#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "io/console" require "discorb" require "optparse" intents_value = Discorb::Intents.all.value token_file = "token" opt = OptionParser.new opt.on("-i", "--intents", "intents to use, default to all") { |v| intents_value = v } opt.on("-t", "--token-file", "token file to load, default to \"token\"") { |v| token_file = v } opt.parse(ARGV) client = Discorb::Client.new(intents: Discorb::Intents.from_value(intents_value)) $messages = [] client.on :ready do puts "\e[96mLogged in as #{client.user}\e[m" def message $messages.last end def dirb_help puts <<~EOS \e[96mDiscord-IRB\e[m This is a debug client for Discord. \e[90mmessage\e[m to get latest message. \e[36mhttps://rubydoc.info/gems/discorb/file/docs/discord_irb.md\e[m for more information. EOS end puts <<~FIRST_MESSAGE Running on \e[31mRuby #{RUBY_VERSION}\e[m, disco\e[31mrb #{Discorb::VERSION}\e[m Type \e[90mdirb_help\e[m to help. FIRST_MESSAGE binding.irb client.close! end client.on :message do |message| $messages << message end token = ENV["DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN"] || ENV["DISCORD_TOKEN"] if token.nil? if File.exists?(token_file) token = File.read(token_file) else print "\e[90mToken?\e[m : " token = $stdin.noecho(&:gets).chomp puts end end client.run token