require 'json' require 'fileutils' module BowerRails class Dsl DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_GROUP = :dependencies def self.evalute(root_path, filename) new(root_path).tap { |dsl| dsl.eval_file(File.join(root_path, filename)) } end attr_reader :dependencies, :root_path def initialize(root_path) @dependency_groups = [] @root_path = root_path @bower_dependencies_list = [] @dependencies = {} @assets_path ||= "assets" end def eval_file(file) instance_eval(, "rb") { |f| }, file.to_s) end def directories @dependencies.keys end def group(name, options = {}, &block) options[:assets_path] ||= @assets_path assert_asset_path options[:assets_path] assert_group_name name @current_group = add_group name, options yield if block_given? end def dependency_group(name, options = {}, &block) assert_dependency_group_name name add_dependency_group name yield if block_given? remove_dependency_group! end def asset(name, *args) group = @current_group || default_group options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop.dup : {} version = args.last || "latest" version = options[:ref] if options[:ref] options[:git] = "git://{options[:github]}" if options[:github] if options[:git] version = if version == 'latest' options[:git] else options[:git] + "#" + version end end normalized_group_path = normalize_location_path(group.first, group_assets_path(group)) @dependencies[normalized_group_path] ||= {} @dependencies[normalized_group_path][current_dependency_group_normalized] ||= {} @dependencies[normalized_group_path][current_dependency_group_normalized][name] = version end def write_bower_json @dependencies.each do |dir, data| FileUtils.mkdir_p dir unless dir, "bower.json"), "w") do |f| f.write(dependencies_to_json(data)) end end end def generate_dotbowerrc contents = JSON.parse(, '.bowerrc'))) rescue {} contents["directory"] = "bower_components" JSON.pretty_generate(contents) end def write_dotbowerrc do |group| normalized_group_path = normalize_location_path(group.first, group_assets_path(group)), ".bowerrc"), "w") do |f| f.write(generate_dotbowerrc) end end end def final_assets_path do |group| [group.first.to_s, group_assets_path(group)] end.uniq end def group_assets_path group group.last[:assets_path] end private # Returns name for the current dependency from the stack # def current_dependency_group @dependency_groups.last || DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY_GROUP.to_sym end # Returns normalized current dependency group name # def current_dependency_group_normalized normalize_dependency_group_name current_dependency_group end # Implementing ActiveSupport::Inflector camelize(:lower) # def normalize_dependency_group_name(name) segments = name.to_s.dup.downcase.split(/_/) [segments.shift, *{ |word| word.capitalize }].join('').to_sym end # Stores the dependency group name in the stack # def add_dependency_group(dependency_group) @dependency_groups.push dependency_group.to_sym dependency_group end # Removes the dependency group name in the stack # def remove_dependency_group! @dependency_groups.pop end def add_group(*group) @groups = (groups << group) and return group end def groups @groups ||= [default_group] end def default_group [:vendor, { :assets_path => @assets_path }] end # Attempts to parse data from @dependencies to JSON # def dependencies_to_json(data) JSON.pretty_generate({ :name => "dsl-generated dependencies" }.merge(data)) end def assert_dependency_group_name(name) unless [:dependencies, :devDependencies].include?(normalize_dependency_group_name(name)) raise ArgumentError, "Dependency group should be either dependencies or dev_dependencies, provided: #{name}" end end def assets_path(assets_path) assert_asset_path assets_path @assets_path = assets_path end def assert_asset_path(path) unless path.start_with?('assets', '/assets') raise ArgumentError, "Assets should be stored in /assets directory, try assets_path 'assets/#{path}' instead" end end def assert_group_name name raise ArgumentError, "Group name should be :lib or :vendor only" unless [:lib, :vendor].include?(name) end def normalize_location_path(loc, assets_path) File.join(root_path, loc.to_s, assets_path) end end end