Feature: Component loader In order to value As a role I want feature @selenium Scenario: Component loader should be able to load an component Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Load component" Then I should see "Inner text" And I should see "Simple Component" When I press "Load in window" Then I should see "Component loaded in window" @selenium Scenario: Component loader should invoke a callback in loadComponent Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Load with feedback" Then I should see "Callback invoked!" @selenium Scenario: Component loader should invoke a generic endpoint callback Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Load with generic callback" Then I should see "Generic callback invoked!" @selenium Scenario: Component loader should invoke a generic endpoint callback Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Load with generic callback and scope" Then I should see "Fancy title set!" @selenium Scenario: Component loader should load a window component with another component in it Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Load window with simple component" Then I should see "Simple Component Inside Window" And I should see "Inner text" @selenium Scenario: Component loader should load a component with params properly Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Load with params" Then I should see "Simple Component with changed HTML" @javascript Scenario: Component loader should report that it can't load a component Given I am on the ComponentLoader test page When I press "Non-existing component" Then I should see "Couldn't load component 'non_existing_component'" And I should not see "Loading"