/** * CoTag Condo Amazon S3 Strategy * Direct to cloud resumable uploads for Amazon S3 * * Copyright (c) 2012 CoTag Media. * * @author Stephen von Takach * @copyright 2012 cotag.me * * * References: * * https://github.com/umdjs/umd * * https://github.com/addyosmani/jquery-plugin-patterns * * * **/ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery', 'spark-md5', 'base64', 'condo_uploader'], factory); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery, window.SparkMD5, window.base64, window.CondoUploader); } }(function ($, MD5, base64, uploads, undefined) { 'use strict'; // // TODO:: Create an Amazon, google factory etc // We should split all these into different files too (controller and factories separate from directives and views) // So we can have different views for the same controller // uploads.factory('Condo.AmazonS3', ['$rootScope', '$q', function($rootScope, $q) { var PENDING = 0, STARTED = 1, PAUSED = 2, UPLOADING = 3, COMPLETED = 4, ABORTED = 5, hexToBin = function(input) { var result = ""; if ((input.length % 2) > 0) { input = '0' + input; } for (var i = 0, length = input.length; i < length; i += 2) { result += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(input.slice(i, i + 2), 16)); } return result; }, Amazon = function (api, file) { var self = this, strategy = null, part_size = 5242880, // Multi-part uploads should be bigger then this pausing = false, defaultError = function(reason) { self.error = !pausing; pausing = false; self.pause(reason); }, restart = function() { strategy = null; }, completeUpload = function() { api.update().then(function(data) { self.state = COMPLETED; }, defaultError); }, // // We need to sign our uploads so amazon can confirm they are valid for us // Part numbers can be any number from 1 to 10,000 - inclusive // TODO:: use http://updates.html5rocks.com/2011/12/Transferable-Objects-Lightning-Fast // where available :) // build_request = function(part_number) { var result = $q.defer(), reader = new FileReader(), fail = function(){ result.reject('file read failed'); }, current_part; if (file.size > part_size) { // If file bigger then 5mb we expect a chunked upload var endbyte = part_number * part_size; if (endbyte > file.size) endbyte = file.size; current_part = file.slice((part_number - 1) * part_size, endbyte); } else { current_part = file; } reader.onload = function(e) { result.resolve({ data: current_part, data_id: MD5.hashBinary(e.target.result), part_number: part_number }); if(!$rootScope.$$phase) { $rootScope.$apply(); // This triggers the promise response if required } }; reader.onerror = fail; reader.onabort = fail; reader.readAsBinaryString(current_part); return result.promise; }, // // Direct file upload strategy // AmazonDirect = function(data) { // // resume // abort // pause // var $this = this, finalising = false; // // Update the parent // self.state = UPLOADING; // // This will only be called when the upload has finished and we need to inform the application // this.resume = function() { self.state = UPLOADING; completeUpload(); } this.pause = function() { api.abort(); if(!finalising) { restart(); // Should occur before events triggered self.progress = 0; } }; // // AJAX for upload goes here // data['data'] = file; api.process_request(data, function(progress) { self.progress = progress; }).then(function(result) { finalising = true; $this.resume(); // Resume informs the application that the upload is complete }, function(reason) { self.progress = 0; defaultError(reason); }); }, // END DIRECT // // Chunked upload strategy-------------------------------------------------- // AmazonChunked = function (data, first_chunk) { // // resume // abort // pause // var part_ids = [], last_part = 0, generatePartManifest = function() { var list = ''; for (var i = 0, length = part_ids.length; i < length; i += 1) { list += '' + (i + 1) + '"' + part_ids[i] + '"'; } list += ''; return list; }, // // Get the next part signature // next_part = function(part_number) { // // Check if we are past the end of the file // if ((part_number - 1) * part_size < file.size) { build_request(part_number).then(function(result) { if (self.state != UPLOADING) return; // upload was paused or aborted as we were reading the file api.edit(part_number, base64.encode(hexToBin(result.data_id))). then(function(data) { set_part(data, result); }, defaultError); }, defaultError); // END BUILD_REQUEST } else { // // We're after the final commit // api.edit('finish'). then(function(request) { request['data'] = generatePartManifest(); api.process_request(request).then(completeUpload, defaultError); }, defaultError); } }, // // Send a part to amazon // set_part = function(request, part_info) { request['data'] = part_info.data; api.process_request(request, function(progress) { self.progress = (part_info.part_number - 1) * part_size + progress; }).then(function(result) { part_ids.push(part_info.data_id); // We need to record the list of part IDs for completion last_part = part_info.part_number; next_part(last_part + 1); }, function(reason) { self.progress = (part_info.part_number - 1) * part_size; defaultError(reason); }); }; self.state = UPLOADING; this.resume = function() { self.state = UPLOADING; next_part(last_part + 1); }; this.pause = function() { api.abort(); }; // // We need to check if we are grabbing a parts list or creating an upload // api.process_request(data).then(function(response) { if(data.type == 'parts') { // was the original request for a list of parts // // NextPartNumberMarker == the final part in the current request // TODO:: if IsTruncated is set then we need to keep getting parts // response = $(response); var next = parseInt(response.find('NextPartNumberMarker').eq(0).text()), etags = response.find('ETag'); etags.each(function(index) { part_ids.push($(this).text().replace(/"{1}/gi,'')); // Removes " from strings }); last_part = next; // So we can resume next_part(next + 1); // As NextPartNumberMarker is just the last part uploaded } else { // // We've created the upload - we need to update the application with the upload id. // This will also return the request for uploading the first part which we've already prepared // api.update({ resumable_id: $(response).find('UploadId').eq(0).text(), file_id: base64.encode(hexToBin(first_chunk.data_id)), part: 1 }).then(function(data) { set_part(data, first_chunk); // Parts start at 1 }, function(reason) { defaultError(reason); restart(); // Easier to start from the beginning }); } }, function(reason) { defaultError(reason); restart(); // We need to get a new request signature }); }; // END CHUNKED // // Variables required for all drivers // this.state = PENDING; this.progress = 0; this.message = 'pending'; this.name = file.name; this.size = file.size; this.error = false; // // File path is optional (amazon supports paths as part of the key name) // http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/dev/ListingKeysHierarchy.html // if(!!file.dir_path) this.path = file.dir_path; // // Support file slicing // if (typeof(file.slice) != 'function') file.slice = file.webkitSlice || file.mozSlice; this.start = function(){ if(strategy == null) { // We need to create the upload self.error = false; pausing = false; // // Update part size if required // if((part_size * 9999) < file.size) { part_size = file.size / 9999; if(part_size > (5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) { // 5GB limit on part sizes this.abort('file too big'); return; } } this.message = null; this.state = STARTED; strategy = {}; // This function shouldn't be called twice so we need a state (TODO:: fix this) build_request(1).then(function(result) { if (self.state != STARTED) return; // upload was paused or aborted as we were reading the file api.create({file_id: base64.encode(hexToBin(result.data_id))}). then(function(data) { if(data.type == 'direct_upload') { strategy = new AmazonDirect(data); } else { strategy = new AmazonChunked(data, result); } }, defaultError); }, defaultError); // END BUILD_REQUEST } else if (this.state == PAUSED) { // We need to resume the upload if it is paused this.message = null; self.error = false; pausing = false; strategy.resume(); } }; this.pause = function(reason) { if(strategy != null && this.state == UPLOADING) { // Check if the upload is uploading this.state = PAUSED; pausing = true; strategy.pause(); } else if (this.state <= STARTED) { this.state = PAUSED; restart(); } if(this.state == PAUSED) this.message = reason; }; this.abort = function(reason) { if(strategy != null && this.state < COMPLETED) { // Check the upload has not finished var old_state = this.state; this.state = ABORTED; api.abort(); // // As we may not have successfully deleted the upload // or we aborted before we received a response from create // restart(); // nullifies strategy // // if we have an upload_id then we should destroy the upload // we won't worry if this fails as it should be automatically cleaned up by the back end // if(old_state > STARTED) { api.destroy(); } this.message = reason; } }; }; // END AMAZON return { new_upload: function(api, file) { return new Amazon(api, file); } }; }]); }));