Feature: Listing all the tags In order to see all the tags I'm using As a harness developer I want to run a command to list all the tags Background: Setup the project Given I run `ckit new tags-test` And I cd to "tags-test" @announce Scenario: Get the tag for a single beaker Given a file named "beakers/bookie_beaker.rb" with: """ describe "Bookie", :depth => 'shallow' do let(:book) { Formulas::Bookie.new(@driver) } it "loads an external web page" do book.open "http://www.google.com" end end """ When I run `ckit tags` Then the stdout should contain "depth:shallow" Scenario: Get the tags inside a beaker Given a file named "beakers/bookie_beaker.rb" with: """ describe "Bookie" do let(:book) { Formulas::Bookie.new(@driver) } it "loads an external web page", :depth => 'shallow' do book.open "http://www.google.com" end it "loads an external web page", :depth => 'deep' do book.open "http://www.google.com" end end """ When I run `ckit tags` Then the stdout should contain "depth:shallow" And the stdout should contain "depth:deep" Scenario: The tags should be unique and in alpha order Given a file named "beakers/bookie_beaker.rb" with: """ describe "Bookie" do let(:book) { Formulas::Bookie.new(@driver) } it "loads an external web page", :aaa => 'ccc' do book.open "http://www.google.com" end it "loads an external web page", :bbb => 'ddd' do book.open "http://www.google.com" end end """ And a file named "beakers/bookie_other.rb" with: """ describe "Other", :depth => 'shallow' do let(:book) { Formulas::Bookie.new(@driver) } it "loads an external web page", :bbb => 'aaa' do book.open "http://www.google.com" end it "loads an external web page", :aaa => 'ccc' do book.open "http://www.google.com" end end """ When I run `ckit tags` Then the stdout from "ckit tags" should contain: """ .... Tags used in harness: aaa:ccc bbb:aaa bbb:ddd depth:shallow Finished """