module Locomotive class ContentEntryService < # List all the entries of a content type. # # If the content type allows the pagination, in other words, if the entries are not # ordered by the position column), then this method will return # a paginated list of entries. # # This list can also be filtered by the _label attribute, by setting the "q" key in the options. # # For a more powerful search, you can use the "where" key which accepts a JSON string or a Hash. # # @param [ Hash ] options The options for the pagination and the filtering # # @return [ Object ] a paginated list of content entries # def all(options = {}) _options = prepare_options_for_all(options) if _options[:grouping] content_type.list_or_group_entries(_options) else content_type.ordered_entries(_options) end end # Destroy all the entries of a content type. # Runs each entry's destroy callbacks. # def destroy_all content_type.entries.destroy_all end protected def prepare_options_for_all(options) where = prepare_where_statement(options) { page: options[:page] || 1, per_page: options[:per_page] || Locomotive.config.ui[:per_page], grouping: options[:grouping] || options[:q].blank?, where: where }.tap do |_options| _options[:order_by] = options[:order_by] if options[:order_by] end end def prepare_where_statement(options) where = (case options[:where] when String then options[:where].blank? ? {} : JSON.parse(options[:where]) when Hash then options[:where] else {} end).with_indifferent_access if options[:q] where.merge!(prepare_query_statement(options[:q])) end where end def prepare_query_statement(query) regexp = /.*#{ { |q| Regexp.escape(q) }.join('.*')}.*/i {}.tap do |where| if self.content_type.filter_fields.blank? where[content_type.label_field_name.to_sym] = regexp else where['$or'] = [] self.content_type.filter_fields.each do |field_id| field = self.content_type.entries_custom_fields.find(field_id) where['$or'] << { => regexp } end end end end end end