "wxRuby Samples inspection application.", :developers => ['Martin Corino'] ) end end end Wx::App.run do self.set_app_name('wxRuby Sampler') @frame = nil evt_window_destroy do |evt| unless @frame.nil? || @frame == evt.window if evt.window == @frame.sample_editor @frame.sample_editor = nil else @frame.running_sample.close_window(evt.window) if @frame.running_sample end end evt.skip end WxRuby::Sample.collect_samples if WxRuby::Sample.samples.empty? STDERR.puts 'No samples available here.' false else @frame = WxRuby::SamplerFrame.new('wxRuby Sampler Application') @frame.show @frame.event_handler.queue_event(WxRuby::SampleLoadEvent.new) true end end