// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore Animation // ========================================================================== /*globals module test ok isObj equals expects */ var view, base, inherited, pane, computed; module("Animatable", { setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane = SC.Pane.create({ layout: { top: 0, right: 0, width: 200, height: 200 } }); pane.append(); view = SC.View.create(SC.Animatable, { layout: { left: 100, top: 100, height: 100, width: 100 }, style: { transform: 'scale(1)' }, transitions: { left: 0.25, top: { duration: 0.35 }, width: { duration: 0.2, timing: SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT }, style: { transform: 1 } } }); pane.appendChild(view); // identical to normal view above base = SC.View.extend(SC.Animatable, { layout: { left: 100, top: 100, height: 100, width: 100 }, transitions: { left: 0.25, top: { duration: 0.35 }, width: { duration: 0.2, timing: SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT } } }); // concatenate this inherited = base.create({ transitions: { left: 0.99 } }); // computed computed = base.create({ _test_left: 5, layout: function() { return { left: this._test_left, top: 5, width: 50, height: 50 }; }.property("_test_left").cacheable() }); SC.RunLoop.end(); }, teardown: function(){ pane.remove(); } }); test("animatable should have init-ed correctly", function(){ var left = view.transitions["left"]; var top = view.transitions["top"]; var width = view.transitions["width"]; equals(left["duration"], 0.25, "left duration is .25"); equals(top["duration"], 0.35, "top duration is .35"); equals(width["duration"], 0.2, "width duration is .2"); equals(left["timing"], undefined, "No timing for left."); equals(top["timing"], undefined, "No timing for top."); equals(width["timing"], SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT, "SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT for width."); }); test("animatable should handle concatenated transitions properly", function(){ // should be identical to view, but with one difference. var left = inherited.transitions["left"]; var top = inherited.transitions["top"]; var width = inherited.transitions["width"]; equals(left["duration"], 0.99, "left duration is .99 (the overridden value)"); equals(top["duration"], 0.35, "top duration is .35"); equals(width["duration"], 0.2, "width duration is .2"); equals(left["timing"], undefined, "No timing for left."); equals(top["timing"], undefined, "No timing for top."); equals(width["timing"], SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT, "SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN_OUT for width."); }); test("animatable handler for layer update should ensure both layout and styles are set in the 'current style'.", function() { var original_transition_enabled = SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions; SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions = NO; // we should have a style (it is inside a pane) var current = view.getCurrentJavaScriptStyles(); ok(!SC.none(current), "There now SHOULD be a current JS style."); // and now, make sure we have both style AND layout set properly. equals(current["transform"], 'scale(1)', "transform should be scale(1)"); equals(current["left"], 100, "left should be 100"); // go back to the beginning SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions = original_transition_enabled; }); test("animatable callbacks work in general", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); view.transitions["left"] = { duration: 0.25, action: function() { start(); ok(true, "Callback was called."); } }; view.updateLayout(); view.adjust("left", 0).updateLayout(); SC.RunLoop.end(); stop(); setTimeout(function(){ start(); ok(false, "Timeout! Callback was not called."); }, 1000); }); test("animation should not interfere with layout property observers or frame", function(){ SC.RunLoop.begin(); // sanity check equals(view.get("layout").left, 100, "layout left before adjust"); equals(view.get("frame").x, 100, "frame x before adjust"); // adjust left view.adjust("left", 0).updateLayout(); // check values equals(view.get("layout").left, 0, "layout left after adjust"); equals(view.get("frame").x, 0, "frame x after adjust"); SC.RunLoop.end(); }); test("animation should not interfere with computed layout properties.", function() { equals(computed.get("layout").left, 5, "layout left before change and animation"); computed.adjust("left", 20); equals(computed.get("layout").left, 5, "layout left after change (shouldn't change)"); computed.updateLayout(); equals(computed.get("layout").left, 5, "layout left after updateLayout"); computed.set("_test_left", 21); equals(computed.get("layout").left, 21, "layout left after setting _test_left (make sure computed property is undisturbed)"); }); // test("doesn't interfere with built-in animation");