## [3.0.3] ## [3.0.2] ### Changed - Allow Base Image to be configured on execution. - Updated dependencies. - Adapted code to reflect Docker API changes, specifying at least one stream is now required. [conjurinc/debify#86](https://github.com/conjurinc/debify/issues/86) ## [3.0.1] ### Changed - Supply debian distribution to fpm - Bump `bundler` gem to 2.2.33. ### Fixed - Fixed publish-rubygems.sh by using git safe directory ## [3.0.0] ### Changed - Upgrade ruby version to 3.0. - Bump `cucumber` gem to 7.1. - Bump `conjur-api` gem to 5.3.7. - Bump `conjur-cli` gem to 6.2.6. - Bump `aruba` gem to 2.0. - Bump `jfrog-cli` to :latest. ## [2.1.1] ### Changed - Update to use automated release process # 2.1.0 ### Changed - Refine bundler related steps in `debify package` flow: only `package.sh` file configures and invokes bundler. `Dockerfile.fpm` only copies files and adjusts folder structure. - Remove bundler 1.* support # 2.0.0 ### Changed - Debify now receives the flag `--output` as input to indicate the file type that it should package (e.g `rpm`). If this flag is not given, the default value is `deb`. [conjurinc/debify#56](https://github.com/conjurinc/debify/issues/56) # 1.12.0 ### Added - Debify now packages and publishes an RPM file, alongside a debian file. [conjurinc/debify#49](https://github.com/conjurinc/debify/pull/49) - `debify package` now offers an `--additional-files` flag to provide a comma separated list of files to include in the FPM build that are not provided automatically by `git ls-files`. [conjurinc/debify#52](https://github.com/conjurinc/debify/pull/52) ### Fixed - Bug causing `all` files in the git repo to be added to the debian file. [conjurinc/debify#50](https://github.com/conjurinc/debify/pull/50) # 1.11.5 ### Changed * Updated FPM and Test images to use a base image with FIPS-compliant Ruby and OpenSSL. # 1.11.4 * Updated sandbox password to match Conjur password complexity requirements. # 1.11.3 * Reverted to `bundler` v1. `bundler` v2 was creating incompatible paths for downstream packages. * Made FPM Ruby version use `ruby2.5` instead of `ruby2.6` since that is what our appliance image uses otherwise the gems bundled in the packages are unusable. # 1.11.2 * Upgraded to use Ruby 2.6 and latest version of FPM * Update Conjur Dockerfile from Ubuntu 14.04 --> 18.04 as 14.04 repos are now behind a [pay wall](https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-14-04-esm-support) Ruby is installed from `ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng` however that PPA [doesn't currently supply ruby2.2 for Ubuntu 18.04](https://launchpad.net/~brightbox/+archive/ubuntu/ruby-ng?field.series_filter=bionic). [The documentation](https://www.brightbox.com/docs/ruby/ubuntu/) suggests this combination is available, so it may be a temporary problem. To work around the problem, ruby is bumped from 2.2 to 2.3 as 2.3 is the oldest version available for Ubuntu 18.04. # 1.11.1 * Upgrade `docker-debify` to use Ruby 2.6. # 1.11.0 * Use a Docker env-file (docker.env, by default) to pass environment variables to the debify container. * Make sure `--env` variables get passed along to the Conjur container when testing, too. # 1.10.3 * Fix a bug causing duplicate files between normal and dev packages when a file name contained a space. # 1.10.2 * Pin `ruby-xz` gem in fpm Dockerfile, so it works on Ruby 2.2. Upstream issue: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/1493 # 1.10.1 * Update fpm container to use Ruby 2.4, fixes `ruby-xz` dependency # 1.10.0 * add `--net` support to `test` and `sandbox` subcommands * Use Docker::Container.start! to start containers, to avoid swallowing important errors. # 1.9.1 * Make sure .bundle/config in the 'main' package excludes test and development groups. # 1.9.0 * Build -dev package with development/test dependencies and use it on `debify test`. # 1.8.2 * Install fpm dependency libffi-dev # 1.8.1 * Make Conjur cert available in dockerized debify container * Add a cuke for `debify publish` # 1.8.0 * Added artifactory url option to `debify publish`, defaults to jfrog.io domain * Added artifactory repo option to `debify publish`, defaults to 'debian-private' # 1.7.4 * Fix publishing support in docker-debify # 1.7.2 * Take out a `require 'pry'` that had snuck in. * Fix `publish` subcommand, broken after factoring publish out into a separate action. # 1.7.0 * Read artifactory credentials from the environment (`ARTIFACTORY_USER`, `ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD`), only contact Conjur if they're not set. # 1.6.1 * Buils a docker image to run debify, convert tests to use it, pipeline build # 1.6.0 * When not on the master branch, `debify publish` uses the branch name as the component name, rather than always using `'testing'`. # 1.5.4 * `debify publish` now checks env var `BRANCH_NAME` as well as `GIT_BRANCH`. Jenkins pipelines use `BRANCH_NAME`, Jenkins jobs use `GIT_BRANCH`. # 1.5.3 * debify now uses `~/.docker/config` auth if pulling an image fails due to auth # 1.5.2 * Use new conjurops variables in `publish` command, fall back to old conjurops # 1.5.1 * Fix the description of the `--version` argument to indicate that the version now comes from the `VERSION` file. # 1.5.0 * Add `detect-version` command. * Read version from VERSION file, if it exists. # 1.4.0 * Add `--port` sandbox option # 1.3.1 * When testing, `docker exec` into the Conjur container to run `/opt/conjur/evoke/bin/wait_for_conjur`. # 1.3.0 * Add `--volumes-from` # 1.2.1 * Fix typo in error message # 1.2.0 * Pin bundler to 1.11.2 # 1.1.0 * Minor workflow tweaks, and some changes to work around Docker For Mac issues # 1.0.0 * Base image used for packaging on Ubuntu 14.04 * Install ruby2.2 and related packages # 0.11.1 * Add `name` and `Workingdir` options to the sandbox container. # 0.11.0 * Add `debify sandbox`. # 0.10.2 * Fixed publish internal Dockerfile. # 0.10.1 * Run internal containers as privileged if Docker >= 1.10.0. # 0.10.0 * Upgrading Ruby for packaging from 2.0 to 2.2.4. # 0.9.2 * Print messages to stderr instead of stdout during packaging. * Only consider tags matching v*.*.* when determining package version string. # 0.9.1 * Provide the package to purge before installing the new version. # 0.9.0 * Don't nuke the entire existing source install dir, there may be necessary files in there. # 0.8.0 * Remove the need for a 'latest' debian. * Fix bug in the error message for 'detect_version'. * Use a more reliable way to detect the current branch. * `publish` : Remove the default value of the 'component' flag. * `clean` : Don't create a container unless deletions will actually be performed. # 0.7.0 * Add `debify clean`. # 0.6.0 * `package` : Add `--dockerfile` option. * `package` : Ensure that `Gemfile.lock` is in the container. * `test` : Propagate `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` to the container.