# frozen_string_literal: true require 'vagrant' ## Do not Modify this File! Modify the Hosts.yml, Hosts.rb, or Vagrantfile! module VagrantPlugins module ProviderZone # This is used define the variables for the project class Config < Vagrant.plugin('2', :config) # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength attr_accessor :brand, :autoboot, :setup_method, :safe_restart, :allowed_address, :post_provision_boot, :safe_shutdown, :boxshortname, :kernel, :debug, :debug_boot, :private_network, :winalcheck, :winlcheck, :lcheck, :alcheck, :snapshot_script, :diskif, :netif, :cdroms, :disk1path, :disk1size, :cpus, :cpu_configuration, :boot, :complex_cpu_conf, :memory, :vagrant_user, :vagrant_user_private_key_path, :setup_wait, :on_demand_vnics, :clean_shutdown_time, :dhcp4, :vagrant_user_pass, :firmware_type, :vm_type, :partition_id, :shared_disk_enabled, :shared_dir, :acpi, :os_type, :console, :consolehost, :consoleport, :console_onboot, :hostbridge, :sshport, :rdpport, :override, :additional_disks, :cloud_init_resolvers, :cloud_init_enabled, :cloud_init_dnsdomain, :cloud_init_password, :cloud_init_sshkey, :cloud_init_conf, :dns, :box, :vagrant_cloud_creator, :winbooted_string, :booted_string, :zunlockbootkey, :zunlockboot, :xhci_enabled, :login_wait # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength def initialize super @brand = 'bhyve' @additional_disks = UNSET_VALUE @autoboot = true @post_provision_boot = false @kernel = nil @boxshortname = UNSET_VALUE @cdroms = nil @shared_dir = nil @os_type = 'generic' @lcheck = UNSET_VALUE @booted_string = UNSET_VALUE @winbooted_string = UNSET_VALUE @allowed_address = true @alcheck = 'login: ' @winalcheck = 'EVENT: The CMD command is now available.' @winlcheck = 'EVENT: The CMD command is now available.' @zunlockbootkey = '' @zunlockboot = 'Importing ZFS root pool' @safe_restart = nil @safe_shutdown = nil @debug_boot = nil @debug = nil @shared_disk_enabled = true @consoleport = nil @consolehost = '' @console_onboot = 'false' @console = 'webvnc' @memory = '2G' @diskif = 'virtio-blk' @netif = 'virtio-net-viona' @cpus = 1 @cpu_configuration = 'simple' @complex_cpu_conf = UNSET_VALUE @boot = UNSET_VALUE @hostbridge = 'i440fx' @acpi = 'on' @setup_wait = 90 @on_demand_vnics = 'true' @box = UNSET_VALUE @clean_shutdown_time = 300 @vmtype = 'production' @partition_id = '0000' @sshport = '22' @rdpport = '3389' @vagrant_user = 'vagrant' @vagrant_user_pass = 'vagrant' @vagrant_user_private_key_path = './id_rsa' @xhci_enabled = 'off' @override = false @login_wait = 5 @cloud_init_enabled = false @cloud_init_conf = 'on' @cloud_init_dnsdomain = nil @cloud_init_password = nil @cloud_init_resolvers = nil @cloud_init_sshkey = nil @private_network = nil @firmware_type = 'compatability' @vm_type = 'production' @setup_method = nil @snapshot_script = '/opt/vagrant/bin/Snapshooter.sh' end end end end