require "timeout" require "log4r" require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "vagrant/util/silence_warnings" Vagrant::Util::SilenceWarnings.silence! do require "winrm-s" end require "winrm-fs/file_manager" require "vagrant/../../plugins/communicators/winrm/shell" module VagrantPlugins module CommunicatorWinRM class WinRMSShell < WinRMShell include Vagrant::Util::Retryable def initialize(host, port, options = {}) super(host, port, options) @logger ="vagrant::communication::winrmsshell") end protected def endpoint case @config.transport.to_sym when :ssl "https://#{@host}:#{@port}/wsman" when :plaintext "http://#{@host}:#{@port}/wsman" when :sspinegotiate "http://#{@host}:#{@port}/wsman" else # rubocop:disable SignalException # To match base vagrant style raise Errors::WinRMInvalidTransport, transport: @config.transport # rubocop:enable SignalException end end # The only reason we're overriding this one is to get rid # of `toggle_nori_type_casting` which is deprecated in new # versions of winrm gem (and the deprecation message seems # to have a bug that throws an exception) def new_session"Attempting to connect to WinRM...")" - Host: #{@host}")" - Port: #{@port}")" - Username: #{@username}")" - Transport: #{@config.transport}") client =, @config.transport.to_sym, endpoint_options) client.set_timeout(@config.timeout) client end def endpoint_options { user: @username, pass: @password, host: @host, port: @port, basic_auth_only: (@config.transport == :plaintext), no_ssl_peer_verification: !@config.ssl_peer_verification } end end end end