module Torque module PostgreSQL module Attributes class EnumSet < Set include Comparable class EnumSetError < Enum::EnumError; end class << self include Enumerable delegate :each, to: :members delegate :values, :members, :texts, :to_options, :valid?, :size, :length, :connection_specification_name, to: :enum_source # Find or create the class that will handle the value def lookup(name, enum_klass) const = name.to_s.camelize + 'Set' namespace = Torque::PostgreSQL.config.enum.namespace return namespace.const_get(const) if namespace.const_defined?(const) klass = klass.const_set('EnumSource', enum_klass) namespace.const_set(const, klass) end # Provide a method on the given class to setup which enum sets will be # manually initialized def include_on(klass) method_name = Torque::PostgreSQL.config.enum.set_method klass.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(method_name) do |*args, **options| Torque::PostgreSQL::Attributes::TypeMap.decorate(self, args, **options) end end end # The original Enum implementation, for individual values def enum_source const_get('EnumSource') end # Use the power to get a sample of the value def sample new(rand(0..((2 ** size) - 1))) end # Overpass new so blank values return only nil def new(*values) return, []) if values.compact.blank? super end # Get the type name from its class name def type_name @type_name ||= enum_source.type_name + '[]' end # Fetch a value from the list # see # see def fetch(value, *) new(value.to_s) if values.include?(value) end alias [] fetch # Get the power, 2 ** index, of each element def power(*values) do |item| item = item.to_i if item.is_a?(Enum) item = values.index(item) unless item.is_a?(Numeric) next 0 if item.nil? || item >= size 2 ** item end.reduce(:+) end # Build an active record scope for a given atribute agains a value def scope(attribute, value) attribute.contains(Array.wrap(value)) end private # Allows checking value existance def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) valid?(method_name) || super end # Allow fast creation of values def method_missing(method_name, *arguments) return super if self == Enum valid?(method_name) ? new(method_name.to_s) : super end end # Override string initializer to check for a valid value def initialize(*values) items = if values.size === 1 && values.first.is_a?(Numeric) transform_power(values.first) else transform_values(values) end @hash =, true)).to_h end # Allow comparison between values of the same enum def <=>(other) raise_comparison(other) if other.is_a?(EnumSet) && other.class != self.class to_i <=> case other when Numeric, EnumSet then other.to_i when String, Symbol then self.class.power(other.to_s) when Array, Set then self.class.power(*other) else raise_comparison(other) end end # Only allow value comparison with values of the same class def ==(other) (self <=> other) == 0 rescue EnumSetError false end alias eql? == # It only accepts if the other value is valid def replace(*values) super(transform_values(values)) end # Get a translated version of the value def text(attr = nil, model = nil) map { |item| item.text(attr, model) }.to_sentence end alias to_s text # Get the index of the value def to_i self.class.power(@hash.keys) end # Change the inspection to show the enum name def inspect map(&:inspect).inspect end # Replace the setter by instantiating the value def []=(key, value) super(key, instantiate(value)) end # Override the merge method to ensure formatted values def merge(other) super end # Override bitwise & operator to ensure formatted values def &(other) other = values = { |k| other.include?(k) } end # Operations that requries the other values to be transformed as well %i[add delete include? subtract].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do |other| other = if other.is_a?(self.class) other elsif other.is_a?(::Enumerable) else instantiate(other) end super(other) end end private # Create a new enum instance of the value def instantiate(value) value.is_a?(self.class.enum_source) ? value : end # Turn a binary (power) definition into real values def transform_power(value) list = value.to_s(2) do |item, idx| next idx if item.eql?('1') end raise raise_invalid(value) if list.size > self.class.size self.class.members.values_at(*list.compact) end # Turn all the values into their respective Enum representations def transform_values(values) values = values.first if values.size.eql?(1) && values.first.is_a?(::Enumerable) end # Check for valid '?' and '!' methods def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) name = method_name.to_s return true if name.chomp!('?') name.chomp!('!') && self.class.valid?(name) end # Allow '_' to be associated to '-' def method_missing(method_name, *arguments) name = method_name.to_s if name.chomp!('?') include?(name) elsif name.chomp!('!') add(name) unless include?(name) else super end end # Throw an exception for invalid valus def raise_invalid(value) if value.is_a?(Numeric) raise EnumSetError, "#{value.inspect} is out of bounds of #{}" else raise EnumSetError, "#{value.inspect} is not valid for #{}" end end # Throw an exception for comparasion between different enums def raise_comparison(other) raise EnumSetError, "Comparison of #{} with #{self.inspect} failed" end end # Create the methods related to the attribute to handle the enum type TypeMap.register_type Adapter::OID::EnumSet do |subtype, attribute, options = nil| # Generate methods on self class builder =, attribute, subtype, options || {}) break if builder.conflicting? # Mark the enum as defined defined_enums[attribute] = subtype.klass end end end end