%#-- %# Copyright protects this work. %# See LICENSE file for details. %#++ %|chapter "Setup" %|section "Requirements" Your system needs the following software to run <%= $project %>. | Software | Description | Notes | | -------- | ----------- | ----- | | [Ruby](http://ruby-lang.org) | Ruby language interpreter | Version 1.8.6, 1.8.7, and 1.9.1 have been tested successfully. | | [RubyGems](http://rubygems.org) | Ruby packaging system | Version 1.3.1 or newer is required. | %|section "Installation" You can install <%= $project %> by running this command: gem install <%= $program %> To check whether the installation was sucessful, run this command: <%= $program %> --version If the installation was successful, you will see output like this:
<%= verbatim `ruby bin/#{$program} --version` %>
If you do not see such output, you may <%= xref "License", "ask the author(s)" %> for help. %|section "Version numbers" <%= $project %> releases are numbered in *major.minor.patch* form according to the [RubyGems rational versioning policy](http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/7), which can be summarized thus:
What increased in the version number? The increase indicates that the release:
Is backward compatible? Has new features? Has bug fixes?
major No Yes Yes
minor Yes Yes Yes
patch Yes No Yes