# Copyright (c) 2010 The Mirah project authors. All Rights Reserved. # All contributing project authors may be found in the NOTICE file. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class RescueTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_rescue_with_no_raise_runs_begin_and_not_rescue cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo begin puts "body" rescue puts "rescue" end end EOF output = capture_output do cls.foo end assert_equal("body\n", output) end def test_rescue_with_raise_after_begin_runs_rescue cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo begin puts "body" raise rescue puts "rescue" end end EOF output = capture_output do cls.foo end assert_equal("body\nrescue\n", output) end def test_rescue_with_type_clause_and_untyped_clause cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo(a:int) begin puts "body" if a == 0 raise IllegalArgumentException else raise end rescue IllegalArgumentException puts "IllegalArgumentException" rescue puts "rescue" end end EOF output = capture_output do cls.foo(1) cls.foo(0) end assert_equal("body\nrescue\nbody\nIllegalArgumentException\n", output) end def test_rescue_with_multiple_types_or_throwable cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo(a:int) begin puts "body" if a == 0 raise IllegalArgumentException elsif a == 1 raise Throwable else raise end rescue IllegalArgumentException, Exception puts "multi" rescue Throwable puts "other" end end EOF output = capture_output do cls.foo(0) cls.foo(1) cls.foo(2) end assert_equal("body\nmulti\nbody\nother\nbody\nmulti\n", output) end def test_rescue_without_type_with_argument cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo begin raise "foo" rescue => ex puts ex.getMessage end end EOF output = capture_output do cls.foo end assert_equal("foo\n", output) end def test_implicit_begin_on_method_with_rescue_and_else cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo(x:boolean) # throws Exception if x raise Exception, "x" end rescue Exception "x" else raise Exception, "!x" end EOF assert_equal "x", cls.foo(true) assert_raise_java java.lang.Exception, "!x" do cls.foo(false) end end def test_rescue_with_return_types_correctly cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo:long begin return bar rescue Exception => e return long(0) end end def bar long(1) end EOF assert_equal 1, cls.foo end def test_rescue_with_return_returns_value cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo:long begin raise "some error" rescue Exception => e return long(0) end end EOF assert_equal 0, cls.foo end def test_rescue_with_else_clause_returns_from_else_when_no_exception cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo:long begin long(0) rescue long(1) else long(2) end end EOF assert_equal 2, cls.foo end def test_rescue_with_else_clause_returns_from_rescue_when_exception_raised cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo:long begin raise "oh, my" rescue long(1) else long(2) end end EOF assert_equal 1, cls.foo end def test_empty_rescue_body_compiles compile(<<-EOF) begin rescue nil end EOF end def test_rescue_thats_not_an_expression_compiles compile(<<-EOF) begin "" rescue nil end nil EOF end def test_rescue_containing_while_with_ensure_runs_ensure cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def empty_with_ensure begin i = 0 while i < 10 i += 1 end rescue ensure puts 'ensuring' end "" end EOF assert_output "ensuring\n" do cls.empty_with_ensure end end def test_empty_rescue_body_with_else_runs_else cls, = compile(<<-EOF) begin rescue nil else puts "else" end EOF assert_output "else\n" do cls.main nil end end def test_ensure cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo 1 ensure puts "Hi" end EOF output = capture_output do assert_equal(1, cls.foo) end assert_equal "Hi\n", output cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo return 1 ensure puts "Hi" end EOF output = capture_output do assert_equal(1, cls.foo) end assert_equal "Hi\n", output cls, = compile(<<-EOF) def foo begin break ensure puts "Hi" end while false end EOF output = capture_output do cls.foo end assert_equal "Hi\n", output end def test_loop_in_ensure cls, = compile(<<-EOF) begin puts "a" begin puts "b" break end while false puts "c" ensure puts "ensure" end EOF assert_output("a\nb\nc\nensure\n") { cls.main(nil) } end end