# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'zlib' require 'new_relic/agent/audit_logger' module NewRelic module Agent class NewRelicService # Specifies the version of the agent's communication protocol with # the NewRelic hosted site. PROTOCOL_VERSION = 12 # 1f147a42: v10 (tag # cf0d1ff1: v9 (tag 3.5.0) # 14105: v8 (tag 2.10.3) # (no v7) # 10379: v6 (not tagged) # 4078: v5 (tag 2.5.4) # 2292: v4 (tag 2.3.6) # 1754: v3 (tag 2.3.0) # 534: v2 (shows up in 2.1.0, our first tag) attr_accessor :request_timeout, :agent_id attr_reader :collector, :marshaller, :metric_id_cache, :last_metric_harvest_time def initialize(license_key=nil, collector=control.server) @license_key = license_key || Agent.config[:license_key] @collector = collector @request_timeout = Agent.config[:timeout] @metric_id_cache = {} @last_metric_harvest_time = Time.now @audit_logger = ::NewRelic::Agent::AuditLogger.new(Agent.config) Agent.config.register_callback(:'audit_log.enabled') do |enabled| @audit_logger.enabled = enabled end Agent.config.register_callback(:ssl) do |ssl| if !ssl ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn("Agent is configured not to use SSL when communicating with New Relic's servers") else ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Agent is configured to use SSL") end end Agent.config.register_callback(:marshaller) do |marshaller| begin if marshaller == 'json' require 'json' @marshaller = JsonMarshaller.new else @marshaller = PrubyMarshaller.new end rescue LoadError @marshaller = PrubyMarshaller.new end end end def connect(settings={}) if host = get_redirect_host @collector = NewRelic::Control.instance.server_from_host(host) end response = invoke_remote(:connect, settings) @agent_id = response['agent_run_id'] response end def get_redirect_host invoke_remote(:get_redirect_host) end def shutdown(time) invoke_remote(:shutdown, @agent_id, time.to_i) if @agent_id end def reset_metric_id_cache @metric_id_cache = {} end # takes an array of arrays of spec and id, adds it into the # metric cache so we can save the collector some work by # sending integers instead of strings the next time around def fill_metric_id_cache(pairs_of_specs_and_ids) Array(pairs_of_specs_and_ids).each do |metric_spec_hash, metric_id| metric_spec = MetricSpec.new(metric_spec_hash['name'], metric_spec_hash['scope']) metric_id_cache[metric_spec] = metric_id end end # The collector wants to recieve metric data in a format that's different # from how we store it internally, so this method handles the translation. # It also handles translating metric names to IDs using our metric ID cache. def build_metric_data_array(stats_hash) metric_data_array = [] stats_hash.each do |metric_spec, stats| # Omit empty stats as an optimization unless stats.is_reset? metric_id = metric_id_cache[metric_spec] metric_data = if metric_id NewRelic::MetricData.new(nil, stats, metric_id) else NewRelic::MetricData.new(metric_spec, stats, nil) end metric_data_array << metric_data end end metric_data_array end def metric_data(stats_hash) harvest_time = stats_hash.harvested_at || Time.now metric_data_array = build_metric_data_array(stats_hash) result = invoke_remote( :metric_data, @agent_id, @last_metric_harvest_time.to_f, harvest_time.to_f, metric_data_array ) fill_metric_id_cache(result) @last_metric_harvest_time = harvest_time result end def error_data(unsent_errors) invoke_remote(:error_data, @agent_id, unsent_errors) end def transaction_sample_data(traces) invoke_remote(:transaction_sample_data, @agent_id, traces) end def sql_trace_data(sql_traces) invoke_remote(:sql_trace_data, sql_traces) end def profile_data(profile) invoke_remote(:profile_data, @agent_id, profile) || '' end def get_agent_commands invoke_remote(:get_agent_commands, @agent_id) end def agent_command_results(results) invoke_remote(:agent_command_results, @agent_id, results) end def get_xray_metadata(xray_ids) invoke_remote(:get_xray_metadata, @agent_id, *xray_ids) end # Send fine-grained analytic data to the collector. def analytic_event_data(data) data = data.map { |hash| [hash] } invoke_remote(:analytic_event_data, @agent_id, data) end # We do not compress if content is smaller than 64kb. There are # problems with bugs in Ruby in some versions that expose us # to a risk of segfaults if we compress aggressively. def compress_request_if_needed(data) encoding = 'identity' if data.size > 64 * 1024 data = Encoders::Compressed.encode(data) encoding = 'deflate' end check_post_size(data) [data, encoding] end # One session with the service's endpoint. In this case the session # represents 1 tcp connection which may transmit multiple HTTP requests # via keep-alive. def session(&block) raise ArgumentError, "#{self.class}#shared_connection must be passed a block" unless block_given? http = create_http_connection # Immediately open a TCP connection to the server and leave it open for # multiple requests. begin t0 = Time.now ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Opening TCP connection to #{http.address}:#{http.port}") NewRelic::TimerLib.timeout(@request_timeout) { http.start } @shared_tcp_connection = http block.call rescue Timeout::Error elapsed = Time.now - t0 ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn "Timed out opening connection to #{http.address}:#{http.port} after #{elapsed} seconds. If this problem persists, please see http://status.newrelic.com" raise ensure @shared_tcp_connection = nil # Close the TCP socket ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Closing TCP connection to #{http.address}:#{http.port}") http.finish if http.started? end end # Return a Net::HTTP connection object to make a call to the collector. # We'll reuse the same handle for cases where we're using keep-alive, or # otherwise create a new one. def http_connection @shared_tcp_connection || create_http_connection end # Return the Net::HTTP with proxy configuration given the NewRelic::Control::Server object. def create_http_connection proxy_server = control.proxy_server # Proxy returns regular HTTP if @proxy_host is nil (the default) http_class = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_server.name, proxy_server.port, proxy_server.user, proxy_server.password) http = http_class.new((@collector.ip || @collector.name), @collector.port) if Agent.config[:ssl] begin # Jruby 1.6.8 requires a gem for full ssl support and will throw # an error when use_ssl=(true) is called and jruby-openssl isn't # installed http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER http.ca_file = cert_file_path rescue StandardError, LoadError msg = "Agent is configured to use SSL, but SSL is not available in the environment. " msg << "Either disable SSL in the agent configuration, or install SSL support." raise UnrecoverableAgentException.new(msg) end end ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Created net/http handle to #{http.address}:#{http.port}") http end # The path to the certificate file used to verify the SSL # connection if verify_peer is enabled def cert_file_path File.expand_path(File.join(control.newrelic_root, 'cert', 'cacert.pem')) end private # A shorthand for NewRelic::Control.instance def control NewRelic::Control.instance end # The path on the server that we should post our data to def remote_method_uri(method, format='ruby') params = {'run_id' => @agent_id, 'marshal_format' => format} uri = "/agent_listener/#{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/#{@license_key}/#{method}" uri << '?' + params.map do |k,v| next unless v "#{k}=#{v}" end.compact.join('&') uri end # send a message via post to the actual server. This attempts # to automatically compress the data via zlib if it is large # enough to be worth compressing, and handles any errors the # server may return def invoke_remote(method, *args) now = Time.now data, size = nil begin data = @marshaller.dump(args) rescue JsonError @marshaller = PrubyMarshaller.new retry end data, encoding = compress_request_if_needed(data) size = data.size uri = remote_method_uri(method, @marshaller.format) full_uri = "#{@collector}#{uri}" @audit_logger.log_request(full_uri, args, @marshaller) response = send_request(:data => data, :uri => uri, :encoding => encoding, :collector => @collector) @marshaller.load(decompress_response(response)) rescue NewRelic::Agent::ForceRestartException => e ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug e.message raise ensure record_supportability_metrics(method, now, size) end def record_supportability_metrics(method, now, size) duration = (Time.now - now).to_f NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('Supportability/invoke_remote', duration) NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('Supportability/invoke_remote/' + method.to_s, duration) if size NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('Supportability/invoke_remote_size', size) NewRelic::Agent.record_metric('Supportability/invoke_remote_size/' + method.to_s, size) end end # Raises an UnrecoverableServerException if the post_string is longer # than the limit configured in the control object def check_post_size(post_string) return if post_string.size < Agent.config[:post_size_limit] ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Tried to send too much data: #{post_string.size} bytes" raise UnrecoverableServerException.new('413 Request Entity Too Large') end # Posts to the specified server # # Options: # - :uri => the path to request on the server (a misnomer of # course) # - :encoding => the encoding to pass to the server # - :collector => a URI object that responds to the 'name' method # and returns the name of the collector to # contact # - :data => the data to send as the body of the request def send_request(opts) request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(opts[:uri], 'CONTENT-ENCODING' => opts[:encoding], 'HOST' => opts[:collector].name) request['user-agent'] = user_agent request.content_type = "application/octet-stream" request.body = opts[:data] response = nil http = http_connection http.read_timeout = nil begin NewRelic::TimerLib.timeout(@request_timeout) do ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Sending request to #{opts[:collector]}#{opts[:uri]}" response = http.request(request) end rescue Timeout::Error ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn "Timed out trying to post data to New Relic (timeout = #{@request_timeout} seconds)" raise end case response when Net::HTTPSuccess true # fall through when Net::HTTPUnauthorized raise LicenseException, 'Invalid license key, please contact support@newrelic.com' when Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable raise ServerConnectionException, "Service unavailable (#{response.code}): #{response.message}" when Net::HTTPGatewayTimeOut ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn("Timed out getting response: #{response.message}") raise Timeout::Error, response.message when Net::HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge raise UnrecoverableServerException, '413 Request Entity Too Large' when Net::HTTPUnsupportedMediaType raise UnrecoverableServerException, '415 Unsupported Media Type' else raise ServerConnectionException, "Unexpected response from server (#{response.code}): #{response.message}" end response rescue SystemCallError, SocketError => e # These include Errno connection errors raise NewRelic::Agent::ServerConnectionException, "Recoverable error connecting to #{@collector}: #{e}" end # Decompresses the response from the server, if it is gzip # encoded, otherwise returns it verbatim def decompress_response(response) if response['content-encoding'] != 'gzip' ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Uncompressed content returned" response.body else ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Decompressing return value" i = Zlib::GzipReader.new(StringIO.new(response.body)) i.read end end # Sets the user agent for connections to the server, to # conform with the HTTP spec and allow for debugging. Includes # the ruby version and also zlib version if available since # that may cause corrupt compression if there is a problem. def user_agent ruby_description = '' # note the trailing space! ruby_description << "(ruby #{::RUBY_VERSION} #{::RUBY_PLATFORM}) " if defined?(::RUBY_VERSION) && defined?(::RUBY_PLATFORM) zlib_version = '' zlib_version << "zlib/#{Zlib.zlib_version}" if defined?(::Zlib) && Zlib.respond_to?(:zlib_version) "NewRelic-RubyAgent/#{NewRelic::VERSION::STRING} #{ruby_description}#{zlib_version}" end module Encoders module Identity def self.encode(data) data end end module Compressed def self.encode(data) Zlib::Deflate.deflate(data, Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) end end module Base64CompressedJSON def self.encode(data) Base64.encode64(Compressed.encode(JSON.dump(data))) end end end # Used to wrap errors reported to agent by the collector class CollectorError < StandardError; end # Used to wrap any problem with the JSON marshaller class JsonError < StandardError; end class Marshaller def parsed_error(error) error_class = error['error_type'].split('::') \ .inject(Module) {|mod,const| mod.const_get(const) } error_class.new(error['message']) rescue NameError CollectorError.new("#{error['error_type']}: #{error['message']}") end def prepare(data, options={}) encoder = options[:encoder] || default_encoder if data.respond_to?(:to_collector_array) data.to_collector_array(encoder) elsif data.kind_of?(Array) data.map { |element| prepare(element, options) } else data end end def default_encoder Encoders::Identity end def self.human_readable? false end protected def return_value(data) if data.respond_to?(:has_key?) if data.has_key?('exception') raise parsed_error(data['exception']) elsif data.has_key?('return_value') return data['return_value'] end end ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Unexpected response from collector: #{data}") nil end end # Primitive Ruby Object Notation which complies JSON format data strutures class PrubyMarshaller < Marshaller def initialize ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug 'Using Pruby marshaller' end def dump(ruby, opts={}) NewRelic::LanguageSupport.with_cautious_gc do Marshal.dump(prepare(ruby, opts)) end rescue => e ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("#{e.class.name} : #{e.message} when marshalling #{ruby.inspect}") raise end def load(data) return unless data && data != '' NewRelic::LanguageSupport.with_cautious_gc do return_value(Marshal.load(data)) end rescue ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "Error encountered loading collector response: #{data}" raise end def format 'pruby' end def self.is_supported? true end end # Marshal collector protocol with JSON when available class JsonMarshaller < Marshaller def initialize ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug 'Using JSON marshaller' end def dump(ruby, opts={}) JSON.dump(prepare(ruby, opts)) rescue => e ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "#{e.class.name} : #{e.message} encountered dumping agent data: #{ruby}" raise JsonError.new(e) end def load(data) return_value(JSON.load(data)) if data && data != '' rescue => e ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug "#{e.class.name} : #{e.message} encountered loading collector response: #{data}" raise end def default_encoder Encoders::Base64CompressedJSON end def format 'json' end def self.is_supported? NewRelic::LanguageSupport.stdlib_json_usable? end def self.human_readable? true # for some definitions of 'human' end end end end end