require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) recipe :rails class Kicker::Recipes::Rails class << self attr_accessor :tests_ran def run_tests(tests) self.tests_ran ||= [] self.tests_ran << tests end end end describe "The Rails handler" do it "should return all controller tests when test_type is `test'" do tests = %w{ test.rb } File.use_original_exist = false File.existing_files = tests Dir.expects(:glob).with("test/functional/**/*_test.rb").returns(tests) Kicker::Recipes::Rails.all_controller_tests.should == tests end it "should return all controller tests when test_type is `spec'" do specs = %w{ spec.rb } File.use_original_exist = false File.existing_files = specs Kicker::Recipes::Ruby.test_type = 'spec' Kicker::Recipes::Ruby.test_cases_root = nil Dir.expects(:glob).with("spec/controllers/**/*_spec.rb").returns(specs) Kicker::Recipes::Rails.all_controller_tests.should == specs end end describe "The Rails schema handler" do before do # We assume the Rails schema handler is in the chain after the Rails handler # because it's defined in the same recipe @handler = Kicker.process_chain[Kicker.process_chain.index(Kicker::Recipes::Rails) + 1] end it "should prepare the test database if db/schema.rb is modified" do Kicker::Utils.expects(:execute).with('rake db:test:prepare'){ db/schema.rb }) end it "should not prepare the test database if another file than db/schema.rb is modified" do Kicker::Utils.expects(:execute).never{ Rakefile }) end end module SharedRailsHandlerHelper def should_match(files, tests, existing_files=nil) File.use_original_exist = false File.existing_files = existing_files || tests @files += files @files.should == %w{ Rakefile } end end describe "An instance of the Rails handler, with test type `test'" do include SharedRailsHandlerHelper before do Kicker::Recipes::Ruby.reset! @files = %w{ Rakefile } end after do File.use_original_exist = true end it "should map model files to test/unit" do should_match %w{ app/models/member.rb app/models/article.rb }, %w{ test/unit/member_test.rb test/unit/article_test.rb } end it "should map concern files to test/unit/concerns" do should_match %w{ app/concerns/authenticate.rb app/concerns/nested_resource.rb }, %w{ test/unit/concerns/authenticate_test.rb test/unit/concerns/nested_resource_test.rb } end it "should map helper files to test/unit/helpers" do should_match %w{ app/helpers/members_helper.rb app/helpers/articles_helper.rb }, %w{ test/unit/helpers/members_helper_test.rb test/unit/helpers/articles_helper_test.rb } end it "should map controller files to test/functional" do should_match %w{ app/controllers/application_controller.rb app/controllers/members_controller.rb }, %w{ test/functional/application_controller_test.rb test/functional/members_controller_test.rb } end it "should map view templates to test/functional" do should_match %w{ app/views/members/index.html.erb app/views/admin/articles/show.html.erb }, %w{ test/functional/members_controller_test.rb test/functional/admin/articles_controller_test.rb } end it "should run all functional tests when config/routes.rb is saved" do tests = %w{ test/functional/members_controller_test.rb test/functional/admin/articles_controller_test.rb } Kicker::Recipes::Rails.expects(:all_controller_tests).returns(tests) should_match %w{ config/routes.rb }, tests end it "should map lib files to test/lib" do should_match %w{ lib/money.rb lib/views/date.rb }, %w{ test/lib/money_test.rb test/lib/views/date_test.rb } end it "should map fixtures to their unit, helper and functional tests if they exist" do tests = %w{ test/unit/member_test.rb test/unit/helpers/members_helper_test.rb test/functional/members_controller_test.rb } should_match %w{ test/fixtures/members.yml }, tests, [] Kicker::Recipes::Rails.tests_ran.last.should == [] end it "should map fixtures to their unit, helper and functional tests if they exist" do tests = %w{ test/unit/member_test.rb test/unit/helpers/members_helper_test.rb test/functional/members_controller_test.rb } should_match %w{ test/fixtures/members.yml }, tests Kicker::Recipes::Rails.tests_ran.last.should == tests end end describe "An instance of the Rails handler, with test type `spec'" do include SharedRailsHandlerHelper before do Kicker::Recipes::Ruby.reset! Kicker::Recipes::Ruby.test_type = 'spec' @files = %w{ Rakefile } end after do File.use_original_exist = true end it "should map model files to spec/models" do should_match %w{ app/models/member.rb app/models/article.rb }, %w{ spec/models/member_spec.rb spec/models/article_spec.rb } end it "should map concern files to spec/models/concerns" do should_match %w{ app/concerns/authenticate.rb app/concerns/nested_resource.rb }, %w{ spec/models/concerns/authenticate_spec.rb spec/models/concerns/nested_resource_spec.rb } end it "should map helper files to spec/helpers" do should_match %w{ app/helpers/members_helper.rb app/helpers/articles_helper.rb }, %w{ spec/helpers/members_helper_spec.rb spec/helpers/articles_helper_spec.rb } end it "should map controller files to spec/controllers" do should_match %w{ app/controllers/application_controller.rb app/controllers/members_controller.rb }, %w{ spec/controllers/application_controller_spec.rb spec/controllers/members_controller_spec.rb } end it "should map view templates to spec/controllers" do should_match %w{ app/views/members/index.html.erb app/views/admin/articles/show.html.erb }, %w{ spec/controllers/members_controller_spec.rb spec/controllers/admin/articles_controller_spec.rb } end it "should run all controller tests when config/routes.rb is saved" do specs = %w{ spec/controllers/members_controller_test.rb spec/controllers/admin/articles_controller_test.rb } Kicker::Recipes::Rails.expects(:all_controller_tests).returns(specs) should_match %w{ config/routes.rb }, specs end it "should map lib files to spec/lib" do should_match %w{ lib/money.rb lib/views/date.rb }, %w{ spec/lib/money_spec.rb spec/lib/views/date_spec.rb } end it "should map fixtures to their model, helper and controller specs" do specs = %w{ spec/models/member_spec.rb spec/helpers/members_helper_spec.rb spec/controllers/members_controller_spec.rb } should_match %w{ spec/fixtures/members.yml }, specs end it "should map fixtures to their model, helper and controller specs if they exist" do specs = %w{ spec/models/member_spec.rb spec/helpers/members_helper_spec.rb spec/controllers/members_controller_spec.rb } should_match %w{ spec/fixtures/members.yml }, specs end end