Puppet::Type.newtype(:zone) do @doc = "Solaris zones." # These properties modify the zone configuration, and they need to provide # the text separately from syncing it, so all config statements can be rolled # into a single creation statement. class ZoneConfigProperty < Puppet::Property # Perform the config operation. def sync provider.setconfig self.configtext end end # Those properties that can have multiple instances. class ZoneMultiConfigProperty < ZoneConfigProperty def configtext list = @should current_value = self.retrieve unless current_value.is_a? Symbol if current_value.is_a? Array list += current_value else if current_value list << current_value end end end # Some hackery so we can test whether current_value is an array or a symbol if current_value.is_a? Array tmpis = current_value else if current_value tmpis = [current_value] else tmpis = [] end end rms = [] adds = [] # Collect the modifications to make list.sort.uniq.collect do |obj| # Skip objectories that are configured and should be next if tmpis.include?(obj) and @should.include?(obj) if tmpis.include?(obj) rms << obj else adds << obj end end # And then perform all of the removals before any of the adds. (rms.collect { |o| rm(o) } + adds.collect { |o| add(o) }).join("\n") end # We want all specified directories to be included. def insync?(current_value) if current_value.is_a? Array and @should.is_a? Array current_value.sort == @should.sort else current_value == @should end end end ensurable do desc "The running state of the zone. The valid states directly reflect the states that ``zoneadm`` provides. The states are linear, in that a zone must be ``configured`` then ``installed``, and only then can be ``running``. Note also that ``halt`` is currently used to stop zones." @states = {} def self.alias_state(values) @state_aliases ||= {} values.each do |nick, name| @state_aliases[nick] = name end end def self.newvalue(name, hash) if @parametervalues.is_a? Hash @parametervalues = [] end @parametervalues << name @states[name] = hash hash[:name] = name end def self.state_name(name) if other = @state_aliases[name] other else name end end newvalue :absent, :down => :destroy newvalue :configured, :up => :configure, :down => :uninstall newvalue :installed, :up => :install, :down => :stop newvalue :running, :up => :start alias_state :incomplete => :installed, :ready => :installed, :shutting_down => :running defaultto :running def self.state_index(value) @parametervalues.index(state_name(value)) end # Return all of the states between two listed values, exclusive # of the first item. def self.state_sequence(first, second) findex = sindex = nil unless findex = @parametervalues.index(state_name(first)) raise ArgumentError, "'%s' is not a valid zone state" % first end unless sindex = @parametervalues.index(state_name(second)) raise ArgumentError, "'%s' is not a valid zone state" % first end list = nil # Apparently ranges are unidirectional, so we have to reverse # the range op twice. if findex > sindex list = @parametervalues[sindex..findex].collect do |name| @states[name] end.reverse else list = @parametervalues[findex..sindex].collect do |name| @states[name] end end # The first result is the current state, so don't return it. list[1..-1] end def retrieve provider.properties[:ensure] end def sync method = nil if up? direction = :up else direction = :down end # We need to get the state we're currently in and just call # everything between it and us. self.class.state_sequence(self.retrieve, self.should).each do |state| if method = state[direction] warned = false while provider.processing? unless warned info "Waiting for zone to finish processing" warned = true end sleep 1 end provider.send(method) else raise Puppet::DevError, "Cannot move %s from %s" % [direction, st[:name]] end end return ("zone_" + self.should.to_s).intern end # Are we moving up the property tree? def up? current_value = self.retrieve self.class.state_index(current_value) < self.class.state_index(self.should) end end newparam(:name) do desc "The name of the zone." isnamevar end newparam(:id) do desc "The numerical ID of the zone. This number is autogenerated and cannot be changed." end newproperty(:ip, :parent => ZoneMultiConfigProperty) do require 'ipaddr' desc "The IP address of the zone. IP addresses must be specified with the interface, separated by a colon, e.g.: bge0: For multiple interfaces, specify them in an array." validate do |value| unless value =~ /:/ raise ArgumentError, "IP addresses must specify the interface and the address, separated by a colon." end interface, address = value.split(':') begin IPAddr.new(address) rescue ArgumentError raise ArgumentError, "'%s' is an invalid IP address" % address end end # Add an interface. def add(str) interface, ip = ipsplit(str) "add net set address=#{ip} set physical=#{interface} end " end # Convert a string into the component interface and address def ipsplit(str) interface, address = str.split(':') return interface, address end # Remove an interface. def rm(str) interface, ip = ipsplit(str) # Reality seems to disagree with the documentation here; the docs # specify that braces are required, but they're apparently only # required if you're specifying multiple values. "remove net address=#{ip}" end end newproperty(:autoboot, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "Whether the zone should automatically boot." defaultto true newvalue(:true) {} newvalue(:false) {} def configtext "set autoboot=#{self.should}" end end newproperty(:pool, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "The resource pool for this zone." def configtext "set pool=#{self.should}" end end newproperty(:shares, :parent => ZoneConfigProperty) do desc "Number of FSS CPU shares allocated to the zone." def configtext "add rctl\nset name=zone.cpu-shares\nadd value (priv=privileged,limit=#{self.should},action=none)\nend" end end newproperty(:inherit, :parent => ZoneMultiConfigProperty) do desc "The list of directories that the zone inherits from the global zone. All directories must be fully qualified." validate do |value| unless value =~ /^\// raise ArgumentError, "Inherited filesystems must be fully qualified" end end # Add a directory to our list of inherited directories. def add(dir) "add inherit-pkg-dir\nset dir=#{dir}\nend" end def rm(dir) # Reality seems to disagree with the documentation here; the docs # specify that braces are required, but they're apparently only # required if you're specifying multiple values. "remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=#{dir}" end def should @should end end # Specify the sysidcfg file. This is pretty hackish, because it's # only used to boot the zone the very first time. newparam(:sysidcfg) do desc %{The text to go into the sysidcfg file when the zone is first booted. The best way is to use a template:: # $templatedir/sysidcfg system_locale=en_US timezone=GMT terminal=xterms security_policy=NONE root_password=<%= password %> timeserver=localhost name_service=DNS {domain_name=<%= domain %> name_server=<%= nameserver %>} network_interface=primary {hostname=<%= realhostname %> ip_address=<%= ip %> netmask=<%= netmask %> protocol_ipv6=no default_route=<%= defaultroute %>} nfs4_domain=dynamic And then call that:: zone { myzone: ip => "bge0:", sysidcfg => template(sysidcfg), path => "/opt/zones/myzone", realhostname => "fully.qualified.domain.name" } The sysidcfg only matters on the first booting of the zone, so Puppet only checks for it at that time.} end newparam(:path) do desc "The root of the zone's filesystem. Must be a fully qualified file name. If you include '%s' in the path, then it will be replaced with the zone's name. At this point, you cannot use Puppet to move a zone." validate do |value| unless value =~ /^\// raise ArgumentError, "The zone base must be fully qualified" end end munge do |value| if value =~ /%s/ value % @resource[:name] else value end end end newparam(:realhostname) do desc "The actual hostname of the zone." end # If Puppet is also managing the base dir or its parent dir, list them # both as prerequisites. autorequire(:file) do if @parameters.include? :path [@parameters[:path].value, File.dirname(@parameters[:path].value)] else nil end end def retrieve provider.flush if hash = provider.properties() and hash[:ensure] != :absent result = setstatus(hash) result else return currentpropvalues(:absent) end end # Take the results of a listing and set everything appropriately. def setstatus(hash) prophash = {} hash.each do |param, value| next if param == :name case self.class.attrtype(param) when :property: # Only try to provide values for the properties we're managing if prop = self.property(param) prophash[prop] = value end else self[param] = value end end return prophash end end